
Writing Topic

It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 新しいレストランがあなたの近所にできると言う発表が最近ありました。この計画を支持しますか?具体的な理由と詳細を付けて答えを支持して下さい。



Let’s Think

This topic uses the word “your” and thus you can take some specific conditions in your neighborhood into account. このトピックには「あなたの」という言葉が使われているので自分の近所の特定の条件を考慮に入れることができる。


Sample Essay Structures

Sample Essay Structure 1

Introduction = OutlineI have no objection to a new restaurant in my neighborhood. 反対しない

Point 1There is no right for the residents to oppose the building of a new restaurant. If it is a new factory or a high-rise condominium, some environmental issues should be considered, but a restaurant is basically harmless. For example, a new chain restaurant came to my town last year, and the neighbors have had no problem with it. 反対する権利はない 工場や高層マンションではない 昨年フランチャイズは問題なかった

Point 2Any new business will liven up my boring town. It will revitalize the economy of my town. New people will come. If the restaurant is not the type that we already have, it would be all the better. We now only have fast food shops. When we have a special occasion, we have to go to the next town now, so if we have a new restaurant, we will be able to have celebrations more easily. 町の活性化  経済・人・新鮮さ・便利さ

follow-upThere would be some noise during the construction, but it would be over soon. It took only three weeks when the chain restaurant I wrote about above was built. Many people did not even notice that some construction was going on during the time. 騒音は短期間  昨年のフランチャイズは3週間 

Conclusion = Wrap-upI would probably support the plan. I hope a new restaurant in my neighborhood will help make our lives better. たぶん支持  生活を良くしてくれると良い


Sample Essay Structure 2

Introduction = OutlineI do not think it is a good idea to build a new restaurant in my town. 不推奨

Point 1There are already many establishments in my neighborhood. The competition is strong and most of the new restaurants just come and go. Also, people eat at home more often than before. For example, my family used to go out for dinner every weekend, but now we use restaurants only for special occasions.

既に飲食店がたくさんある  競争が激しい  外食しない人増  以前は毎週末→今は特別な機会のみ

Point 2The traffic will be heavier. A lot of people may visit the restaurant by car right after the opening and, if it becomes popular, forever. This will pollute the air, and noises may bother some residents. The number of traffic accidents may increase too. Since there are many children and elderly people in my town, the number will be even larger. 交通量増 空気・音・交通事故 子供・お年寄り

follow-upAccepting a venture might be a good thing, but accepting a new business knowingly that it will fail or at least it is unwelcome is irresponsible. A new business owner usually has a debt, and the person will almost certainly be unable to pay for it. 冒険の受け入れは良いがだめと知っていて受け入れるのは無責任  負債

Conclusion = Wrap-upI may not oppose the plan, but I would warn the owner of the new business that it is a losing battle.  反対はしないかもしれないが警告する



♦Your Sample Essay Structure

Introduction = Outline



Point 1



Point 2



Point 3/ Follow-up



Conclusion = Wrap-up


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