2011/10/30 (Sun)
I have had a cold all week. On the 25th , I had a slight fever (36.9 C) and a sore throat. Because of the medication from the local hospital, I slept rather longer hours in total on weekdays, although the numbers of electric attacks did not decrease, except for Friday night, when electric shocks kept coming all night, causing fit of my whole body. A noise which sound like a game/car-blast was heard every nigh and almost all night.
On the 26th (Wed), when I was taking a nap after taking the cold medicine, a beam-like sensation came to my upper lip and at the same time it had a fit. Also, electric shocks kept coming to my head. Funny feeling to my brain which is the same as I experience when I am doing the dishes, started when I started working on my writing class answers, so I left home and worked at the station coffee shop, where the funny feeling did not come.
This morning, I realized that it is exactly when I start washing the kitchen cloth that the funny feeling starts coming.
Class Supplement (上智国際教養 1)
ノートの取り方 注意事項
☆ノートの目的 ①内容の整理 ②記憶の補足
☆実際の授業のつもりでノートを取る ポイントとキーワードをつかむ
☆構成・流れが分かるように書く 段落の主題(キーワード)→ 具体例
☆細かすぎる情報はメモしない(Lee Whorfの経歴等)
Reading 各段落の要旨(ノート例 注 実際は英語)
1. ヒトの言語―象徴的、学習によって身につく 〈例〉dog≠現実の「犬」
2. 言語の象徴性の力 〈例〉差別用語
3. 無限の柔軟性 ● 意味の変化〈例〉nice ● 流行語の変化〈例〉スラング、専門用語
4. 言語には文法(set of rules)がある
方言―ある言語の変形 地域の方言、社会集団の方言 〈例〉米黒人英語
5. 手話も言語の一種―文法(standardized rules)があるから
6. pidgin(混成語/通商用語)―母国語が異なる者の意思疎通の為の言語
● ヨーロッパ言語+現地語、● ヨーロッパ言語以外のpidgin
7. Creole―pidginが正式の言語になったもの
8. 2言語公用語(Creole+宗主国言語) 相手・状況によって使い分け
9. 方言と社会階級 〈例〉ロンドン
1. 言語の思考過程への影響―20世紀前半過度に重視
2. 〈例〉色彩区分 文化により分け方が違う
3. 英語とナイジェリア言語の比較→文化が見る色を決める
経済技術向上→色語彙増 環境の変化→文化・言語の変化
メモ: 赤道に近づくほど青と緑の区別無し
4. 語彙はその文化の関心事を反映〈例〉カナダ北西部インディアンの「雪」13種
5. 性別による用語数の違い 〈例〉知っている色の名前 女性多 服装―色の違い重要
6. 言語と世界観の関係 〈例〉耳の聞こえない殺人犯―妄想が手話
etic: 外部から見た(研究者の文化の「現実のカテゴリー分け」で分析した)文化
emic: 内部から見た(その文化の「現実のカテゴリー分け」で分析した)文化
Lecture Transcript 各段落の要旨(ノート例 注 実際は英語)
1. 言語とコミュニケーション
2. 言語を使って思考―ものの見方を言語が規定 Sapir-Whorf理論
3. Whorf―engineer, 言語に関心, 産業火災の専門家
4. Blazing Icicles 産業火災予防の言語学的解釈
5. ―“empty”の2義性(元の内容物がない、何も入っていない)による誤解
● inflammable「引火性」―in(否定の接頭辞)による誤解
6. ● spun limestone―stone「石」による誤解
7. Sapir-Whorf理論―言語が認識を規定―strong versionとweak version
strong version―[言語→思考] George Orwell「1984」
8. 国語が思想統制の道具
weak version―[言語⇆思考]
9. Whorfの論証―(1)語彙
Eskimo「雪」を表す語 多(Whorf 100語、Boas 4語)→雪の見方 異
10. 雪の状態別に名前
11. ≪反証≫実際は語形変化 15語前後(英語もほぼ同数)
12. 英語にない語● ブラジルsaudade
13. ● ドイツ語Schadenfreude(「いい気味」の意味)
14. Whorfの論証―(2)文法
● Hopi族の言語 時制無し(Whorf)―時間観念の違い
15. ≪反証≫時制に相当する validity marker(事実・推量・仮定)の存在
16. ● Yucatec Mayaの言語 numeric classifier―
17. 物の形状を表す語―物の見方異なる
18. Sapir-Whorf理論批判
Pinker (1)根拠に誤り (2)言語がなくても思考は存在する
19. 性別と言語(言語と思考の相互作用)
女性語 rapport 調和 〈例〉back-channel(あいづち)
20. 〈例〉語尾上げ
21. 男性語 report 直接的 〈例〉依頼表現(男性-直接的、女性-間接的)
22. 〈例〉hedge(ぼかし表現)
23. 飛行機墜落事故―原因: 翼の氷結
24. 副操縦士の警告が間接表現-不十分な意思表明
25. 直接表現を使用-事故回避の可能性
26. メタファー(隠喩)―思考・行動を決定
● [時は金なり] → [時間=物]という思想
27. 時間を物として扱う行動
● [議論=戦い]
28. 言語と前提の設定 (立てる前提によって使う言葉が決まっている)
●「奥さんを殴るのは止めましたか?」(答えようがない質問 前提: あなたは奥さんを殴る人)
29. ● 教授が生徒レベルに前提をたてて授業をしたら…
● 社交・政治と前提 〈例〉仲間内だけの冗談-仲間意識
30. まとめ Sapir-Whorf理論
strong versionよりweak versionが妥当
Writing Questions
答え方 1.問いを確認 2.reading/listeningの関連事項のメモをチェック 3.問いに沿って解答 注 Reading/Listeningの関連事項をできるだけ使う=読解・聴解・要約の実力を最大限に見せるため。
1. 男女の話し方の違いについて述べてください。男女の話し方の違いは意思疎通の重大な障壁となりますか?
考え方 「男女の話し方の違い」から、リスニングの ”rapport/report, indirect/direct” (テキストp. 14 l.214-248) を使って「意思疎通の障壁」となり得ることを証明する。「重大」かどうかについてはリスニングで教授が「個人差」(p.15 l. 247-253)について触れている点から重大な障壁とはなりえないと判断できる。
例 女性: 語尾上げ(聞いて欲しい)⇔ 男性: あいづち無し(聞いている)
女性: 間接的表現(丁寧)⇔ 男性: 文字通り解釈して怒られる(女性=不合理)
2. 言語によるカテゴリー分けはものの見方をどのような形で形成する(規定する)可能性がありますか?
考え方 「言語によるカテゴリー分け」と「ものの見方」はSapir-Whorf理論なのでこの部分を使う。「どのような形で形成する」かは理論の修正部分(必要性による細かい分類)を使う。
例 Sapir-Whorf理論(言語は思考を規定する)(p.5 l.90-96)によれば言語はその言語を話す人のものの見方をある程度決めてしまうと考えられる。例----(1) 色の区分(p.5 l.97-117)、雪を表す語(p.6 l.128-141, p.11 l.90-124)→話す言語によって話し手は色や雪を細かく意識したりしなかったりする 。/一方で、他の研究結果から言えるように、人の知覚は同じだが、必要性により細かいカテゴリー分けをしたりしなかったりするし、個人差もある(p.15 l.248-253)。e.g. エスキモーやスキーをする人は必要性から雪関連の語彙が豊富。(p.11 l.116 3-p.12 l.124) 、北米では女性の方が知っている色数が多い(p.6. l.142-146)、ブラジルのsaudadeやドイツのSchadenfreudeのように微妙な心理を表す語の存在(p.12 l.126-145) /従って、言語によるカテゴリー分けは、その文化で重要なものを細かく分類して見るようにさせる。
3. 日常の発話はどの程度まで台本がありどの程度まで即興ですか?
