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Kerri Smith: It's been
called split brain surgery. Only 50 to a 100 people worldwide have had this
extreme procedure, which cuts the connection between the two sides of the
brain. It's a treatment for severe epilepsy for patients who've tried
everything else. The idea is to separate the two halves of the brain to contain
a seizure to one hemisphere. But what these patients probably didn't realize
was that their surgery would turn them into neuroscience celebrities. Mike
Gazzaniga, a neuroscientist at the University of California at Santa Barbara
has been studying split brain patients for five decades. Nature 483,
260–263 (15 March 2012)
Michael Gazzaniga: When
I started in the '60s there was a whole body of dramatic work that had been
carried out on animals, on cats, monkeys and it showed that quite literally if
your left hand did not know what the right hand was doing, that there was a
major breakdown in information between the hemispheres and that we were
beginning to figure out the actual pathways that were involved in particular
kinds of, you know, kind of perceptual and cognitive tasks. And so the thought
was 'is that going to be true for humans?'. It was hard to believe that the
left hand wouldn't know what the right hand was doing. So, what I mean by that
is that if I put an apple on your left hand and I ask you find the same thing
with your right hand, it's hard to even imagine you couldn't and yet that's the
case following hemisphere disconnection. The information from one side just
doesn't get over to the other. Just seeing some of the basic phenomenon is
riveting. And you're seeing the process of consciousness being articulated and
displayed in front of you and it's a very, very serious and sobering moment and
you're always drawn into the studies. It's anybody who isn't, has got a problem.
Michael Gazzaniga: I
remember 50 years ago, a patient came up to our labs at Caltech and brought him
into the testing room and I told him to fixate on a screen and then on the
screen I flashed various pictures to the right of where you fixate or to the
left where one fixates and everything to the right of fixation easily named
because that goes to the left-dominant speech hemisphere and everything to the
left of fixation was not named, so nothing happened. He didn't, he said, you
know, like what are you asking this question for because I didn't see
anything. He was not giving a spoken response, but then I said well point
anything you see and immediately the right hemisphere which could not say what
it saw immediately pointed on the screen to where objects appeared and then
when you get into more elaborate tests where you're trying to understand why the
person made particular responses and you challenge them why did you do that and
they start interpreting the world in a particular way to explain why their left
hand is doing something. That all, that gets into whole rich area that we've
studied over the years.
Michael Gazzaniga: That's
a really great question because I think as you go through the decades since the
beginning of the surgery, you didn't know where it was going, one didn't know
where it was going and then all of a sudden there would be a question that
would crystallize, so to say, what is in the future is a very hard thing to do.
I can tell you one of the issues that we're beginning to look at is whether the
hemisphere disconnection anyway impacts on social and moral judgments that we
make because there's new work out now about how we assign beliefs to ourselves
and to others and what parts of the brain are involved and because of that
knowledge what might happen if the brain is disconnected and we have some
preliminary studies which are interesting on that front. So, that would not
have been asked, it was not asked for 50 years and it comes out of a current
research that is going on in the field of social neuroscience that is quite
Brendan Borrell: The current
state-of-the-art is basically they take a bunch of the beans and they put them
in super high pressure hot carbon dioxide.
Geoff Marsh: But the big
challenge is to get rid of the caffeine and at the same time to preserve that
complex flavour and the general feeling is that no one's managed to do that
Brendan Borrell: There are
different species of coffee. We only drink two particular coffee species, what
you know, Robusta coffee is kind of a low quality coffee and Arabica is what
you're going to drink at your fancy coffee shop and both of those have pretty
high levels of caffeine, but there's about a hundred other species out there in
nature that you could potentially crossbreed that have lower levels of
caffeine. Then there's also the possibility there could be a mutant out there,
somewhere growing in somebody's farm or in one of these research stations like
the research station I visited.
Brendan Borrell: There's been
this long history of excitement and disappointment. Early on, researchers had
discovered some of these caffeine free plants and they thought it would just be
an easy solution as to start to breed them with commercially viable plants, but
coffee is just a very difficult plant to breed and also there's all these other
characteristics that you have to just keep in mind like the shape of the plant,
how many beans it' s producing and you know, one important attribute is that
the beans are like ripening at the same time, so that somebody can go through
and pick them off and coffee has also got really complicated genetics.
Brendan Borrell: Well, there's
been a kind of series of attempts to do that that did not always end up well. A
group from the University of Hawaii, they thought they had created a caffeine
free plant, but as the plants grew up, they ended up producing caffeine. People
now think they had cloned and inserted the wrong gene. Later some Japanese
researchers basically tried to do the same thing, but their plans are not
flowering and producing beans 10 years later, so they've run into some other
genetic roadblocks. And you know in this day and age many consumers are not
going to drink a genetically modified coffee. So it's kind of a pathway that is
not going to come to fruition anytime soon.
