2011/11/18 (Fri) Slept from 1:30-5:30 + 5:40-11:40 (4 + 6 hrs). Feeling of concussion and funny feeling in teeth before going to bed after using PC and watching the YouTube animal videos for about 20 minutes. Remembering that an aluminum bowl stopped the funny feeling while cooking in the evening, I tried a large thick stew pot when going to bed. The pot covered the upper half of my head. I felt shocks but I felt that they did not hit the center of my brain. Also, I had no fits or at least do not remember having fits. Even very strong shocks did not cause me see geometric patterns or flashes, which often accompany strong shocks.
I remember I was snoring in the middle of the sleep between 1:30 and 5:30. A noise that sounded like a game/car woke me up around 5:30. Went to the bathroom and took a cold medicine and went to sleep again. And I fell asleep in no time, although I felt very strong shocks. One of them and the first one came below and hit my right ear, which was under my head – I was sleeping sideways, with the right hand side down.
I had a very sound sleep in both cycles, and felt good when woke up and all day. I am starting to have the funny feelings in my head again now, after typing in this record.
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