考え方 「日常の発話」は具体的にどのようなものかを思い浮かべ、「台本がある」=常套句と「即興」=オリジナルな発言の比率を考える。
例 講義で教授は、言語が思考を規定する可能性がある一方で思考と言語は相互に影響し合っている(p.14 l.208-210)と述べているので台本による発話が多い一方で即興もあることを示していると思う。/日常の発話は人間関係と活動をスムーズにするための言語なのでほとんどが常套句だ。また、オリジナルだと思っている発言もそれを表現する言葉を選ぶ段階で既存概念を使用しているのだから厳密な意味ではほとんどの発話は台本に従っている可能性が高い。講義の例では言語が性別や地位により決まっている場合(p.14 l.214-p.16295)やメタファーによる既成概念(p.16 l.297-318)がある。パイロットと副操縦士の会話(p.15 l.255-295)、 “Time is money.” “argument=war “(p.16 l.297-318)などから発話で使用する言葉はその都度考えて選択するよりもすでに決まっている範囲内のものを使っていることを示している。/一方で、立てた前提に言語の選択範囲が規定される場合(p.16 l.319-343)もあるし、 感情や印象など既存の言葉で表現しきれないものを表現しようとするとき(p.9 l.6-10)は即興になる。「奥さんをなぐるのをやめましたか?」といきなり尋ねて相手が返答に困るようにする場合や、詩的表現などまれに即興的な発話が起こることもある。
復習の仕方 辞書はポケット版ではなく普通の厚さのものを使用(適切な訳語を見つけるため)
1. テキストとプリントを使って内容理解
2. もう一度テストと同じ形でノートを取り解答(タイマーをセットして行う)
3. あるだけの時間を使って解答を修正してから解答を見る
4. もう一度解答を書き直す
☆ノートの目的 ①内容の整理 ②記憶の補足
☆実際の授業のつもりでノートを取る ポイントとキーワードをつかむ
☆構成・流れが分かるように書く 段落の主題(キーワード)→ 具体例
☆細かすぎる情報はメモしない(Lee Whorfの経歴等)
Reading 各段落の要旨(ノート例 注 実際は英語)
1. ヒトの言語―象徴的、学習によって身につく 〈例〉dog≠現実の「犬」
2. 言語の象徴性の力 〈例〉差別用語
3. 無限の柔軟性 ● 意味の変化〈例〉nice ● 流行語の変化〈例〉スラング、専門用語
4. 言語には文法(set of rules)がある
方言―ある言語の変形 地域の方言、社会集団の方言 〈例〉米黒人英語
5. 手話も言語の一種―文法(standardized rules)があるから
6. pidgin(混成語/通商用語)―母国語が異なる者の意思疎通の為の言語
● ヨーロッパ言語+現地語、● ヨーロッパ言語以外のpidgin
7. Creole―pidginが正式の言語になったもの
8. 2言語公用語(Creole+宗主国言語) 相手・状況によって使い分け
9. 方言と社会階級 〈例〉ロンドン
1. 言語の思考過程への影響―20世紀前半過度に重視
2. 〈例〉色彩区分 文化により分け方が違う
3. 英語とナイジェリア言語の比較→文化が見る色を決める
経済技術向上→色語彙増 環境の変化→文化・言語の変化
メモ: 赤道に近づくほど青と緑の区別無し
4. 語彙はその文化の関心事を反映〈例〉カナダ北西部インディアンの「雪」13種
5. 性別による用語数の違い 〈例〉知っている色の名前 女性多 服装―色の違い重要
6. 言語と世界観の関係 〈例〉耳の聞こえない殺人犯―妄想が手話
etic: 外部から見た(研究者の文化の「現実のカテゴリー分け」で分析した)文化
emic: 内部から見た(その文化の「現実のカテゴリー分け」で分析した)文化
Lecture Transcript 各段落の要旨(ノート例 注 実際は英語)
1. 言語とコミュニケーション
2. 言語を使って思考―ものの見方を言語が規定 Sapir-Whorf理論
3. Whorf―engineer, 言語に関心, 産業火災の専門家
4. Blazing Icicles 産業火災予防の言語学的解釈
5. ―“empty”の2義性(元の内容物がない、何も入っていない)による誤解
● inflammable「引火性」―in(否定の接頭辞)による誤解
6. ● spun limestone―stone「石」による誤解
7. Sapir-Whorf理論―言語が認識を規定―strong versionとweak version
strong version―[言語→思考] George Orwell「1984」
8. 国語が思想統制の道具
weak version―[言語⇆思考]
9. Whorfの論証―(1)語彙
Eskimo「雪」を表す語 多(Whorf 100語、Boas 4語)→雪の見方 異
10. 雪の状態別に名前
11. ≪反証≫実際は語形変化 15語前後(英語もほぼ同数)
12. 英語にない語● ブラジルsaudade
13. ● ドイツ語Schadenfreude(「いい気味」の意味)
14. Whorfの論証―(2)文法
● Hopi族の言語 時制無し(Whorf)―時間観念の違い
15. ≪反証≫時制に相当する validity marker(事実・推量・仮定)の存在
16. ● Yucatec Mayaの言語 numeric classifier―
17. 物の形状を表す語―物の見方異なる
18. Sapir-Whorf理論批判
Pinker (1)根拠に誤り (2)言語がなくても思考は存在する
19. 性別と言語(言語と思考の相互作用)
女性語 rapport 調和 〈例〉back-channel(あいづち)
20. 〈例〉語尾上げ
21. 男性語 report 直接的 〈例〉依頼表現(男性-直接的、女性-間接的)
22. 〈例〉hedge(ぼかし表現)
23. 飛行機墜落事故―原因: 翼の氷結
24. 副操縦士の警告が間接表現-不十分な意思表明
25. 直接表現を使用-事故回避の可能性
26. メタファー(隠喩)―思考・行動を決定
● [時は金なり] → [時間=物]という思想
27. 時間を物として扱う行動
● [議論=戦い]
28. 言語と前提の設定 (立てる前提によって使う言葉が決まっている)
●「奥さんを殴るのは止めましたか?」(答えようがない質問 前提: あなたは奥さんを殴る人)
29. ● 教授が生徒レベルに前提をたてて授業をしたら…
● 社交・政治と前提 〈例〉仲間内だけの冗談-仲間意識
30. まとめ Sapir-Whorf理論
strong versionよりweak versionが妥当
Writing Questions
答え方 1.問いを確認 2.reading/listeningの関連事項のメモをチェック 3.問いに沿って解答 注 Reading/Listeningの関連事項をできるだけ使う=読解・聴解・要約の実力を最大限に見せるため。
1. 男女の話し方の違いについて述べてください。男女の話し方の違いは意思疎通の重大な障壁となりますか?
考え方 「男女の話し方の違い」から、リスニングの ”rapport/report, indirect/direct” (テキストp. 14 l.214-248) を使って「意思疎通の障壁」となり得ることを証明する。「重大」かどうかについてはリスニングで教授が「個人差」(p.15 l. 247-253)について触れている点から重大な障壁とはなりえないと判断できる。
例 女性: 語尾上げ(聞いて欲しい)⇔ 男性: あいづち無し(聞いている)
女性: 間接的表現(丁寧)⇔ 男性: 文字通り解釈して怒られる(女性=不合理)
2. 言語によるカテゴリー分けはものの見方をどのような形で形成する(規定する)可能性がありますか?
考え方 「言語によるカテゴリー分け」と「ものの見方」はSapir-Whorf理論なのでこの部分を使う。「どのような形で形成する」かは理論の修正部分(必要性による細かい分類)を使う。
例 Sapir-Whorf理論(言語は思考を規定する)(p.5 l.90-96)によれば言語はその言語を話す人のものの見方をある程度決めてしまうと考えられる。例----(1) 色の区分(p.5 l.97-117)、雪を表す語(p.6 l.128-141, p.11 l.90-124)→話す言語によって話し手は色や雪を細かく意識したりしなかったりする 。/一方で、他の研究結果から言えるように、人の知覚は同じだが、必要性により細かいカテゴリー分けをしたりしなかったりするし、個人差もある(p.15 l.248-253)。e.g. エスキモーやスキーをする人は必要性から雪関連の語彙が豊富。(p.11 l.116 3-p.12 l.124) 、北米では女性の方が知っている色数が多い(p.6. l.142-146)、ブラジルのsaudadeやドイツのSchadenfreudeのように微妙な心理を表す語の存在(p.12 l.126-145) /従って、言語によるカテゴリー分けは、その文化で重要なものを細かく分類して見るようにさせる。
3. 日常の発話はどの程度まで台本がありどの程度まで即興ですか?
考え方 「日常の発話」は具体的にどのようなものかを思い浮かべ、「台本がある」=常套句と「即興」=オリジナルな発言の比率を考える。
例 講義で教授は、言語が思考を規定する可能性がある一方で思考と言語は相互に影響し合っている(p.14 l.208-210)と述べているので台本による発話が多い一方で即興もあることを示していると思う。/日常の発話は人間関係と活動をスムーズにするための言語なのでほとんどが常套句だ。また、オリジナルだと思っている発言もそれを表現する言葉を選ぶ段階で既存概念を使用しているのだから厳密な意味ではほとんどの発話は台本に従っている可能性が高い。講義の例では言語が性別や地位により決まっている場合(p.14 l.214-p.16295)やメタファーによる既成概念(p.16 l.297-318)がある。パイロットと副操縦士の会話(p.15 l.255-295)、 “Time is money.” “argument=war “(p.16 l.297-318)などから発話で使用する言葉はその都度考えて選択するよりもすでに決まっている範囲内のものを使っていることを示している。/一方で、立てた前提に言語の選択範囲が規定される場合(p.16 l.319-343)もあるし、 感情や印象など既存の言葉で表現しきれないものを表現しようとするとき(p.9 l.6-10)は即興になる。「奥さんをなぐるのをやめましたか?」といきなり尋ねて相手が返答に困るようにする場合や、詩的表現などまれに即興的な発話が起こることもある。
復習の仕方 辞書はポケット版ではなく普通の厚さのものを使用(適切な訳語を見つけるため)
1. テキストとプリントを使って内容理解
2. もう一度テストと同じ形でノートを取り解答(タイマーをセットして行う)
3. あるだけの時間を使って解答を修正してから解答を見る
4. もう一度解答を書き直す
Class Supplement,TOEFL Essay, Has your country become more similar to other countries because of modern communicaiton and transportation methods?
Writing Topic
With many technological advances in communication and transportation, many people feel that the various countries of the world are becoming more similar to each other. Do you agree that your county has become more similar to other countries because of modern communication and transportation methods? Use specific examples and details to explain why or why not.
☆Let’s think
A quick look at this topic will tell you that it is related to what you call globalization. But what exactly is the question? It is not asking about whether you think globalization is good or bad. Nor is it asking whether it should or should not happen. It is asking about your pure impression on whether your country has become similar to other countries through development of communication and transportation.
The question uses the present perfect, “has become” and comparative “more similar”, and this means that it requires comparison between the past and the present situations of your country and your objective conclusion on whether any change at any level has taken place in your country and, as a result, whether it shares anything in common at any rate with other countries.
Does your county look the same as other countries compared to what it was 100 years ago, when it took a month for a newspaper to reach another continent and cars were starting to become popular? How about 50 years ago, when taking an airplane cost a fortune and the Internet did not exist? See your grandparents. What do they like to eat, wear, and enjoy? Is their lifestyle the same as yours? Remember the landscapes in the countryside or old movies of your country. Do they look the same as those of the cities and present films?
☆Hints for points
food, clothing, and housing, pop culture, family structure, life style, moral, business practices (near/short sighted, less human)
☆Top-down Development: from general ideas to specific ideas〈一般→具体〉
Let’s compare the present and the past and make conclusions. Note that the examples start with the general and end with the specific.
Homogenization in materialistic aspects through economic globalization:
The development of communication and transportation methods has enabled large corporations to spread the same products all over the world more thoroughly than before and boosted the homogenization of the world, at least materialistically. People in cities everywhere now spend most of their time surrounded by or using something western or American. They live in buildings made of concrete and steel whose interiors are filled with electronic appliances and modern furniture, wear clothes found in western movies, music videos, and fashion magazines, and eat meat-and-bread-based food served in western style dishes every day or at least several times a week. My country Japan is not an exception because it has been in capitalism for a long time. 交通・通信技術の発達は大企業が同一製品を世界市場に流通させることを可能にした。現在世界中の都市で西洋的生活様式が日常化しており、日本も例外ではない。
Westernization of popular music:
Trends in popular music reflect the changes of a society very clearly. Japanese tastes for pop music have become more similar to those of other countries than before. Japanese pop songs were slow and sounded like traditional folk music before, but now most of them are up-tempo and sound like American or British pop. It is clear that musical tastes of Japanese people are becoming similar to those in western countries and, since music affects many aspects of life, it can be said that our society is becoming more similar to those in other or western countries. 流行歌は社会の変化を反映する。日本の流行歌は以前より海外のものに近い。音楽は様々な面に影響を及ぼすので、日本人は西洋化してきていると言える。
This change has been caused by the development of communication and transportation methods. The pervasiveness of western music corresponds to the development of technologies. The change of media from the radio to TV to the Internet and more opportunities for concert tours enabled western music industry to market and familiarize its products to more people in my country. 音楽嗜好の西洋化はメディアの発達によって西洋音楽によりアクセスしやすくなった事と交通機関の発達によってコンサートツアーが容易になった事による。
☆Let’s practice
Choose one aspect of your society and write a paragraph comparing its past and present and decide whether your society has become similar to other countries in respect to the aspect. Make sure you narrow down examples from the general to the specific.