Brendan Borrell: If you look
at what's out there today there's basically three really strong contenders. The
number one are the mutant plants that originally came from Ethiopia and have
low caffeine and are currently being bred to be more commercially viable. There
is a second plant in Brazil where basically the researcher has taken a bunch of
coffee seeds and put them in a chemical that causes spontaneous mutations and
he found some of these plants are low caffeine and he is trying to work through
find that and the third possibility is somebody who has done a really funky
crazy hybrid of like three different coffee plants and they manage to get
pretty low caffeine levels. So those are all strong contenders.
Corie Lok: What killed
the big beasts that roamed the earth one hundred thousand years ago? The answer
to this question has been hotly debated for decades by scientists studying the
ancient megafauna such as the woolly mammoth and sabre tooth cats. Competing
theories have included climate change and hunting by humans. Now researchers at
the University of Cambridge have attempted to set all the debate. They modelled
extinctions on five different land masses running simulations that included
climate data along with thousands of plausible combinations of human arrival
and species extinction times. The combination that first predicted the timing
of any given extinction included both climatic and human factors. The study was
published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Nature
483, 249 (15 March 2012)
This other paper that we liked looked at a
type of seismic wave that is responsible for the worst damage seen during
earthquakes. It seems that the velocity of these shear waves is reduced by
rainy weather. Researchers in Colorado analyzed the average velocity of shear
waves in nearly a 112,000 earthquakes recorded over ten years in Japan. They
found that the velocities were lower than normal three months after a major
nearby earthquake. In Southern Japan shear waves were also slower during rainy
summers. The scientists think that the rain water soaking the ground increases
fluid pressure which slows down the propagation of shear wave. The research is
from the Journal Geophysical Research. Nature 483, 248 (15
March 2012)
Kerri Smith: Looks can be
deceiving, take the Acorn worm, it's a lowly sand burrowing creature without
much of a brain just a rudimentary system of nerves but it's offering important
clues about the evolution of much more complex vertebrate brains. Acorn worms
and other hemichordates branched off the evolutionary tree from chordates the
group that include vertebrates more than 500 million years ago. Surprisingly
developing acorn worms activate the same molecular programs that help form the
big complex brains of vertebrates. Ewen Callaway spoke to Chris Lowe at
Stanford University in California.
Chris Lowe: There are
different approaches where you can study by an evolution. One is the local
morphology of the brain. We look in to neurons, we can look into the actual
morphological structures of the brain and then the more recent approach is to
understand the brain evolution is to look at the molecules that are actually
involved that the genes are actually involved in setting up the major regions
of the brain. You think of brain as an analogy as a house, the genes are kind
of the scaffolding. And so what we did was to look at an animal that belongs to
the phylum called hemichordates. If you look at their nervous system,
morphologically looks really different from an vertebrate brain and yet if you
look at those molecular scaffolding molecules they are really involved in
setting up the main structures of vertebrate brain. Our study showed that there
was an unexpected degree of concordance in a way that that scaffolding was
setup during the development of this animal and the vertebrates. And in many
ways it showed more similarities with the vertebrates and then some of the
elements of amphioxus and tunicate brains.
Ewen Callaway: What are they
using these molecular scaffolds for? They don't have complicated brains I mean
what do you think they're doing with them?
Chris Lowe: So that's a
very good question that's one we are trying to think a lot about. In our
studies where we actually manipulated these scaffolds, so these genetic tools
you can use to interfere with the formation of these scaffolds. For the most
part what we found is that it seems that the scaffolding is not just involved
in nervous system formation but involved in the general patterning of the
entire body and so they seemed to be deployed at the boundaries of the
vertebrate brains, so they were important in defining the main regions of the
brain and during vertebrate development. And when we look at these boundary
forming scaffolds in a hemichordate they seemed to be deployed at the
boundaries between some of the major anatomical divisions of the body. So, when
I introduced the animal, the acorn worm, and it has its large proboscis that is
involved in digging and feeding and then that's give rise to the middle region
of the body and it's between that boundary of the proboscis in the middle
region that one of the key signalling centres and is deployed. So it suggests
that it may be involved in not just in nervous system patterning but also
perhaps in dividing the body.
Chris Lowe: The part of
the scaffold that we're talking about, are clearly key components of the
development of the vertebrate brain. What we're saying is that they weren't the
key innovations made on in vertebrate brain evolution, they were incorporated
from a previous existing structure,during the development of the vertebrate
brain but they weren't assembled at the base of the vertebrate say are much
more ancient than that. So I am not saying that these centres are not
importance of vertebrate brain evolution quite contrary the very key but it's
very difficult with our current understanding to really identify what were the
key changes that rose the expansion of the vertebrate brain. And I think many
of those findings have definitely come from looking within the bottom, looking
within the chordate but also some of the clues have come from the very early
vertebrates that man stopped the lineage of vertebrates and before going for
very big.
