2012/05/09 (Thu) Wtb at 2:00 and 2:20.
Slept from 3:00-9:00 (6 hrs).
2:00 game/car-like noise (g/c) and wore
earmuffs and esb and got up
2:20 wtb again
2:25 2 esbs + funny feeling sin legs
esb (strong) when I was falling asleep
esb 8strong) when I was falling asleep
9:00 the noises in my head became loud and
wavy + g/c
-9:45 awake but stayed in bed
9:45 esb (strong ) + big fit of the right side of my whole body,
especially my right leg and feet and a shooo noise in the right brain
funny feeling in my teeth after I woke up
eyes flashy
Did laundry and left home around 14:30. Did
grocery shopping, marked essays and the fast food restaurant from 17:00 to
19:00, bought food, and got home a little before 19:30. Cooked for the soup
base for the next 6 or 7 days as usual.
I’ve got a new private class at Chofu for
every Thursday evening (16:00-17:20), starting tomorrow.
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