☆Sample conclusion
Westernization through modernization:
Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has made efforts to modernize itself, and now it is one of the largest economies in the world. It is natural that it has become more similar to other developed countries in fundamental aspects of daily life such as housing and clothing. Therefore, there is no denying the statement that my country has become more similar to other countries than it used to be. 明治維新以来近代化を進めてきたので、全く西洋化していないとは言えない
With many technological advances in communication and transportation, many people feel that the various countries of the world are becoming more similar to each other. Do you agree that your county has become more similar to other countries because of modern communication and transportation methods? Use specific examples and details to explain why or why not.
☆Let’s think
A quick look at this topic will tell you that it is related to what you call globalization. But what exactly is the question? It is not asking about whether you think globalization is good or bad. Nor is it asking whether it should or should not happen. It is asking about your pure impression on whether your country has become similar to other countries through development of communication and transportation.
The question uses the present perfect, “has become” and comparative “more similar”, and this means that it requires comparison between the past and the present situations of your country and your objective conclusion on whether any change at any level has taken place in your country and, as a result, whether it shares anything in common at any rate with other countries.
Does your county look the same as other countries compared to what it was 100 years ago, when it took a month for a newspaper to reach another continent and cars were starting to become popular? How about 50 years ago, when taking an airplane cost a fortune and the Internet did not exist? See your grandparents. What do they like to eat, wear, and enjoy? Is their lifestyle the same as yours? Remember the landscapes in the countryside or old movies of your country. Do they look the same as those of the cities and present films?
☆Hints for points
food, clothing, and housing, pop culture, family structure, life style, moral, business practices (near/short sighted, less human)
☆Top-down Development: from general ideas to specific ideas〈一般→具体〉
Let’s compare the present and the past and make conclusions. Note that the examples start with the general and end with the specific.
Homogenization in materialistic aspects through economic globalization:
The development of communication and transportation methods has enabled large corporations to spread the same products all over the world more thoroughly than before and boosted the homogenization of the world, at least materialistically. People in cities everywhere now spend most of their time surrounded by or using something western or American. They live in buildings made of concrete and steel whose interiors are filled with electronic appliances and modern furniture, wear clothes found in western movies, music videos, and fashion magazines, and eat meat-and-bread-based food served in western style dishes every day or at least several times a week. My country Japan is not an exception because it has been in capitalism for a long time. 交通・通信技術の発達は大企業が同一製品を世界市場に流通させることを可能にした。現在世界中の都市で西洋的生活様式が日常化しており、日本も例外ではない。
Westernization of popular music:
Trends in popular music reflect the changes of a society very clearly. Japanese tastes for pop music have become more similar to those of other countries than before. Japanese pop songs were slow and sounded like traditional folk music before, but now most of them are up-tempo and sound like American or British pop. It is clear that musical tastes of Japanese people are becoming similar to those in western countries and, since music affects many aspects of life, it can be said that our society is becoming more similar to those in other or western countries. 流行歌は社会の変化を反映する。日本の流行歌は以前より海外のものに近い。音楽は様々な面に影響を及ぼすので、日本人は西洋化してきていると言える。
This change has been caused by the development of communication and transportation methods. The pervasiveness of western music corresponds to the development of technologies. The change of media from the radio to TV to the Internet and more opportunities for concert tours enabled western music industry to market and familiarize its products to more people in my country. 音楽嗜好の西洋化はメディアの発達によって西洋音楽によりアクセスしやすくなった事と交通機関の発達によってコンサートツアーが容易になった事による。
☆Let’s practice
Choose one aspect of your society and write a paragraph comparing its past and present and decide whether your society has become similar to other countries in respect to the aspect. Make sure you narrow down examples from the general to the specific.
☆Sample conclusion
Westernization through modernization:
Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has made efforts to modernize itself, and now it is one of the largest economies in the world. It is natural that it has become more similar to other developed countries in fundamental aspects of daily life such as housing and clothing. Therefore, there is no denying the statement that my country has become more similar to other countries than it used to be. 明治維新以来近代化を進めてきたので、全く西洋化していないとは言えない
Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay Writing, Important things to consider in deciding where to live)
Writing Topic:
There are many factors involved when you choose a place to live. Location, facilities, appearance, price, size and many other factors are of different relative importance to different people. What are the most important points for you to consider when choosing a place to live? Include specific examples and reasons to help justify your choice.
The question uses plural “points”, not singular “point”, so you can mention more than one point for you to consider.
Number the following factors from 1 to 6 in the order of your priority.
□ price/rent (cheap, reasonable, expensive, etc.)
□ location (proximity to school/work/a big city, etc.)
□ environment (neighbors, quiet, street lights, etc.)
□ size (compact, average, huge, many bedrooms, a large yard, etc.)
□ facilities (kitchen, bathroom, insulation, solar panel, earthquake-resistant, etc.)
□ appearance (cool, pretty, luxurious, etc.)
☆Ideas and Expressions
Location and neighborhood:
1. The location is my top priority in deciding where to live. Since I am socially active, I need to live in a place located within a 30-minute train ride from downtown.
2. If the place is too close to the station, the noises of the passing trains and other traffic would be intolerable, so that a place located around a 10-minute walk from the station would be nice.
3. Living a carefree, laid-back life in the countryside is my dream.
4. I hope to live in a community where neighbors have close relationships.
1. If I cannot afford an apartment in a good neighborhood with decent facilities, I would sacrifice the comfortable living environment for the lower rent, since I have to finish my study at any cost and working for comfortable living environment is out of the question now.
2. Even if I were in a fortunate situation in which I didn’t have to worry about the rent, I don’t think I would try living in a stylish, state-of-the-art urban condominium. There are many other things I would like to try and the place to live (in) is the last thing I am concerned about.
☆One-paragraph Essay
Let’s write a one-paragraph essay on this topic before writing a full essay.
【Introduction】 Price, location, and minimum facilities are the three most important things to consider when I decide where to live.
【The first priority】 Lower rent is the top priority of my apartment-hunting because I need to save money.
【The second priority】 I also need to consider the location because I go out almost every day.
【The third priority】 Although I do not fancy a big place with a large garden, I want to live in a place with a kitchen and a bathroom, for diet and hygiene are the basics of life.
【Counter-argument】Of course if the place looks pretty and is located in a good neighborhood, it would be better, but, since I do not spend a lot of time at home, I do not really care about the appearance or environment.
【Conclusion】 As long as I can live conveniently enough at a reasonable price, I am happy no matter where the place is and no matter how it looks.
Your one-paragraph essay
【The first priority】
【The second priority】
【The third priority】
There are many factors involved when you choose a place to live. Location, facilities, appearance, price, size and many other factors are of different relative importance to different people. What are the most important points for you to consider when choosing a place to live? Include specific examples and reasons to help justify your choice.
The question uses plural “points”, not singular “point”, so you can mention more than one point for you to consider.
Number the following factors from 1 to 6 in the order of your priority.
□ price/rent (cheap, reasonable, expensive, etc.)
□ location (proximity to school/work/a big city, etc.)
□ environment (neighbors, quiet, street lights, etc.)
□ size (compact, average, huge, many bedrooms, a large yard, etc.)
□ facilities (kitchen, bathroom, insulation, solar panel, earthquake-resistant, etc.)
□ appearance (cool, pretty, luxurious, etc.)
☆Ideas and Expressions
Location and neighborhood:
1. The location is my top priority in deciding where to live. Since I am socially active, I need to live in a place located within a 30-minute train ride from downtown.
2. If the place is too close to the station, the noises of the passing trains and other traffic would be intolerable, so that a place located around a 10-minute walk from the station would be nice.
3. Living a carefree, laid-back life in the countryside is my dream.
4. I hope to live in a community where neighbors have close relationships.
1. If I cannot afford an apartment in a good neighborhood with decent facilities, I would sacrifice the comfortable living environment for the lower rent, since I have to finish my study at any cost and working for comfortable living environment is out of the question now.
2. Even if I were in a fortunate situation in which I didn’t have to worry about the rent, I don’t think I would try living in a stylish, state-of-the-art urban condominium. There are many other things I would like to try and the place to live (in) is the last thing I am concerned about.
☆One-paragraph Essay
Let’s write a one-paragraph essay on this topic before writing a full essay.
【Introduction】 Price, location, and minimum facilities are the three most important things to consider when I decide where to live.
【The first priority】 Lower rent is the top priority of my apartment-hunting because I need to save money.
【The second priority】 I also need to consider the location because I go out almost every day.
【The third priority】 Although I do not fancy a big place with a large garden, I want to live in a place with a kitchen and a bathroom, for diet and hygiene are the basics of life.
【Counter-argument】Of course if the place looks pretty and is located in a good neighborhood, it would be better, but, since I do not spend a lot of time at home, I do not really care about the appearance or environment.
【Conclusion】 As long as I can live conveniently enough at a reasonable price, I am happy no matter where the place is and no matter how it looks.
