
Notes on the Killing of Osama bin Laden

I guess very few people expected that Obama would literally follow his campaign promise when he said, "I/We will kill Osama bin Laden." Though many might have felt a little bit uneasy with the strong expression and unconsciously corrected it, saying to themselves, “I/We will find Osama bin Laden and put him on trial.” Right? Same with me.

Also, when you heard the breaking news that bin Laden was killed in a raid by American soldiers, didn’t you first assume that they failed to catch him alive in gunfights? I did. And yes the news said something like that.

But, for some reason, it seems to me that everyone, whether delighted or pensive, soon intuitively knew deep inside, even before the correction of the news, that the killing of bin Laden was done as a “punishment.” Sorry if this is not the case with you, but it just seems this way to me.

Noam Chomsky: My reaction to Osama bin Laden’s death

The Revenge Killing of Osama bin Laden (Noam Chomsky)

Some Final Thoughts on the Death of Osama bin Laden (Michael Moore)

Why We Put Those Like Bin Laden on Trial (Michael Moore)

RAP NEWS 8: Osamacide - the truth about the Osama bin Laden operation

SEAL helmet cams recorded entire bin Laden raid (CBS Evening News)

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