211. 2011/03/11 A strong hit on the head when falling asleep around midnight. Woken up around 2:30 a.m. by computer-game-like noise, studied for an hour, tried to sleep while being disturbed by attacks on the head. Right before finally falling asleep again, hands put on my stomach were lifted/or rose a few times by electric shocks. Woke/woken up again around 8:30 a.m. Had revved-up flashlight like light inside my eyes, sounds in my head loud and wavy. Stayed in bed for a while and a shock made me huff. Got up around 9:00. A feeling of concussion/sensation like having been hit on the head all night. I push my upper and lower jaws strongly but I do not feel that I have done it enough, the same feeling as you sometimes have that you do not get the satisfaction of yarning for some reason when you yarn.
2011/03/12 Tried to sleep on the floor, not in the loft, since there was a mega-earthquake today, but gave up because strong beam-like electric shocks attacked me in the head. After experiencing the shocks three times, I took my futon up to the loft. There, I also experienced shocks but rather weaker. Slept 4+ 1 hours before going to work in the after noon.
2011/03/13 4 + 4 hours of sleep. A few electric shock-like sensations on the head, some of which caused fit of my hand that was, together with a warmer, between my lower thighs closed tight. Took a 3-4 hour nap in the late afternoon. When falling asleep, a shock that felt like curbing my brain occurred and I think I heard, or more precisely felt the vibe of, some chuckles behind the wall of my loft. A few more shocks as I remember occurred before I completely fell asleep.
2011/03/14 Lots of electric shocks all over my body when falling asleep around 2:00 a.m. Woke/woken up after 3 hours of sleep, worked, tried to sleep for an hour in vain because of incessant electric shocks, one of which made my jaws shut suddenly clashing my teeth, and gave up sleeping again.
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