
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 Good Science and Bad Science-partly rewritten)

主題: 科学が偽科学と異なる点は主に1)論理的整合性がある 2)理論と根拠の一致の確認が厳しい 3)常に修正される であり、科学は真実に近づこうとする姿勢を常に崩さない。
本文該当箇所 1) internally consistent 2) accord with the evidence 3) always provisional and can always be improved / the key to the replacement of one explanation by another is the systematic collection of extensive data that bear on the matter / to search for reasons not to believe, to seek evidence that does not fit

問1 筆者は「良い科学」の3つの特徴を説明しています。それらは何ですか?
考え方 要約問題は、本文が(難しい語・回りくどい表現を使っていても)「要するに何を言っているのか」をつかみ、シンプルに言い換える。 内容が理解できていることを示すことが重要。
解答のポイント例 1) flawless in logic 2) supported by objective evidences which have gone through thorough and strict tests 3) in pursuit of the truth, never stops doubting itself by readily correcting mistakes, methodically accumulating as much data as possible, and constantly exposing theories to attempts to disprove them

問2 筆者は、近代的化学的医療は「伝統的」医療より明らかに良いと考えています。あなたは筆者に賛成ですか反対ですか?理由は何ですか?
考え方 論点を明示する。根拠・具体例は個人的体験より一般的に知られているもの(=読み手と共有される知識)のほうが説得力が増す(=読み手が納得しやすい)。
本文該当箇所 In contrast, alternative therapies such as faith-healing, acupuncture or magno-therapy are rarely tested; the personal experience of the practitioner, supported by a few anecdotes of miracle cures, is taken to be sufficient to establish effectiveness. Such testing as takes place is never double-blind, and thus the possibility that nay perceived benefits result from a placebo effect is never eliminated. 対照的に、信仰療法や針治療、磁気治療はめったに試験されない。奇跡的治癒数例によって裏付けられた開業医の個人的体験が効用を確立するのに十分だとされる。 Again we can see the point if we contrast the reliance of medical science on experimental proof with the reliance of alternative therapies on tradition. In the world of Bachian flower remedies, Feng Sui and Shiatsyu massage, that something has been done for centuries (preferably in a culture untainted by modernity) establishes its validity. 再び、医療科学が実験的証拠に頼るのと代替医療が伝統に頼るのを対比すればこの点(科学は常に修正し続けることにより真実に近づく)が理解できる。バチアンの花療法や風水、指圧の世界では何世紀間も(好ましくは近代性に汚されていない文化で)行われてきたということが有効性を確立する。
解答のポイント例 YES:No one in his right mind would try alternative medicine before consulting a doctor of conventional medicine when he/she has a chest pain, which shows that people instinctively know that modern scientific medicine is safer and more reliable than “traditional” medicine. / Although not free from problems, you can at least regard modern science as the most advanced form of alchemy and so there is no considering traditional medicine as good as or better than modern scientific medicine. / Science saves a dying person and prevents diseases from breaking out. Just as alchemy cannot produce gold, traditional medicine cannot provide heart surgery or produce vaccine.
NO: Man is a both physical and mental existence. The placebo effect, which is scientifically proven and taken seriously of, is the evidence that body is influenced by psychological factors. Traditional medicine is an approach to diseases through psychological cannels. / Some Chinese medicine has been proven its effect through scientific testing and supplements modern medicine. Therefore, it cannot always be said that modern scientific medicine is “obviously” better than alternative medicine.

問3 あなたの生活(人生)に最も重要な変化をもたらした近代科学技術による発明は何ですか?理由を述べてください。 
考え方 「最も重要な変化」とあるので考え方や生き方を変えたり大切なものに重大な影響を与えた近代科学技術を考えてみる。注 なぜ重要な変化なのか説明し忘れないようにする。
解答のポイント例 1 ) personal computers and the Internet = easy access to almost unlimited resource of information / easier and quicker problem solving / downloading and uploading official documents or shopping and selling at home / changes in communication ➝ better quality of life = fundamental change in life = the most important change in life 2) vaccine and antibiotics = They have saved lives of sickly children who otherwise might have died before five and I was one of them

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