Your one-paragraph essay
【The first priority】
【The second priority】
【The third priority】
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/25 (Tue) Slept from 12:00-4:00 (4 hrs) and half slept from 4:30-10:00 with incessant electric attacks. One big fit with my arms or legs. Flash-lights-like blinks in my eye while half awake which followed me when I got up and moved my head to the other side of my mattress. Eyes flashy all night, which lasted for hours after waking up. Was not able to stand up for a while after getting up. Felt funny almost all over my body especially legs, as if weak electric currents were going through my flesh, all night and feel a little bit the same even after getting up, when I am still.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/24 (Mon) Kept awake till 6:00 and woken up almost every one hour after I fell asleep mainly by electric shocks and noises. Started trying to sleep around 3:00 (stayed up because I had a feeling that some people were in the next room and they would attack me and keep me awake), A game/car-blast like noise very loud and I woke earmuffs and got strong electric shocks to the brain that felt like a beam between ears. Took off earmuffs and noises kept me awake. Noises in my head very loud and wavy. Strange geometric patters moving in sync to the noises in my head, or the electric pulses that seem to come all the time. Dull ticklish feelings in legs. A very big fit in my right leg around 4:20. A loud car noise around 4:14 and 4:53, both disturbing my falling asleep. Electric shock and/or noise woke me up around 5:40, 7:20, 10:20, and 11:20. When woke up last time, the game/car-blast like noise was still heard. Feel very tied and drowsy while typing this record around 14:29. I am leaving in 30 minutes for the class in Shibuya, probably a little earlier. (Many of my students took an entrance exam yesterday and I want to know their feels about the test.) One good news is that the new class that I had thought was to start today turned out to start next Monday. So I have only one class today, meaning less chances of making mistakes at work.
Class Supplement, TOEFL Essay, Spending time with large groups of friends or one or two very close friends?
☆Writing Topic
Some people like to socialize with is large groups of friends. Others prefer to spend their social time with one or two very close friends. Compare the advantages of each choice. Which of these two ways of spending them do you prefer? Give reasons to support your answer.
☆Let’s Think:
This question consists of three parts: a premise, a direction, and a question. The first sentence is the premise that there are two totally opposite ways to hang out with friends. The second sentence is the direction that you compare the good points of each way. The third and fourth sentences ask you which choice you prefer and why. The comparison should be objective because you discuss things in general but the choice can be objective because the question uses the word “prefer” not “think.”
☆Hints for Points
Advantages of open friendship (large groups of friends)
1. gives you experiences with many kinds of people
2. increases chances of getting good information and opportunities
3. develops your social skills
Advantages of closed friendship (one or two very close friends)
1. enables you to know the person deeply
2. can be relaxing
3. often develops into long lasting intimate relationships like that of a family
Reasons of your choice:
your character: outgoing ⇔ shy
your goal: networking for the future, to find a good person to make friends with ⇔ to spend time meaningfully, to unwind yourself
Open friendship: superficial and will not last long ⇔Most relationships in life are superficial and close relationship could develop with some of the casual friends.
Closed friendship: narrows your view ⇔Other social relationship such as those with classmates, club members, and community members is enough to widen your views.
☆One-paragraph Essay
Let’s write a one-paragraph essay on this topic before writing a full essay.
Sample 1
【Introduction】 I prefer to spend time with large groups of friends because I do not know whether I can make good friends with a particular person.
【Advantages of open friendship】 Hanging out with many people gives you chances to interact with many kinds of people and helps you learn social skills.
【Advantages of closed friendship】 Being with one or two close friends all the time is relaxing and enables you to know the person really well.
【Your preference】 I would like to know as many people as possible now because, although I enjoy comfortable and intimate relationships, I do not have close friends right now.
【Counter-argument】 Socializing with many people means that you have no time for precious experience gained through intimate interactions with close friends, but it is no use to miss such experience in my case since I have not found a person for it.
【Conclusion】 I choose to be with as many people as possible and hope that I can develop good friendships with some of them in the end.
Sample 2
【Introduction】 I prefer to spend time with one or two close friends because I am a perfectionist.
【Advantages of open friendship】 Socializing with large groups of friends will make your life more open to society and develop your social skills.
【Advantages of closed friendship】 Spending most of your social time with one or two very close friends will let you know your friend very well and often gives you a life-time experience.
【Your preference】 I choose to hang out with a friend or two because I cannot be satisfied with superficial knowledge in anything including friendship.
【Counter-argument】 Such a relationship could narrow my social life if I am too deeply absorbed in it. However, my busy life exposes me to many kinds of people and widens my views every day,, so there is no chance that I will become out of touch.
【Conclusion】 Chances to know a person well is very rare, so I would like to spend as much of my social time with a person I am interested in as possible.
Your one-paragraph essay
【Advantages of open friendship】
【Advantages of closed friendship】
【Your preference】
Some people like to socialize with is large groups of friends. Others prefer to spend their social time with one or two very close friends. Compare the advantages of each choice. Which of these two ways of spending them do you prefer? Give reasons to support your answer.
☆Let’s Think:
This question consists of three parts: a premise, a direction, and a question. The first sentence is the premise that there are two totally opposite ways to hang out with friends. The second sentence is the direction that you compare the good points of each way. The third and fourth sentences ask you which choice you prefer and why. The comparison should be objective because you discuss things in general but the choice can be objective because the question uses the word “prefer” not “think.”
☆Hints for Points
Advantages of open friendship (large groups of friends)
1. gives you experiences with many kinds of people
2. increases chances of getting good information and opportunities
3. develops your social skills
Advantages of closed friendship (one or two very close friends)
1. enables you to know the person deeply
2. can be relaxing
3. often develops into long lasting intimate relationships like that of a family
Reasons of your choice:
your character: outgoing ⇔ shy
your goal: networking for the future, to find a good person to make friends with ⇔ to spend time meaningfully, to unwind yourself
Open friendship: superficial and will not last long ⇔Most relationships in life are superficial and close relationship could develop with some of the casual friends.
Closed friendship: narrows your view ⇔Other social relationship such as those with classmates, club members, and community members is enough to widen your views.
☆One-paragraph Essay
Let’s write a one-paragraph essay on this topic before writing a full essay.
Sample 1
【Introduction】 I prefer to spend time with large groups of friends because I do not know whether I can make good friends with a particular person.
【Advantages of open friendship】 Hanging out with many people gives you chances to interact with many kinds of people and helps you learn social skills.
【Advantages of closed friendship】 Being with one or two close friends all the time is relaxing and enables you to know the person really well.
【Your preference】 I would like to know as many people as possible now because, although I enjoy comfortable and intimate relationships, I do not have close friends right now.
【Counter-argument】 Socializing with many people means that you have no time for precious experience gained through intimate interactions with close friends, but it is no use to miss such experience in my case since I have not found a person for it.
【Conclusion】 I choose to be with as many people as possible and hope that I can develop good friendships with some of them in the end.
Sample 2
【Introduction】 I prefer to spend time with one or two close friends because I am a perfectionist.
【Advantages of open friendship】 Socializing with large groups of friends will make your life more open to society and develop your social skills.
【Advantages of closed friendship】 Spending most of your social time with one or two very close friends will let you know your friend very well and often gives you a life-time experience.
【Your preference】 I choose to hang out with a friend or two because I cannot be satisfied with superficial knowledge in anything including friendship.
【Counter-argument】 Such a relationship could narrow my social life if I am too deeply absorbed in it. However, my busy life exposes me to many kinds of people and widens my views every day,, so there is no chance that I will become out of touch.
【Conclusion】 Chances to know a person well is very rare, so I would like to spend as much of my social time with a person I am interested in as possible.
Your one-paragraph essay
【Advantages of open friendship】
【Advantages of closed friendship】
【Your preference】
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/22 (Sat) Slept from 2:30-9:30 (7 hrs). Tired all day. Eyes flashy. So tired that went fell asleep without eating dinner although having drank two cups of milk.
2011/10/23 (Sun) Slept from 0:00-3:30 and 4:30-10:30 (3.5 + 6 hrs). Electric shocks to my head when falling asleep first. Low but bothering noise all night and morning. Noises in my head loud and wavy when I woke up around 3:30 and 10:30. Funny feelings in my teeth and brain when doing the dishes after breakfast.
After concentrating for 20 mins or so, I noticed that I have started having that funny feelings in my teeth and head, which is rushing me out of my room. The noises in my head was loud and wavy but became quieter when I have finished typing this record (16:35) I’m going out anyway because I need to finish some work which needs concentration (marking a mock test answers).
At the coffee shop I took refuge from the strange feeling I get at home, I also experiences the same sensation after spending time for a couple of hours there. I stayed there for about three hours to finish work and did some grocery shopping in town, after which the sensation became lighter.
2011/10/23 (Sun) Slept from 0:00-3:30 and 4:30-10:30 (3.5 + 6 hrs). Electric shocks to my head when falling asleep first. Low but bothering noise all night and morning. Noises in my head loud and wavy when I woke up around 3:30 and 10:30. Funny feelings in my teeth and brain when doing the dishes after breakfast.
After concentrating for 20 mins or so, I noticed that I have started having that funny feelings in my teeth and head, which is rushing me out of my room. The noises in my head was loud and wavy but became quieter when I have finished typing this record (16:35) I’m going out anyway because I need to finish some work which needs concentration (marking a mock test answers).
At the coffee shop I took refuge from the strange feeling I get at home, I also experiences the same sensation after spending time for a couple of hours there. I stayed there for about three hours to finish work and did some grocery shopping in town, after which the sensation became lighter.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/21 (Fri) Slept from 2:00-8::00 (6 hrs). Do not remember any shocks but noises in my head loud when I woke up. Just loud noises in front of my apartment around 7:30 to 8:00. Not much flashes in my eyes. No funny feelings when I was doing the dishes after breakfast.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/17 (Mon) Slept from 3:00-4:30 + 7:30-10:30 (1.5 + 3 hrs). Electric shocks to my brain when falling asleep. A loud game/car-blast-like noise from around 4:30. Noises in my head loud and wavy when I got up.
2011/10/18 (Tue) Slept from 2:30-9:30 (7 hrs). Noises in my head were loud when I woke up.
2011/10/19 (Wed) Slept from 2:30-9:00 (6.5 hrs). Electric shocks to my head when right after I stated trying to sleep, one of which caused my eyes see small lightning.
2011/10/20 (Thu) Slept from 2:00-10:00 with 1 hr interval (7 hrs). Electric shocks when falling asleep. When I woke up, the noises in my head were very loud and wavy. I could not walk straight a few steps and felt very tired. Did not feel like reading on the train because I felt like my eyes see flashes and felt sick. Dropped by and worked at a station coffee shop because I did not want to be bothered by my neighbor when working. I need to finish correcting and rating essays so that I can do other rating job of a mock test and prepare for a new class for Monday on Sunday.
2011/10/18 (Tue) Slept from 2:30-9:30 (7 hrs). Noises in my head were loud when I woke up.
2011/10/19 (Wed) Slept from 2:30-9:00 (6.5 hrs). Electric shocks to my head when right after I stated trying to sleep, one of which caused my eyes see small lightning.
