241. 2011/05/05 I worked till a little before 4:00 a.m. and went to bed in the loft. I felt noises in my head had already become loud in the hours I worked in front of my computer and the desk attached to the wall of the next room. In a few minutes, several electric shocks came and I huffed a few times. I moved my head to the other end of the loft, to the middle of the room, and the attacks seemed to have become weaker. The place where my head was is right above my refrigerator in the kitchen. A little past 10:00 a.m., I was woken up by religious people ringing up my intercom. I tried to go back to sleep in vain―I do not remember whether this was because of attacks or not― and got up around 11:00.
I worked all day at home and went out in the evening for grocery shopping after dark. After I came back, the next door became noisy. I heard some people walking around loudly and a woman in heals walk quickly outside down to the next door and go in. I also heard loud car engine that sound like UFO hovering near ground came near my apartment building, drive away, and drive around in my neighborhood. (When I went out in the evening, a huge motorcycle came down to a corner in front of me, stopped with the engine on, stayed there while I pass, and loudly drove away when I was about 60 meters (20 feet) away from it. The noises are different, but I feel they share the same kind of evilness and violence.)
I have a feeling that I will be attacked more violently than usual when I go to bed tonight, so I will stay up working.
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