
TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Drills 1) Most people are good people. 2) Most kitchen goods are actually unnecessary.

Drill 1  Which of the answers below is less appropriate as a response to the following statement? How can you improve it? Statement: Most people are good people.


Answer A: When I was younger, I thought that everybody was a good person, but many things have happened, and I do not think so anymore. First, my best friend in my grade school betrayed me. She told my secret to my classmates, and I was bullied because of the story she told them to please them. Next, my teacher joined the bullying and made fun of me. He never tried to protect me. Finally, when I went to the principal and told her what had happened to me, my teacher told her that I was a liar, and she believed him. It was shocking, and I will never trust anyone. People are evil and cruel.

Answer B: Though there are some exceptions, I think most people are good people. One evidence is public safety. This world is full of potentially dangerous things that could be used as a weapon, such as knives or baseball bats, but most people do not use them to harm others even when they are furious. Crimes, frauds, and corruptions become news because they are rare, though serious. When a person we trust betrays us, we despair. However, this is because betrayal seldom occurs. If it were common, we would take it in stride, as we do it with a one-way love. Thus, we can be rest assured that most people are fundamentally good-natured.


Drill 2  Discuss the following statement, and write your answer, giving reasons, giving examples. Most kitchen goods are actually unnecessary.

Use expressions below.

感情・判断 that .「…で感情・判断だ。」S is sad/worried/unhappy/extremely disappointed that….

のものもあれば、~のものもある」Some , while/whereas/but others .

While/Whereas some…, others .    Some …. On the other hand, others .

Hints for Points: dishwasher, blender, reamer, long chopsticks, all kinds of pots and pans/knives/scoops/turners, kitchen mittens, measuring spoons, maintenance that takes more time than using a simple utensil, plastic and metals, make cooking and dining enjoyable














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