2011/03 (Tur) Slept from 3:30-10:30 (7 hrs) Electric shocks that felt like sucking my brain continued for a long time, probably through the first half of my sleep. I put an LED bulb in my right ear. There were no shocks that made me see flashes, at least none that I remember. Although the game/car-blast-like noise hurt my ears when I went to bed, I did not put on earmuffs because, whenever I do so, the shocks between my ears feels stronger.
Went out to the station coffee shop to work in the late afternoon. I realized that unlike before staying out of my apartment room is better than staying in it now. Till very recently, even though I went out escaping from my annoying neighbor, the harassment I encountered outside were also unbearable. But now at least in that coffee shop I can spend time without being offended most of the time.
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