Summarize the processor’s defense of utilitarianism, and show how far it meets the objections set out in the text passage.
Sample Answer:
The text concludes that utilitarianism is not in the mainstream anymore due to its defects, and the professor warns that complete disregard of it might not be a good idea. The professor counters objections against utilitarianism effectively by showing its viability in practical application.
In utilitarianism, what results in the greatest happiness for the greatest number is seen as the best action. The first objection to this moral philosophy is that happiness is difficult to define as there are various factors to measure happiness and they are difficult to quantify. The professor, however, says that it is possible to find a common denominator of the notion of happiness, through survey for example. The professor also points out the significance of applying utilitarianism, even without clear definition of happiness, in fundamental affairs in reality, such as supplying drinkable water to as many people as possible.
A second objection is that it is difficult for us to imagine what will happen as a result of an action and that in most cases we act before we think about the consequences. The professor says that, normally, people are concerned about consequences and hence take them into account before they act and usually find the best possible choice guided by common sense.
The last objection is about the weakness of the philosophy in dealing with complicated cases such as following the moral principle of telling the truth even though it will bring about nothing but bad consequences. If you follow the utilitarian theory, the logical conclusion in this case will be that telling the truth is bad and this is counterintuitive. The professor’s defense is that such cases are extremely rare, especially in the recent trend of religious practices in moderation. She also reminds that rigid honesty at the expense of others is despised in the real world regardless of principle. (307 words)
第1段落: Lectureの要約(Textに対する反論の程度)
第2段落: 幸福の定義の難しさに関するTextの主張とLectureの反論
第3段落: 結果予測の難しさに関するTextの主張とLectureの反論
第4段落: 複雑な事例(規範の遵守による不幸な結果と論理の矛盾等)の取り扱いに対する於ける脆弱さに関するTextの主張とLectureの反論
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