
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

213. 2011/03/17 Slept straight 5.5 hours. Electric shocks when falling asleep and woke/woken up and trying to sleep again until I gave up and got up. After working onmy PC for hours and stood up, I heard an electric noise which was flat, continuous horn-like sound. Had a sensation like concussion after that.

2011/03/18 Slept 5.5 hours straight. Strong electric shocks to my head, many of which causing rather big fits. When woke/woken up, I felt something like magnetic field going through my head and the noises in my head were loud. The thing is as if the magnetic field had been almost all through the night, and when there was a change of power in the magnetic field, I felt the shocks and had fits. A slight feeling of concussion or feeling of having been hit on ( actually rather in) the head.

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