
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2012/06/13 (Mon) Wtb 1:45. Slpt fm 1:30-5:30-10:00  (4 + 4.5 hrs).
1:45 e-shocks to brain + fits

Had lessons at Yotsuya (17:00-20:40 ), left school around 21:30, got to my station around 22:30, bought food, and got home a little before 23:00.

Reacted aggressively to some nasty stares a few times. Also, I may have looked away from some people who did nothing wrong to me, but just walked toward my direction at a fast pace or were walking behind a person who was giving me a nasty stare. I want to stop doing this. I used to do this to because all that gathered around me but for rare exceptions were bad people and they used to do nasty things. I know I shouldn’t do this but before I know I react. I’m sorry for doing this to some nice people at Oshiage this afternoon. And I am sorry if I had done this to people who had done nothing to me.

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