
TOEFL iBT Independent Writing Drills  Bullies who are minors should be arrested and put in jail.

Drill 1  Which of the answers below is more appropriate as an answer to the following question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Bullies who are minors should be arrested and put in jail.


Answer A: I do not agree with incarceration of children for bullying because this is a radical idea. Children are protected by law, so that they will not be arrested even if they kill somebody. When adults say there is bullying, children are just having fun, sometimes with their teacher, and suddenly the one they are having fun with dies. Also, it is said that there is something bad on the side of those bullied. I understand it. There was a gloomy student in my class, and soon some boys and girls started hanging around with him, and he moved to another school. I think he was selfish and did not corporate with others. I feel sorry for those who got called to the principal’s office for just playing with him.


Answer B: I cannot totally disagree with the idea of questioning the responsibility of underage bullies. Bullying should not be turned a blind eye to, even if those involved are minors, and the root cause should be removed. Reports show that bullying exist at school and children are suffering, many committing suicide. The low number of criminal cases is due to cover up and indifference in the school and community. There is no reason for culprits kept at large. Bullying is addictive, and thus they will repeat it. However, punishment will not reform them, nor will it eliminate bullying, Rather than handing them to the law enforcement, we should consult specialists, who will conduct counselling with both parties and give advice for reoccurrence prevention to the school and community.


Drill 2  Discuss the 2 questions on page 88, and write your answer, giving reasons. Use expressions on pages 87 and 88. Show your answers to each other and give comments.






















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