
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 Extra Material, Social Media, sample answers)

1. This passage was written around 1930. The author says, “Social intercourse may be expected to develop more and more along these lines, and it may be hoped that by these means the loneliness that now afflicts so many unconventional people will be gradually diminished almost to vanishing point.” Has this prediction come true? If so, how?

I think the author’s prediction that it will become easier to find mates sharing the same tastes and ideas and those with new ideas who are usually the target of bullying in a traditional society will suffer less as technology develops and makes it possible to contact souls living far away has come true, especially since the advent of the Internet, which provides opportunities to contact and bond with people across the world.

2. Has social media such as SNS increased the “fear of public opinion”?

Unfortunately, social media is a double edged sward and has increased the fear of public opinion. Compared to the era of newspapers, the speed and scale of the information circulation is exponential. A rumor can be literally shared by people all over the world in a second. Also, what is transmitted is not only words and pictures but also video and sound; hence, egregious harassments which were unthinkable before keep ruining the lives of targets, many of whom commit suicides. Moreover, anonymity protected by the system has increased the possibility of anyone becoming victims. Therefore, few can be indifferent to scapegoating now.

3. The author says that doing what you really want to do will lead to real happiness and, in turn, tolerance to others with different tastes and opinions. Do you think globalization of communication will contribute to this process?

I doubt that globalization of communication will liberate people mentally and make them more open-minded. You can lead a horse to the river but cannot force it to drink. In this flood of information, Neo-Nazis, KKK, violent right-wingers, or Islamic extremists still exist, often increasing in their numbers. Faith often inhibits natural respect to others. Also, there seem to be individuals whose real pleasure is inflicting pain on others, even though I understand Russell says these people are also oppressed and liberate their mind by listening to the true voice of their heart. I think technology will contribute to freeing the mind of only those who are ready.

4. What aspects of society other than friend-making and bullying has social media had its influence on?

♦mass movements of huge scale (e.g. Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street)
♦decentralization of information management (e.g. WikiLeaks, spread of information through Twitter and Facebook before official announcement, blogs supplementing or replacing editorials and Op-Ed, new business opportunities for individuals and small businesses)
♦grass-roots relief operations and researches (e.g. the Great East Japan Earthquake victims and radiation level researches, data collection)

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