2011/10/20 (Thu) Slept from 2:00-10:00 with 1 hr interval (7 hrs). Electric shocks when falling asleep. When I woke up, the noises in my head were very loud and wavy. I could not walk straight a few steps and felt very tired. Did not feel like reading on the train because I felt like my eyes see flashes and felt sick. Dropped by and worked at a station coffee shop because I did not want to be bothered by my neighbor when working. I need to finish correcting and rating essays so that I can do other rating job of a mock test and prepare for a new class for Monday on Sunday.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/17 (Mon) Slept from 3:00-4:30 + 7:30-10:30 (1.5 + 3 hrs). Electric shocks to my brain when falling asleep. A loud game/car-blast-like noise from around 4:30. Noises in my head loud and wavy when I got up.
2011/10/18 (Tue) Slept from 2:30-9:30 (7 hrs). Noises in my head were loud when I woke up.
2011/10/19 (Wed) Slept from 2:30-9:00 (6.5 hrs). Electric shocks to my head when right after I stated trying to sleep, one of which caused my eyes see small lightning.
2011/10/20 (Thu) Slept from 2:00-10:00 with 1 hr interval (7 hrs). Electric shocks when falling asleep. When I woke up, the noises in my head were very loud and wavy. I could not walk straight a few steps and felt very tired. Did not feel like reading on the train because I felt like my eyes see flashes and felt sick. Dropped by and worked at a station coffee shop because I did not want to be bothered by my neighbor when working. I need to finish correcting and rating essays so that I can do other rating job of a mock test and prepare for a new class for Monday on Sunday.
2011/10/18 (Tue) Slept from 2:30-9:30 (7 hrs). Noises in my head were loud when I woke up.
2011/10/19 (Wed) Slept from 2:30-9:00 (6.5 hrs). Electric shocks to my head when right after I stated trying to sleep, one of which caused my eyes see small lightning.
2011/10/20 (Thu) Slept from 2:00-10:00 with 1 hr interval (7 hrs). Electric shocks when falling asleep. When I woke up, the noises in my head were very loud and wavy. I could not walk straight a few steps and felt very tired. Did not feel like reading on the train because I felt like my eyes see flashes and felt sick. Dropped by and worked at a station coffee shop because I did not want to be bothered by my neighbor when working. I need to finish correcting and rating essays so that I can do other rating job of a mock test and prepare for a new class for Monday on Sunday.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/16 Slept from 1:00-9:00(8 hrs). Electric shocks while waking up. Funny feeling when doing the dishes and laundry. A little more rest compared to the last two days. Funny feelings when working at the table, even though having planned to go out for brighter lights than those of my room for work, driving me out of my apartment to a station fastfood restaurant, whose hamburger was a little smelly and has been causing an upset stomach and a nausea even till now, at 23:20.
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 Extra Material, Social Media, sample answers)
1. This passage was written around 1930. The author says, “Social intercourse may be expected to develop more and more along these lines, and it may be hoped that by these means the loneliness that now afflicts so many unconventional people will be gradually diminished almost to vanishing point.” Has this prediction come true? If so, how?
I think the author’s prediction that it will become easier to find mates sharing the same tastes and ideas and those with new ideas who are usually the target of bullying in a traditional society will suffer less as technology develops and makes it possible to contact souls living far away has come true, especially since the advent of the Internet, which provides opportunities to contact and bond with people across the world.
2. Has social media such as SNS increased the “fear of public opinion”?
Unfortunately, social media is a double edged sward and has increased the fear of public opinion. Compared to the era of newspapers, the speed and scale of the information circulation is exponential. A rumor can be literally shared by people all over the world in a second. Also, what is transmitted is not only words and pictures but also video and sound; hence, egregious harassments which were unthinkable before keep ruining the lives of targets, many of whom commit suicides. Moreover, anonymity protected by the system has increased the possibility of anyone becoming victims. Therefore, few can be indifferent to scapegoating now.
3. The author says that doing what you really want to do will lead to real happiness and, in turn, tolerance to others with different tastes and opinions. Do you think globalization of communication will contribute to this process?
I doubt that globalization of communication will liberate people mentally and make them more open-minded. You can lead a horse to the river but cannot force it to drink. In this flood of information, Neo-Nazis, KKK, violent right-wingers, or Islamic extremists still exist, often increasing in their numbers. Faith often inhibits natural respect to others. Also, there seem to be individuals whose real pleasure is inflicting pain on others, even though I understand Russell says these people are also oppressed and liberate their mind by listening to the true voice of their heart. I think technology will contribute to freeing the mind of only those who are ready.
4. What aspects of society other than friend-making and bullying has social media had its influence on?
♦mass movements of huge scale (e.g. Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street)
♦decentralization of information management (e.g. WikiLeaks, spread of information through Twitter and Facebook before official announcement, blogs supplementing or replacing editorials and Op-Ed, new business opportunities for individuals and small businesses)
♦grass-roots relief operations and researches (e.g. the Great East Japan Earthquake victims and radiation level researches, data collection)
I think the author’s prediction that it will become easier to find mates sharing the same tastes and ideas and those with new ideas who are usually the target of bullying in a traditional society will suffer less as technology develops and makes it possible to contact souls living far away has come true, especially since the advent of the Internet, which provides opportunities to contact and bond with people across the world.
2. Has social media such as SNS increased the “fear of public opinion”?
Unfortunately, social media is a double edged sward and has increased the fear of public opinion. Compared to the era of newspapers, the speed and scale of the information circulation is exponential. A rumor can be literally shared by people all over the world in a second. Also, what is transmitted is not only words and pictures but also video and sound; hence, egregious harassments which were unthinkable before keep ruining the lives of targets, many of whom commit suicides. Moreover, anonymity protected by the system has increased the possibility of anyone becoming victims. Therefore, few can be indifferent to scapegoating now.
3. The author says that doing what you really want to do will lead to real happiness and, in turn, tolerance to others with different tastes and opinions. Do you think globalization of communication will contribute to this process?
I doubt that globalization of communication will liberate people mentally and make them more open-minded. You can lead a horse to the river but cannot force it to drink. In this flood of information, Neo-Nazis, KKK, violent right-wingers, or Islamic extremists still exist, often increasing in their numbers. Faith often inhibits natural respect to others. Also, there seem to be individuals whose real pleasure is inflicting pain on others, even though I understand Russell says these people are also oppressed and liberate their mind by listening to the true voice of their heart. I think technology will contribute to freeing the mind of only those who are ready.
4. What aspects of society other than friend-making and bullying has social media had its influence on?
♦mass movements of huge scale (e.g. Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street)
♦decentralization of information management (e.g. WikiLeaks, spread of information through Twitter and Facebook before official announcement, blogs supplementing or replacing editorials and Op-Ed, new business opportunities for individuals and small businesses)
♦grass-roots relief operations and researches (e.g. the Great East Japan Earthquake victims and radiation level researches, data collection)
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/15 (Sat) Slept probably 4-5 hrs. Although I went to bed before midnight, electric shocks that seemed to suck my brain kept me from sleeping and I remember it was 2:30 I saw the clock last, after which I was still kept awake till I heard morning sounds. When I got up my head felt like it had had hiccup all night. Body heavy. Eye felt blinking flashes all day. Also extremely sleepy all day.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/14 (Fri) Slept from 1:30-7:30 (4 hrs). Low noise of a game or car blast when going to sleep first. Loud noises of hitting metals and wood at the construction site in front of my building from 7:30 to the time I got up. Prevented from sleeping again by electric shocks between my ears when wearing earmuffs and electric shocks that felt like my brain had a hiccup. Gave up trying to sleep again and got up a little before 10:00.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/13 (Thu) Slept form 1:00-?(.5 hr interval)-10:00 (8.5 hrs). Face twitch: a beam-like shock swept my face, plucking my face muscles, making my face make a face early in the morning or around 7:00 or 8:00. Flashy blinks in my eyes even hours after I got up; difficulty in reading on the train. Needle-like feelings in my soles when coming home after working at the Funabashi branch and at a fast food restaurant at my station.
Michael Moore’s Human Microphone (マイケル・ムーアの人間マイク)
Denied the use of the microphone, Michael Moore speaks with the people around him at the Occupy Wall Street demonstration. (Funny and heart-warming, but serious-they are not jealous of the rich; they are just peacefully claiming a minimum ordinary life, which they have lost over the last decades, and want to do something with the drawbacks of capitalism. )
Michael Moore Tonight at #OccupyWallStreet: "This Is a Historic Day" (Day 19, 10/5/11) (YouTube)
Michael Moore Tonight at #OccupyWallStreet: "This Is a Historic Day" (Day 19, 10/5/11) (YouTube)
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/12 (Wed) Slept from 2:00-5:00 + 7:00-9:00 (3 + 2 hrs). Low noise like that of a game or car from 2:00 - 10:30 (The time thirty minutes after I gave up trying to sleep again and got up). Electric shocks when trying to sleep again. Heavy machinery noise in front of my room between 7:00 – 10:00. Noises in my head loud and wavy when woke up second time.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/11 (Tue) slept from 1:00-9:00 (8 hrs). Do not remember any electric shocks or noises. Funny feeling when doing dishes and practicing English. Worked at a coffee shop in the station building from 14:00-19:30. Funny feeling around 17:00 and changed sheets.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/10 (Mon) Slept from 1:00-3:30 + 6:30-9:30 (2.5 + 3 hrs). Woken up by a loud game/car-blast like noise around 3:30, which seemed to come from the side of the house next to my room. Worked for an hour and tried to sleep in vain because of the noise which continued all the time. Earmuffs did not work. After wearing earplugs under earmuffs, I almost fell asleep but beam-like electric shock that came between my ears woke me up again.
When woke up and got up around 0930, the noise was still going on loud. When I was back from the bathroom, the noise had stopped. While I was putting my bedding away, the noise was faintly heard, and after I washed my face, it was totally gone.
A few minutes after I started preparing breakfast, the funny feeling which felt like a pulse beam was constantly shot to my brain started, so I left the kitchen and started making this record. (Now 11:25)
When woke up and got up around 0930, the noise was still going on loud. When I was back from the bathroom, the noise had stopped. While I was putting my bedding away, the noise was faintly heard, and after I washed my face, it was totally gone.
