Drill 1 Which of the following answers do you think is more
appropriate as an answer to the following question.
Question: Agree or disagree? Hospitals should be free.
Drill 2 Discuss the following statement, write a single-paragraph
essay on it including sentences with the structures below. Then show your essay
to each other and write comments.
Writing Topic: Smartphones should be free of charge.
●want O to do ~ 「Oに~してほしい」 hope
that S will ~ 「Sが~すると信じて~するとよいと思う」wish that S would ~「Sは~しないと思うが~したらよいのにと願う」
●人 who ~「~ であるところの人」 物 which ~ 「~ であるところの物」the reason why ~「~する理由」
Single-Paragraph Essay
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