Supersonic/Electronic weapon and long term harassment for unknown reasons by a large indefinite number of people
164. 2010/10/24 Woken up around 3:30 a.m. by some gggggggg noise from Room 202, which left funny feelings in my ear drums and the sound in my head waving in very small frequency cicles. Friday night (2010/10/22-23), I slept around 2 + 2 hours. Got home around 11:00 p.m. and went to bed around 12:30. Too alert to sleep until 2:00, when got the electric shock in the head just when I started falling asleep. Switched my head position on to the side table, locating my head further from Room 202. Electric shock started coming to head, hands, legs, some causing twitches. (I know that perception cannot be 100 % objective, but it is certain to me that these feelings and sensations come from outside of me. These things do not happen when I am outside of my room., and rarely when I am awake. At 4:20 ggggg sound woke me up and I put earmuffs on. Lay awake thinking and maybe slept a little and soon woken up by a big GGGGG noise at 7:30 a.m. Tried to sleep again but a sensation like an air gun shot between my ears kept coming. Took off earmuffs and may be slept a while. Woke up at 10:00 a.m. Felt like a zombie all day. Dragged my feet sometimes.
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