A few minutes after I started preparing breakfast, the funny feeling which felt like a pulse beam was constantly shot to my brain started, so I left the kitchen and started making this record. (Now 11:25)
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/09 (Sun) Slept from 1:00-7:00 + 8:00-10:30(6 + 2.5 hrs). Felt dizzy, wasn’t able to walk straight, had blinking flashes, and teeth felt funny when woke up. When washing the dishes, teeth and brain had the funny feeling. Felt like my brain had a hiccup all day, especially after working on PC for several hours in the evening.
Class Supplement,TOEFL Essay, Eating at Home or Eating Out?
☆Writing Topic
Many people like to eat in restaurants on a regular basis. Others would rather eat at home, except on rare occasions. Which approach to dining habits do you choose and why? Support your essay with details and examples.
☆Hints for points
Eating at Home:
1. healthy
2. economical
3. flavor of Mom’s cooking
4. relaxing
5. interaction with family
6. passing down culture and tradition
Counter-argument: getting tired of eating the same thing every day
Counter-counter-argument: Eating out only once in a while will make the event more enjoyable (e.g. birthday “spice of life” “less is more2)
Eating Out:
1. saves time
2. tastes better
3. variety
4. social life (people, manners)
Counter-argument: unhealthy
Counter-counter-argument: health-conscious restaurants
Now let’s practice paragraph development
【Main Idea】 Eating at home is better for your health than eating out.
【Explanation】 You can use fresh and safe ingredients.
【Detail / Example】 For example, when you prepare food, you buy ingredients at a store of your own choice right before you cook while restaurants often use frozen food.
【More Specific Detail / Example】 This is especially true in seasoning. At home, you can make broth from real bones or fish and use fresh spices, but restaurants often use ready-made soup stock which may contain synthetic additives and preservatives.
【Counter-argument & Counter-counter-argument】Of course, regulations on food have become tighter these days and eating out is not so unhealthy as before, but businesses always prioritize cutting costs to make profits and at least you know what you are eating when you prepare dishes for yourself.
【Conclusion】 By cooking for yourself, you can make sure that you stay healthy.
【Main Idea】
【Detail / Example】
【More Specific Detail / Example】
【Counter-argument & Counter-counter-argument】
Many people like to eat in restaurants on a regular basis. Others would rather eat at home, except on rare occasions. Which approach to dining habits do you choose and why? Support your essay with details and examples.
☆Hints for points
Eating at Home:
1. healthy
2. economical
3. flavor of Mom’s cooking
4. relaxing
5. interaction with family
6. passing down culture and tradition
Counter-argument: getting tired of eating the same thing every day
Counter-counter-argument: Eating out only once in a while will make the event more enjoyable (e.g. birthday “spice of life” “less is more2)
Eating Out:
1. saves time
2. tastes better
3. variety
4. social life (people, manners)
Counter-argument: unhealthy
Counter-counter-argument: health-conscious restaurants
Now let’s practice paragraph development
【Main Idea】 Eating at home is better for your health than eating out.
【Explanation】 You can use fresh and safe ingredients.
【Detail / Example】 For example, when you prepare food, you buy ingredients at a store of your own choice right before you cook while restaurants often use frozen food.
【More Specific Detail / Example】 This is especially true in seasoning. At home, you can make broth from real bones or fish and use fresh spices, but restaurants often use ready-made soup stock which may contain synthetic additives and preservatives.
【Counter-argument & Counter-counter-argument】Of course, regulations on food have become tighter these days and eating out is not so unhealthy as before, but businesses always prioritize cutting costs to make profits and at least you know what you are eating when you prepare dishes for yourself.
【Conclusion】 By cooking for yourself, you can make sure that you stay healthy.
【Main Idea】
【Detail / Example】
【More Specific Detail / Example】
【Counter-argument & Counter-counter-argument】
Class Supplement, TOEFL Essay, University Coming to Your Town
☆Writing Topic
The government of your area has announced plans to build a large, new university. Some people think that your community would be a favorable location for the university; others disagree. Compare and discuss the good and bad consequences that might result from building a new university in your community. Use specific reasons and details to support your essay.
☆Let’s think
This question is made up of two parts: the premise and a direction. The first two sentences provide the premise of this topic, that is, a hypothetical plan to build a large, new university and the situation in which people separate on whether to support the plan. Therefore, your area is supposed to be both favorable and unfavorable for the university depending on the points of view. The third sentence is the direction. Since it says “compare and discuss the good and bad consequences, “ an essay referring to only good or bad points would not get a high score.
☆Hints for points
Good Consequences:
1. better access to information (library, audit program, extension school)
2. stimulation to the local economy (shops, apartments, construction of new facilities)
3. influx of young power (events, volunteering, campaigns interaction with local people)
Bad Consequences:
1. loss of a large area of nature
2. heavier traffic
3. binge drinking
Now let’s practice paragraph development
【Main Idea】
【Detail / Example】
【More Specific Detail / Example】
【Counter-argument & Counter-counter-argument】
The government of your area has announced plans to build a large, new university. Some people think that your community would be a favorable location for the university; others disagree. Compare and discuss the good and bad consequences that might result from building a new university in your community. Use specific reasons and details to support your essay.
☆Let’s think
This question is made up of two parts: the premise and a direction. The first two sentences provide the premise of this topic, that is, a hypothetical plan to build a large, new university and the situation in which people separate on whether to support the plan. Therefore, your area is supposed to be both favorable and unfavorable for the university depending on the points of view. The third sentence is the direction. Since it says “compare and discuss the good and bad consequences, “ an essay referring to only good or bad points would not get a high score.
☆Hints for points
Good Consequences:
1. better access to information (library, audit program, extension school)
2. stimulation to the local economy (shops, apartments, construction of new facilities)
3. influx of young power (events, volunteering, campaigns interaction with local people)
Bad Consequences:
1. loss of a large area of nature
2. heavier traffic
3. binge drinking
Now let’s practice paragraph development
【Main Idea】
【Detail / Example】
【More Specific Detail / Example】
【Counter-argument & Counter-counter-argument】
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/08 (Sat) Slept from 1:30-6:00 + 7:00-10:00 (4.5 + 3 hrs). Remember a shock on the head when going to sleep. Unusually loud and nasty sneeze of an old male down below my room around 6:00. Funny feelings in my head and teeth when doing the dishes although not so strong as usual.
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 Extra Material, Social Media)
Read the following excerpt and answer the questions.
The Conquest of Happiness, Chapter Nine: Fear of Public Opinion, Bertrand Russell
In the Modern world, owing to the swiftness of locomotion, people are less dependent than they used to be upon their geographically nearest neighbors. Those who have cars can regard as a neighbor any person living within twenty miles. They have therefore a much greater power than was formerly the case of choosing their companions. In any populous neighborhood a man must be very unfortunate if he cannot find congenial souls within twenty miles. The idea that one should know one’s immediate neighbors has died out in large centers of population, but still lingers in small towns and in the country. It has become a foolish idea, since there is no need to be dependent upon immediate neighbors for society. More and more it becomes possible to choose our companions on account of congeniality rather than on account of mere propinquity. Happiness is promoted by associations of persons with similar tastes and similar opinions. Social intercourse may be expected to develop more and more along these lines, and it may be hoped that by these means the loneliness that now afflicts so many unconventional people will be gradually diminished almost to vanishing point. This will undoubtedly increase their happiness, but it will of course diminish the sadistic pleasure with the conventional at present derive from having the unconventional at their mercy. I do not think, however, that this is a pleasure which we need be greatly concerned to preserve.
Fear of public opinion, like every other form of fear, is oppressive and stunts growth. It is difficult to achieve any kind of greatness while a fear of this kind remains strong, and it is impossible to acquire that freedom of spirit in which true happiness consists, for it is essential to happiness that our way of living should spring from our own deep impulses and not from the accidental tastes and desire of those who happen to be our neighbors, or even our relations. Fear of immediate neighbors is no doubt less than it was, but there is a new kind of fear, namely, the fear of what newspapers may say. This is quite as terrifying as anything connected with medieval witch hunts. When the newspaper chooses to make a scapegoat of some perhaps quite harmless person, the results may be very terrible. Fortunately, as yet this is a fate which most people escape through their obscurity; but as publicity gets more and more perfect in its methods, there will be an increasing danger in this novel form of social persecution. This is too grave a matter to be treated with disdain by the individual who is its victim, and whatever may be thought of the great principle of the freedom of the press, I think the line will have to be drawn more sharply that it is by the existing libel laws, and anything will have to be forbidden that makes life intolerable for innocent individuals, even if they should happen to have done or said things which, published maliciously, can cause than to become unpopular. The only ultimate cure for this evil is, however, an increase of toleration on the part of the public. The best way to increase toleration is to multiply the number of individuals who enjoy real happiness and not therefore find their chief pleasure in the infliction of pain upon their fellow men.
1. This passage was written around 1930. The author says, “Social intercourse may be expected to develop more and more along these lines, and it may be hoped that by these means the loneliness that now afflicts so many unconventional people will be gradually diminished almost to vanishing point.” Has this prediction come true? If so, how?
2. Has social media such as SNS increased the “fear of public opinion”?
3. The author says that doing what you really want to do will lead to real happiness and, in turn, tolerance to others with different tastes and opinions. Do you think globalization of communication will contribute to this process?
4. What aspects of society other than friend-making and bullying has social media had its influence on?
The Conquest of Happiness, Chapter Nine: Fear of Public Opinion, Bertrand Russell
In the Modern world, owing to the swiftness of locomotion, people are less dependent than they used to be upon their geographically nearest neighbors. Those who have cars can regard as a neighbor any person living within twenty miles. They have therefore a much greater power than was formerly the case of choosing their companions. In any populous neighborhood a man must be very unfortunate if he cannot find congenial souls within twenty miles. The idea that one should know one’s immediate neighbors has died out in large centers of population, but still lingers in small towns and in the country. It has become a foolish idea, since there is no need to be dependent upon immediate neighbors for society. More and more it becomes possible to choose our companions on account of congeniality rather than on account of mere propinquity. Happiness is promoted by associations of persons with similar tastes and similar opinions. Social intercourse may be expected to develop more and more along these lines, and it may be hoped that by these means the loneliness that now afflicts so many unconventional people will be gradually diminished almost to vanishing point. This will undoubtedly increase their happiness, but it will of course diminish the sadistic pleasure with the conventional at present derive from having the unconventional at their mercy. I do not think, however, that this is a pleasure which we need be greatly concerned to preserve.
