
Class Supplement, TOEFL iBT Reading, Jupiter, Extra Task


You can infer that Jupiter has a lot of energy from Paragraph 5, Step 3. Lesson 5. Explain why in your own words based on the facts written in the test. 


1)    木星から放出される熱は、太陽光を受けた結果放出される熱よりも多い。従って、木星自体が熱を出していると考えられる。

“…Jupiter sends out more energy than it would do if it depended entirely upon what it receives from the sun.”


2)    木星の極地は赤道と気温がほぼ同じ。(極地=南極・北極は太陽光があまり当たらないので普通は寒い。)従って、木星自体が熱を出していると考えられる。

“… the equatorial and polar temperatures were found to be much the same, so that presumably the poles receive more than their fair share of heat from below.”


Your Answer:

Sample Answer:

The huge difference between the supposed low surface temperature of Jupiter in case of reflecting only the energy it receives from the sun and the actual high surface temperature of it shows that this planet has its own high temperature. Also, the little difference between the temperatures of its polar regions and the equator confirms that a lot of energy is coming out of Jupiter itself, for poles, which receive little sunshine, should be cold without other heat sources.

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