
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

218. 2011/03/24 Another day of milder assaults. Rather played down, but strong enough to cause fits of my hands and body, electric shocks kept me awake for30-60 minutes after I went to bed a little past midnight last night. I woke up/was woken up around 5:00 a.m. and was prevented from falling asleep for about 1-2 hours. After that, being disturbed by electric shocks once in a while, I slept till woken up by a shock on the right shoulder in the same as yesterday, in its weird gentleness, around10:00 a.m.., being disturbed by electric shock one in a while. At one point between 5 -10 o’clock, a chuckle-like cough was heard from the loft space in the next room, or more precisely, from the space in MY loft that is closed with a wall and a closet. It was neutral in sex and age, at least not like that of an old man, although it sounded immature and cold. If there was a devil, it would have been the sound of the chuckle of a contented devil.
1. Last Sunday, I wrote to an old acquaintance explaining this phenomenon and asking for help.
2. Two or three days ago, I said to the person or people behind the wall, “Why don’t you make me hear your voice? You are the one I know, aren’t you?”

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