
Help! Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

214. 2011/03/19 I try not assume things about this phenomenon, what I call supersonic/electronic assaults, but, as I mentioned before, the hours, frequency, and harshness of assaults are more serious the night or nights before I have classes to teach or tests the next day. Yesterday, I had emergency substitution for a native English speaker’s vocabulary class and I was sleep deprived. Today, the same. I am going to teach a native speaker’s TOEIC listening class before my regular class for a person who is taking an annual break and I am heavily sleep deprived. The people who know my schedule are quite limited: the people of the school I work for and, assumingly, the people in the rooms next to and down my room if they are breaking into my room during my absence (this, I do not and don’t want to believe, but just as possibility. Just from the fact that there have been times that carpets smelled like man’s foot over these years..

Last night, the assaults were very strong and caused big fits many times when I was falling asleep although I was tired enough to become asleep in spite of them. I slept 3.5 hours and woken up by electric shocks and noise. The noise was not loud but caused pains in my ear drums and so I put ear plugs and as usual, the shocks got stronger and happened between ears. This has been going on for more than five years including the cause of disturbances were noises only―electric shocks started about four years ago.

Over the past few or several days, I have always had the feeling of after-concussion in the back and center of my head. I have felt only a part of my brain working for a long time, and the last few or several months I have had a feeling that those parts that have not been working for a long time have died.

Help me, someone with conscience, please.


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