
Class Supplement, TOEFL Integrated Writing, Sample Answer 6

Summarize the points in the lecture, making sure to point out specifically how he speaker challenges the points made in the text.

The professor denies the claim in the text that women are charged more than men because of sexism.

The text says that women are apt to buy cars without prior research and negotiation and thus tend to blindly accept asking price and extra charges. The text also says that mechanics take advantage of women’s lack of knowledge about cars and make them pay for unnecessary repair work. The professor says that targets of such business practices are not so much women as all kinds of vulnerable individuals regardless of gender and that it is not women but those immoral that are to blame.

The text proceeds to cite higher charges for services done to women in the area that women are familiar with. According to the text, women pay more than men for dry cleaning or haircut. The professor explains that women demand more work than men in these services and therefore they are charged correctly more than men. He reports that women’s white shirts require much greater time and care to dry-clean than men’s and that women spend more time for hairdo services than men. He says that considering the services given, women are actually paying less.

The professor rebuts the text’s claim that women are paid less than men for doing the same job, saying that women are paid the same amount if they are really doing the same job. He says that the fact is more women do low-paying jobs than men and that this lowers the average pay for women. He says there is no proof that women workers are paid less for the same work even when conditions are the same for their male counterparts other than their gender. (284 words)

第1段落: 経済的な女性差別に関するLectureのTextに対する立場の要約
第2段落: 車産業が女性に過剰請求をしているというTextの主張とLectureの反論
第3段落: クリーニング・整髪産業が女性に過剰請求しているというTextの主張とLectureの反論
第4段落: 男女の賃金格差に関するTextの主張とLectureの反論

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