
TOEFL iBT. Independent Writing, What would you choose to learn about the future?  - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Imagine that you had the power to know one thing about the future. What would you choose to learn and why? Offer specific reasons and details to support your choice.

Let’s Think
1)    In the Sci-fi classic, Back to the Future, one of the characters, accidentally visiting the future with the main character, gets a copy of almanac to get some future information in gambling and tries to get rich. The main character, on the other hand, tries to fix his family bond. Which character do you sympathize?
2)    What is your main concern about the future? Here are some keys for your response:
I would like to know about the future related to
the environments: climate change, nuclear wars, etc.
world: geopolitical map, the gap between the rich and the poor, etc.
economy: next financial meltdown, etc.
medicine: highly-sophisticated medical technology, etc.
culture: fashion, language, food, etc.
life: the future outlook of my country, the day I die, etc.
3)    What makes you concerned about it?
4)    How would knowing about it benefit you?

Hints for Points
1.    Will my favorite species have gone extinct in the future?
2.    How do future humans/animals/plants look?
3.    Will the energy policy go well?
4.    Will the world be governed by a few extremely rich people?
5.    Will an economic system free from depressions have been established?
6.    What kind of music will the future people be listening to?
7.    Will baseball still be played in the future?
8.    Will we be having “natural” human relationships in the future?
9.    Will Japan be more internationalized?
10.  How long will I live?

Essay Structure
Sample 1
IntroductionIf I had the power to know one thing about the future, I would like to know if the number of psychopaths will increase in the future because it seems to me to be related to the end of our species.
What is psychopath?Psychopathy is a mainly congenital disorder that shows lack of empathy.
My concern It seems that psychopaths will prevail in number because they can do anything without qualms. If so, treatment and education methods for them need to be developed as soon as possible.
Counterargument-treatmentA scientific experiment in a form of a game showed that people who easily deceive and betray others for their own good do well at first but not necessarily win because of the defense or offence given later by the people they had cheated. However, this would not always apply to reality as there are cases in which the first attack is fatal.
ConclusionBiology and cultural anthropology tell us species with sociality will thrive. In the Darwinian sense, psychopaths might well thrive in the future and end the history of mankind. Therefore, I would like to see the result and do something for it if necessary if I could.

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment
Conclusion = Wrap-up

Sample Paragraph Development
Main IdeaIt seems that psychopaths will prevail in number because they can do anything with no qualm. If so, treatment and education methods for them need to be developed as soon as possible.
ExplanationIt is said that psychopaths lie about and even kill others to get what they want without guilt. Many are attractive, intelligent people, so that people around them do not notice their problem. There are psychopaths even among people with respectable occupations such as CEOs, lawyers, or surgeons. Since successful people have more chances to leave offspring, this trait of theirs will be more likely to be passed down. Moreover, as children of rich families are more likely to survive in competition, this trait will be augmented in our species.
Detail in GeneralSuch humane feelings as trust, sympathy, or mercy will be rare. Psychopaths take advantage of these feelings of others relentlessly. I suspect that in the beginning of our history, we had fewer of them than now, and through the mechanism of the survival of the fittest, we have attained the current rate of one out of four or five. Culture has the power to contain anti-social behavior, but, based on materialism, the culture spreading around the world now seems to not just lack this power but promote this behavior. The future will be a paradise for psychopaths. In the future, psychopaths can kill each other and humankind can see its own demise.
Specific DetailFor example, a psychopathic ruler can attack a country in the Middle East just for his own interest and be retaliated by a psychopathic ruler who happened to be looking for an excuse to attack some country to make up for his past lie, triggering the world nuclear war. Psychopaths never care about those who will die or be injured. They never fear committing genocide.
Follow-upIt is said that there is no cure for psychopathic personality, but science has made impossible possible in the past. Also, as all the humans are descendants of the past survivors, we all might well have more or less of the disposition.
Wrap-upPsychopaths’ problem is all humans’ problem.
【説明】サイコパスは罪悪感なしに他人について嘘をつき欲しいものを得るために人を殺しさえすると言われている。 多くが魅力的で知的な人なので周りの人は彼らの問題に気付かない。最高経営責任者や弁護士、外科医の様な立派な職業の人の中にさえサイコパスがいる。成功者は子を残す可能性がより高いので、彼らのこの形質はより受け継がれそうだ。さらには裕福な家庭の子供はより競争で生き残りそうなので、この形質は私たちの種の中で増加するだろう。

Your Sample Paragraph Development
Main Idea


Detail / Example in general

More Specific Detail / Example



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