By JONATHAN SOBLEJULY 16, 2015 The New York Times
A war begins under the name of self-defense.
A war benefits the weapon industry.
A war spins out of control immediately after it begins.A war is more difficult to finish than to begin.
A war hurts not only soldiers, but also the elderly and children.
A war damages the body, and goes deep inside the heart.The human spirit is not to be manipulated.
Human life is not a means to somebody else’s end.The sea should not be swamped by military bases.
The sky should not be defiled with the roars of fighter planes.We wish to live in a special country that is proud of its wisdom, rather than a ‘normal’ country that esteems military contribution.Scholarship is not a weapon of war.
Scholarship is not a tool of business.
Scholarship is not to serve power.In order to protect and create a place to live and the freedom to think, we must wholeheartedly strike the conceited government.Kyoto University Campaign for Freedom and Peace
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