
国際教養学部AO入試 reference, Abe forcibly making the security-related laws

Japan Moves to Allow Military Combat for First Time in 70 Years
By JONATHAN SOBLEJULY 16, 2015  The New York Times




A war begins under the name of self-defense.
A war benefits the weapon industry.
A war spins out of control immediately after it begins.
A war is more difficult to finish than to begin.
A war hurts not only soldiers, but also the elderly and children.
A war damages the body, and goes deep inside the heart.
The human spirit is not to be manipulated.
Human life is not a means to somebody else’s end.
The sea should not be swamped by military bases.
The sky should not be defiled with the roars of fighter planes.
We wish to live in a special country that is proud of its wisdom, rather than a ‘normal’ country that esteems military contribution.
Scholarship is not a weapon of war.
Scholarship is not a tool of business.
Scholarship is not to serve power.
In order to protect and create a place to live and the freedom to think, we must wholeheartedly strike the conceited government.
Kyoto University Campaign for Freedom and Peace

弁護士ドットコム 7月31日(金)18時48分配信 http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20150731-00003483-bengocom-soci

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