2011/10/30 (Sun)
I have had a cold all week. On the 25th , I had a slight fever (36.9 C) and a sore throat. Because of the medication from the local hospital, I slept rather longer hours in total on weekdays, although the numbers of electric attacks did not decrease, except for Friday night, when electric shocks kept coming all night, causing fit of my whole body. A noise which sound like a game/car-blast was heard every nigh and almost all night.
On the 26th (Wed), when I was taking a nap after taking the cold medicine, a beam-like sensation came to my upper lip and at the same time it had a fit. Also, electric shocks kept coming to my head. Funny feeling to my brain which is the same as I experience when I am doing the dishes, started when I started working on my writing class answers, so I left home and worked at the station coffee shop, where the funny feeling did not come.
This morning, I realized that it is exactly when I start washing the kitchen cloth that the funny feeling starts coming.
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