Fear of public opinion, like every other form of fear, is oppressive and stunts growth. It is difficult to achieve any kind of greatness while a fear of this kind remains strong, and it is impossible to acquire that freedom of spirit in which true happiness consists, for it is essential to happiness that our way of living should spring from our own deep impulses and not from the accidental tastes and desire of those who happen to be our neighbors, or even our relations. Fear of immediate neighbors is no doubt less than it was, but there is a new kind of fear, namely, the fear of what newspapers may say. This is quite as terrifying as anything connected with medieval witch hunts. When the newspaper chooses to make a scapegoat of some perhaps quite harmless person, the results may be very terrible. Fortunately, as yet this is a fate which most people escape through their obscurity; but as publicity gets more and more perfect in its methods, there will be an increasing danger in this novel form of social persecution. This is too grave a matter to be treated with disdain by the individual who is its victim, and whatever may be thought of the great principle of the freedom of the press, I think the line will have to be drawn more sharply that it is by the existing libel laws, and anything will have to be forbidden that makes life intolerable for innocent individuals, even if they should happen to have done or said things which, published maliciously, can cause than to become unpopular. The only ultimate cure for this evil is, however, an increase of toleration on the part of the public. The best way to increase toleration is to multiply the number of individuals who enjoy real happiness and not therefore find their chief pleasure in the infliction of pain upon their fellow men.
1. This passage was written around 1930. The author says, “Social intercourse may be expected to develop more and more along these lines, and it may be hoped that by these means the loneliness that now afflicts so many unconventional people will be gradually diminished almost to vanishing point.” Has this prediction come true? If so, how?
2. Has social media such as SNS increased the “fear of public opinion”?
3. The author says that doing what you really want to do will lead to real happiness and, in turn, tolerance to others with different tastes and opinions. Do you think globalization of communication will contribute to this process?
4. What aspects of society other than friend-making and bullying has social media had its influence on?
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 Extra Questions -partly rewritten-)
1. Scientists are not monsters but decent people. However, science is not free from serious accidents, crimes, and scandals. Why do you think science sometimes go wrong?
2. For most people on earth, democracy is better than other systems. However, democracy does not always bring about good results. What do you think prevents it from working properly?
3. What might be related to the decline of the society in the United States?
☆Answer Key for Extra Questions
1. Scientists are not monsters but decent people. However, science is not free from serious accidents, crimes, and scandals. Why do you think science sometimes go wrong?
1) Like other things in this world, science follows the money, and funds are not always properly allocated because of lobbying.
2) When decision makers are ignorant or negligent, misjudge will occur, and often pressure from big corporations or the government prevent truth from coming out.
3) Technology develops too quickly to be controlled by laws and regulations.
4) Scientists are human beings, too. Desire for fame and money, urges to win contests, reluctance to admit mistakes, or sympathy for the patient will sometimes drive scientists to lapses or bad decisions.
2. For most people on earth, democracy is better than other systems. However, democracy does not always bring about good results. What do you think prevents it from working properly?
1) The consensus of the majority is not always right. (e.g. Hitler, the old Japanese military government, Iraq War)
2) It is lobbyists, who persuade politicians to vote for or repeal registrations, that actually pass the bills, and most of the time lobbyists are interest groups and enthusiastic activists who do not always represent the majority opinion. (e.g. pharmaceutical lobby)
3) Media propaganda controls public opinion. (e. g. Fox News, Main Media not reporting significant information)
3. What might be related to the decline of the society in the United States?
1) Too much government spending on military and war (Iraq and Afghanistan, War on Terror)
2) Huge national debt (100 % of GDP))
3) Slow to start tackling environment and energy issues (the Kyoto Protocol, the fall of GM)
4) The extremely wide gap between the rich and the poor (The top 20 % earning almost 50% of the income generated in the U.S. / A leaked Citibank memo says the top 1% of households account for more than the bottom 95% of households put together; the decline of the middle class because of offshoring; loss of pension and houses because of financial crimes; lack of regulations on the financial, insurance, credit, and pharmaceutical companies)
5) Insufficient safety net (the healthcare system that serves the insurance companies)
6) Broken education (Although the Obama administration is restoring environment for real education, decades of neglect has had American children falling way behind in every category except for confidence; 4o million Americans cannot read and write over the 4th grade level, and 40 million can read but cannot comprehend what is written; decline of creativity)
7) Media propaganda (sponsored by large corporations; fear mongering, less serious issues than rather irrelevant issues; too much focus on fashion, celebrities, and entertainment)
8) Unfettered capitalism (corporations: profit-pursuing machines for shareholders, trying to make money from anything/anyone; competition: making people see each other as their opponents/enemies, not as their fellows, and dismiss those left behind)
9) Losing soft power: attack without based on a lie, civilian casualties, torture (Afghanistan & Iraq wars)
2. For most people on earth, democracy is better than other systems. However, democracy does not always bring about good results. What do you think prevents it from working properly?
3. What might be related to the decline of the society in the United States?
☆Answer Key for Extra Questions
1. Scientists are not monsters but decent people. However, science is not free from serious accidents, crimes, and scandals. Why do you think science sometimes go wrong?
1) Like other things in this world, science follows the money, and funds are not always properly allocated because of lobbying.
2) When decision makers are ignorant or negligent, misjudge will occur, and often pressure from big corporations or the government prevent truth from coming out.
3) Technology develops too quickly to be controlled by laws and regulations.
4) Scientists are human beings, too. Desire for fame and money, urges to win contests, reluctance to admit mistakes, or sympathy for the patient will sometimes drive scientists to lapses or bad decisions.
2. For most people on earth, democracy is better than other systems. However, democracy does not always bring about good results. What do you think prevents it from working properly?
1) The consensus of the majority is not always right. (e.g. Hitler, the old Japanese military government, Iraq War)
2) It is lobbyists, who persuade politicians to vote for or repeal registrations, that actually pass the bills, and most of the time lobbyists are interest groups and enthusiastic activists who do not always represent the majority opinion. (e.g. pharmaceutical lobby)
3) Media propaganda controls public opinion. (e. g. Fox News, Main Media not reporting significant information)
3. What might be related to the decline of the society in the United States?
1) Too much government spending on military and war (Iraq and Afghanistan, War on Terror)
2) Huge national debt (100 % of GDP))
3) Slow to start tackling environment and energy issues (the Kyoto Protocol, the fall of GM)
4) The extremely wide gap between the rich and the poor (The top 20 % earning almost 50% of the income generated in the U.S. / A leaked Citibank memo says the top 1% of households account for more than the bottom 95% of households put together; the decline of the middle class because of offshoring; loss of pension and houses because of financial crimes; lack of regulations on the financial, insurance, credit, and pharmaceutical companies)
5) Insufficient safety net (the healthcare system that serves the insurance companies)
6) Broken education (Although the Obama administration is restoring environment for real education, decades of neglect has had American children falling way behind in every category except for confidence; 4o million Americans cannot read and write over the 4th grade level, and 40 million can read but cannot comprehend what is written; decline of creativity)
7) Media propaganda (sponsored by large corporations; fear mongering, less serious issues than rather irrelevant issues; too much focus on fashion, celebrities, and entertainment)
8) Unfettered capitalism (corporations: profit-pursuing machines for shareholders, trying to make money from anything/anyone; competition: making people see each other as their opponents/enemies, not as their fellows, and dismiss those left behind)
9) Losing soft power: attack without based on a lie, civilian casualties, torture (Afghanistan & Iraq wars)
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 Good Science and Bad Science-partly rewritten)
主題: 科学が偽科学と異なる点は主に1)論理的整合性がある 2)理論と根拠の一致の確認が厳しい 3)常に修正される であり、科学は真実に近づこうとする姿勢を常に崩さない。
本文該当箇所 1) internally consistent 2) accord with the evidence 3) always provisional and can always be improved / the key to the replacement of one explanation by another is the systematic collection of extensive data that bear on the matter / to search for reasons not to believe, to seek evidence that does not fit
問1 筆者は「良い科学」の3つの特徴を説明しています。それらは何ですか?
考え方 要約問題は、本文が(難しい語・回りくどい表現を使っていても)「要するに何を言っているのか」をつかみ、シンプルに言い換える。 内容が理解できていることを示すことが重要。
解答のポイント例 1) flawless in logic 2) supported by objective evidences which have gone through thorough and strict tests 3) in pursuit of the truth, never stops doubting itself by readily correcting mistakes, methodically accumulating as much data as possible, and constantly exposing theories to attempts to disprove them
問2 筆者は、近代的化学的医療は「伝統的」医療より明らかに良いと考えています。あなたは筆者に賛成ですか反対ですか?理由は何ですか?
考え方 論点を明示する。根拠・具体例は個人的体験より一般的に知られているもの(=読み手と共有される知識)のほうが説得力が増す(=読み手が納得しやすい)。
本文該当箇所 In contrast, alternative therapies such as faith-healing, acupuncture or magno-therapy are rarely tested; the personal experience of the practitioner, supported by a few anecdotes of miracle cures, is taken to be sufficient to establish effectiveness. Such testing as takes place is never double-blind, and thus the possibility that nay perceived benefits result from a placebo effect is never eliminated. 対照的に、信仰療法や針治療、磁気治療はめったに試験されない。奇跡的治癒数例によって裏付けられた開業医の個人的体験が効用を確立するのに十分だとされる。 Again we can see the point if we contrast the reliance of medical science on experimental proof with the reliance of alternative therapies on tradition. In the world of Bachian flower remedies, Feng Sui and Shiatsyu massage, that something has been done for centuries (preferably in a culture untainted by modernity) establishes its validity. 再び、医療科学が実験的証拠に頼るのと代替医療が伝統に頼るのを対比すればこの点(科学は常に修正し続けることにより真実に近づく)が理解できる。バチアンの花療法や風水、指圧の世界では何世紀間も(好ましくは近代性に汚されていない文化で)行われてきたということが有効性を確立する。
解答のポイント例 YES:No one in his right mind would try alternative medicine before consulting a doctor of conventional medicine when he/she has a chest pain, which shows that people instinctively know that modern scientific medicine is safer and more reliable than “traditional” medicine. / Although not free from problems, you can at least regard modern science as the most advanced form of alchemy and so there is no considering traditional medicine as good as or better than modern scientific medicine. / Science saves a dying person and prevents diseases from breaking out. Just as alchemy cannot produce gold, traditional medicine cannot provide heart surgery or produce vaccine.