Richard Van Noorden: This
is the interesting finding that many animals that eat meat. Carnivores have
completely lost their ability to take sugars. We already knew apparently, I
didn't know but apparently we did already know that cats cannot taste the
difference between sugar water and normal water and nor can tigers and nor can
cheetahs and they all have mutation in their gene that renders their sweet
taste receptor completely inactive.
Richard Van Noorden: They've
lost it exactly, there's no selection pressure, there's no need for them to
taste sugar because their diet does not really include vegetables which is the
main source of sugar and it turns out that this trend is actually wider than we
thought. There's a study published this week in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences. This is a team from the Monell Chemical
Senses Centre in Pennsylvania and they went and looked at as well other
carnivores, sea mammals, hyenas, dolphins and they found that in many of these
animals as well, they also couldn't taste sugars and again they had a broken
copy of this gene.
Richard Van Noorden: Well,
what was interesting was that although they all have this mutated gene, they
didn't have the same mutations. So that suggests that they independently lost
their ability to detect sugars. This is a kind of example of convergent
evolution and the team also found that some of the carnivores have lost their
ability to taste other flavours. So bottle nose dolphins and sea lions, they
can't taste the (21.26) savoury flavour that is mono sodium glutamate flavour
and dolphins also can't taste bitter compounds and again probably because they
just don't need to, there's no advantage and so when the genes goes wrong
there's no disadvantage. Dolphins really just swallow things whole. So they
have very few taste buds.
Richard Van Noorden: Well,
it turns out that some carnivores can still taste sugars and there's one called
the insect-eating aardwolf which is a name I love. It's very closely related to
the hyena and it can still taste sugars and of course omnivorous meat eaters
who eat a little vegetables like the spectacle bear. They can still taste sweet
food. But really what this study is showing overall is that feeding ecology is
really a major force shaping the evolution of taste.
発電ナメクジ、発電ゴキブリ、発電ネズミ等々。 血中の糖分を燃料にする生物燃料電池の研究が進んでいる。サイボーグや心臓のペースメーカーの動力源として応用。ただし、電球1個をともすのにナメクジ1000万匹が必要。
Richard Van Noorden: These
guys are incredible, so just think normal brown garden snails crawling around
in a sort of plastic box of moss in a lab, but they have a super power, they
can produce electricity. So, this is work from Evgeny Katz in New York and it
seems implanted tiny biofuel cells into the snails and the biofuel cells run on
the glucose and oxygen in the snail's blood. So when you hook-up the electrodes
to an external circuit you get electricity and the snails live quite happily
for half a year and every time they were hooked up you could get the
electricity out again.
Richard Van Noorden: It
is amazing and what's even more amazing maybe is that snails are just the
latest creature to be electrified like this. Just last month some reporters led
by Daniel Scherson, Western Reserve University in Cleveland, they reported
doing this in cockroaches and we've also had biofuel cells implanted into
beetles and that work hasn't come out yet but it is from the University of
California, Berkeley and just a few years ago we also had a slightly different
kind of biofuel cells implanted into rats.
Richard Van Noorden: Well,
it's going towards two very different practical areas. So for many years the
Department of Defence in America has funded ideas to try and make effectively
living cyborgs, insects with electronic circuits within them that allow them to
sense chemical or something about their environment and an antenna that lets
them send this information by radio signal. But these have been using very
bulky batteries which will obviously run out and the point of a fuel cell is
you're tapping into the creature's own metabolism, You'll never run short of
fuel because the snail or the cockroach itself is just eating more food. So
that's the idea on that side of things, the real limitation there's how much
power can you actually get and from the snail you could only get microwatts of
power. Now that isn't enough, probably hundreds of microwatts is definitely
enough to send back a radio signal, Scherson says he has already done in
cockroaches but there are still imitations here. Completely on the other side,
the work in rats comes with the idea of implanting biofuel cells into ourselves
in to humans in order to run things like pacemakers from the glucose and oxygen
in our own blood.
Richard Van Noorden: Well
that's an interesting one, so a snail can produce about 7 microwatts at peak,
of course the fuel cells are quite small so that's why, so that would mean 7
microwatts, so that would mean a million snails would be 7 watts and 10 million
snails would be 70 watts, which is about what your light bulb is. Incidentally
one human puts out of about 80 watts a day, so one human would also be one
light bulb, so 10 million snails.
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