
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/10/22 (Sat) Slept from 2:30-9:30 (7 hrs). Tired all day. Eyes flashy. So tired that went fell asleep without eating dinner although having drank two cups of milk.

2011/10/23 (Sun) Slept from 0:00-3:30 and 4:30-10:30 (3.5 + 6 hrs). Electric shocks to my head when falling asleep first. Low but bothering noise all night and morning. Noises in my head loud and wavy when I woke up around 3:30 and 10:30. Funny feelings in my teeth and brain when doing the dishes after breakfast.

After concentrating for 20 mins or so, I noticed that I have started having that funny feelings in my teeth and head, which is rushing me out of my room. The noises in my head was loud and wavy but became quieter when I have finished typing this record (16:35) I’m going out anyway because I need to finish some work which needs concentration (marking a mock test answers).

At the coffee shop I took refuge from the strange feeling I get at home, I also experiences the same sensation after spending time for a couple of hours there. I stayed there for about three hours to finish work and did some grocery shopping in town, after which the sensation became lighter.

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