NO: Man is a both physical and mental existence. The placebo effect, which is scientifically proven and taken seriously of, is the evidence that body is influenced by psychological factors. Traditional medicine is an approach to diseases through psychological cannels. / Some Chinese medicine has been proven its effect through scientific testing and supplements modern medicine. Therefore, it cannot always be said that modern scientific medicine is “obviously” better than alternative medicine.
問3 あなたの生活(人生)に最も重要な変化をもたらした近代科学技術による発明は何ですか?理由を述べてください。
考え方 「最も重要な変化」とあるので考え方や生き方を変えたり大切なものに重大な影響を与えた近代科学技術を考えてみる。注 なぜ重要な変化なのか説明し忘れないようにする。
解答のポイント例 1 ) personal computers and the Internet = easy access to almost unlimited resource of information / easier and quicker problem solving / downloading and uploading official documents or shopping and selling at home / changes in communication ➝ better quality of life = fundamental change in life = the most important change in life 2) vaccine and antibiotics = They have saved lives of sickly children who otherwise might have died before five and I was one of them
主題: 科学が偽科学と異なる点は主に1)論理的整合性がある 2)理論と根拠の一致の確認が厳しい 3)常に修正される であり、科学は真実に近づこうとする姿勢を常に崩さない。
本文該当箇所 1) internally consistent 2) accord with the evidence 3) always provisional and can always be improved / the key to the replacement of one explanation by another is the systematic collection of extensive data that bear on the matter / to search for reasons not to believe, to seek evidence that does not fit
問1 筆者は「良い科学」の3つの特徴を説明しています。それらは何ですか?
考え方 要約問題は、本文が(難しい語・回りくどい表現を使っていても)「要するに何を言っているのか」をつかみ、シンプルに言い換える。 内容が理解できていることを示すことが重要。
解答のポイント例 1) flawless in logic 2) supported by objective evidences which have gone through thorough and strict tests 3) in pursuit of the truth, never stops doubting itself by readily correcting mistakes, methodically accumulating as much data as possible, and constantly exposing theories to attempts to disprove them
問2 筆者は、近代的化学的医療は「伝統的」医療より明らかに良いと考えています。あなたは筆者に賛成ですか反対ですか?理由は何ですか?
考え方 論点を明示する。根拠・具体例は個人的体験より一般的に知られているもの(=読み手と共有される知識)のほうが説得力が増す(=読み手が納得しやすい)。
本文該当箇所 In contrast, alternative therapies such as faith-healing, acupuncture or magno-therapy are rarely tested; the personal experience of the practitioner, supported by a few anecdotes of miracle cures, is taken to be sufficient to establish effectiveness. Such testing as takes place is never double-blind, and thus the possibility that nay perceived benefits result from a placebo effect is never eliminated. 対照的に、信仰療法や針治療、磁気治療はめったに試験されない。奇跡的治癒数例によって裏付けられた開業医の個人的体験が効用を確立するのに十分だとされる。 Again we can see the point if we contrast the reliance of medical science on experimental proof with the reliance of alternative therapies on tradition. In the world of Bachian flower remedies, Feng Sui and Shiatsyu massage, that something has been done for centuries (preferably in a culture untainted by modernity) establishes its validity. 再び、医療科学が実験的証拠に頼るのと代替医療が伝統に頼るのを対比すればこの点(科学は常に修正し続けることにより真実に近づく)が理解できる。バチアンの花療法や風水、指圧の世界では何世紀間も(好ましくは近代性に汚されていない文化で)行われてきたということが有効性を確立する。
解答のポイント例 YES:No one in his right mind would try alternative medicine before consulting a doctor of conventional medicine when he/she has a chest pain, which shows that people instinctively know that modern scientific medicine is safer and more reliable than “traditional” medicine. / Although not free from problems, you can at least regard modern science as the most advanced form of alchemy and so there is no considering traditional medicine as good as or better than modern scientific medicine. / Science saves a dying person and prevents diseases from breaking out. Just as alchemy cannot produce gold, traditional medicine cannot provide heart surgery or produce vaccine.
NO: Man is a both physical and mental existence. The placebo effect, which is scientifically proven and taken seriously of, is the evidence that body is influenced by psychological factors. Traditional medicine is an approach to diseases through psychological cannels. / Some Chinese medicine has been proven its effect through scientific testing and supplements modern medicine. Therefore, it cannot always be said that modern scientific medicine is “obviously” better than alternative medicine.
問3 あなたの生活(人生)に最も重要な変化をもたらした近代科学技術による発明は何ですか?理由を述べてください。
考え方 「最も重要な変化」とあるので考え方や生き方を変えたり大切なものに重大な影響を与えた近代科学技術を考えてみる。注 なぜ重要な変化なのか説明し忘れないようにする。
解答のポイント例 1 ) personal computers and the Internet = easy access to almost unlimited resource of information / easier and quicker problem solving / downloading and uploading official documents or shopping and selling at home / changes in communication ➝ better quality of life = fundamental change in life = the most important change in life 2) vaccine and antibiotics = They have saved lives of sickly children who otherwise might have died before five and I was one of them
Nobel peace prize: Bradley Manning tops reader poll (Gardian)
Nobel peace prize: Bradley Manning tops reader poll (Gardian)
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/07 (Fri) Slept from 1:30-4:00 + 5:00-10:00 (2.5 + 5 hrs). An rather strong, exploding electric shock from below hit my head when I was going to sleep. I put my head on my laptop and was able to fall asleep. A game-like noise which was louder than usual woke me up early morning. Several electric shocks, one of which made my jaw shut, came when I was trying to sleep again.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/06 (Thu) Slept from 0:00-7:00 + 8:00-10:00 (9 hrs). Electric shocks that seemed to such my brain when trying to sleep and half woke up.
Harassments on the trains and in streets were more often than usual yesterday probably because Wednesday is the day I usually do not commute, which lead to I meet more people who have not harassed me yet and thus have not seen the web site that those who have harassed me seem to see and change attitude to me. It was as if time scrolled back to when it was six twelve months ago.
Harassments on the trains and in streets were more often than usual yesterday probably because Wednesday is the day I usually do not commute, which lead to I meet more people who have not harassed me yet and thus have not seen the web site that those who have harassed me seem to see and change attitude to me. It was as if time scrolled back to when it was six twelve months ago.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/05 (Wed) Learning the death of a person who I knew more than pretty well kept me awake till late. Slept from 2:30-5:30 + 6:30-8:30 (3 + 2 hrs). Incessant strong electric shocks to the head when trying to sleep after 2:30 and trying to sleep again around 6:30. Also, the noise in my head were very loud when trying to sleep again and woke up again. It subsided after I had gotten up and sat for 10-20 minutes.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/03 (Mon) Slept from 0:00-4:00 + 5:00-9:00 (4 + 4 hrs). Electric shocks to my head between 4:00-5:00. Game/car-like noise almost all night.
2011/10/04 (Tue) Slept from 1:00-5:00 + 6:00-9:00 (4 + 3 hrs). Incessant, sometimes very strong electric shocks to my head, some of which causes fits of my mouth, hand, fingers, and right leg. Laptop seems to lessen the shocks.
2011/10/04 (Tue) Slept from 1:00-5:00 + 6:00-9:00 (4 + 3 hrs). Incessant, sometimes very strong electric shocks to my head, some of which causes fits of my mouth, hand, fingers, and right leg. Laptop seems to lessen the shocks.
Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 Language in Africa)
1. Crummell would not be satisfied with the present language situation in Africa because he thinks it is good for the black to grow up using language of Westerners as their mother tongue while this has not happened in Africa, where milliard of languages are still alive and one who is ambitious faces necessity to use his second tongue to be a successful person and to form a culture for his country.
2. pros: internationally active (communication, business, adopting foreign culture)
cons: separation from indigenous culture (language = culture)
3. On the surface, the language situation in Japan and that in Africa might look the same, the people communicating in a common language, but the actual circumstances are gravely different, one providing a much more favorable environment for development and sophistication of a culture than the other. Japanese speak their mother tongue which is part of their tradition. This situation provide perfect matrix for well-rounded evolution of their tradition. On the other hand, given that their common languages are not directly rooted in their cultures and merely play the role of a communication tool that barely help convey common denominators of each concept, building a mature culture common to all ethnic groups in a county might be almost impossible, especially when many areas still suffer from civil wars, which are a legacy of colonial period whose policy was to separate Africans and make them hate each other.
2. pros: internationally active (communication, business, adopting foreign culture)
cons: separation from indigenous culture (language = culture)
3. On the surface, the language situation in Japan and that in Africa might look the same, the people communicating in a common language, but the actual circumstances are gravely different, one providing a much more favorable environment for development and sophistication of a culture than the other. Japanese speak their mother tongue which is part of their tradition. This situation provide perfect matrix for well-rounded evolution of their tradition. On the other hand, given that their common languages are not directly rooted in their cultures and merely play the role of a communication tool that barely help convey common denominators of each concept, building a mature culture common to all ethnic groups in a county might be almost impossible, especially when many areas still suffer from civil wars, which are a legacy of colonial period whose policy was to separate Africans and make them hate each other.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/02 (Sun) Slept from 0:00-4:00 + 5:00-9:00 (4 + 4 hrs). Shocks to my head till and after I put my laptop under my head. Game-like noise in the next room. Eye fatigue and still feel like the blinking flashes that I experienced yesterday are still going on. Funny feelings in my teeth and brain while doing the dishes, doing the laundry, sometimes working at desk.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
2011/10/01 (Sat) Slept from 6:30-9:30 (3 hrs) Unable to sleep because of the attacks. Mainly usual shocks on the head, the feeling of brain zapped. Also, a big fit of my legs. Also, strong flashes in my eyes continues for around 2 seconds even though I moved my body until I put my eyes next to magnets which I had placed on my mattress. (5:01 a.m.)
Went to bed again at 6:00 and kept awake probably till 30mnutes later, when I put my laptop under my head and felt shocks softened a little―I had stopped using laptop as my pillow for a few days because shocks were coming anyway and it seemed to make no difference.
Went to bed again at 6:00 and kept awake probably till 30mnutes later, when I put my laptop under my head and felt shocks softened a little―I had stopped using laptop as my pillow for a few days because shocks were coming anyway and it seemed to make no difference.
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