
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

211. 2011/03/11 A strong hit on the head when falling asleep around midnight. Woken up around 2:30 a.m. by computer-game-like noise, studied for an hour, tried to sleep while being disturbed by attacks on the head. Right before finally falling asleep again, hands put on my stomach were lifted/or rose a few times by electric shocks. Woke/woken up again around 8:30 a.m. Had revved-up flashlight like light inside my eyes, sounds in my head loud and wavy. Stayed in bed for a while and a shock made me huff. Got up around 9:00. A feeling of concussion/sensation like having been hit on the head all night. I push my upper and lower jaws strongly but I do not feel that I have done it enough, the same feeling as you sometimes have that you do not get the satisfaction of yarning for some reason when you yarn.

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