
TOEFL, iBT, Independent Writing, a subject that I have never had the opportunity to study and that I would like to study / Are only people who earn a log of money successful? - rewrite -

Writing Topic 1
If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

Let’s think
What to write:
You could choose a subject related to your study or interests. They can be related to your major, hobby, future goal, or interests. Also, you could choose a subject that is totally different from your field. For example, if you are a major of physics, you could choose economics or Latin American literature.

How to write:
You are supposed to explain your choice. What if you have only a vague idea and do not know how to explain? This test requires you to write at least 300 words in an organized way. One idea to come up with good words of explanation might be to follow good old grade school writing manners and to answer the questions starting with Wh or H. Who / What made you interested in it? When / Where did it happen? How did you become interested in it?

Sample short response
If I had time to study a subject that I have never had the opportunity to study, I would study astrophysics because I have a feeling that it will give me an opportunity to think about life and universe, for it deals with the physics and the universe and involves studies of both the invisible matters and huge objects in the vast space. A memorable word of one of the members of the art club I belonged to in my high school days has made me interested in it. He said, “Electrons circling around atoms is similar to planets orbiting the sun, isn’t it?” Even though I found it interesting then and I still remember it, this inspiring analogy of physics between the smaller and the larger never really encouraged me to study the related subjects and I chose the humanities. Young people are sensitive to the clues to solve questions in life and universe which all things around are always hinting to humans, and I think this old high school friend of mine had a particularly strong perception of these clues. In the course of gaining knowledge about this word of his, I hope that I will have a glimpse of the secret of life and universe which I might have missed in my youth.

Your short response:
If I had time to study a subject that I have never had the opportunity to study, I would study … because …

(Answers to Who / What / When / Where / How)

Essay for Ideas and Expressions   (Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, pp.283-284)

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3

Conclusion = Wrap-up

Writing Topic 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Let’s think
Reading the question carefully is the first step toward writing a satisfactory essay. The words to mark in this statement are probably “Only” and “successful.” Not many things can be described with words like “only” or “all,” so trying to focus on proving this statement is wrong might be a good start. To prove a statement that only A is B is wrong, all you have to do is to show that non-A is also B. Therefore, to disagree with the statement that only people who earn a lot of money are successful, you just show that those who do not earn a lot of money are also successful.

Now, what is the definition of being successful? Reaching a goal helps one feel successful personally, but, to others, might not be successful. A murderer who has killed the person he believed should not be in this world cannot be called a successful person. It seems that, to be successful, a person must meet some unsaid criteria that society sets.

What kinds of people are said to be successful? Do they have money, a higher status, or a good life? Are they admired by many people? Have they accomplished something important? Is money an essential factor to be regarded as a successful person? Is your uncle who owns a venture business producing a lot of money successful while another uncle of yours who is a dedicated high school teacher everyone in his community respects is not?

Sample short responses
I do not think earning a lot of money is necessary to be successful because  there are people who are looked upon as successful even though they do not make a lot of money.
1)    A person can be regarded as successful if the person earns respect from the world by doing what he believes right
2)    A person can be regarded as successful if the person is leading a happy, decent life which most people would wish to be theirs.
3)    A person who attains his or her goal can be regarded as successful as long as the goal is not anti-social.

Your short response:
I think / do not think earning a lot of money is necessary to be successful because …

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment

Conclusion = Wrap-up

Paragraph Development
Paragraph development is a key to giving sufficient background information. If a paragraph has only one sentence or two, it lacks some essential sentences such as supporting details (background information). Although you do not always have to write more than one sentences in a paragraph, adding sentences to help convey your idea more effectively would be a good idea. A sample of a paragraph development is as follows:

Thesis Sentence A sentence which represents the paragraph briefly
Supporting Detail - in general              A sentence which introduces the following example
Supporting Detail - specificA sentence which provides a specific example
Follow up / Counterargument-treatmentA sentence making up for some lacking information.
Conclusion of the Paragraph A sentence which wraps up the paragraph
Sample paragraph development 1
Thesis SentenceA person can be regarded as successful if the person earns respect from the world by doing what he believes right.
Supporting Detail - in generalMany artists and musicians young people aspire to be like in the future were never rich.  
Supporting Detail - specificFor example, Vincent van Gogh is one of the most famous and successful artists. His paintings are sold at high prices. It might be difficult to find a museum of modern art without a Gogh. Department stores have retrospectives of van Gogh as often as those of Impressionists and it is difficult to find a fine art textbook without a page on his life and art.
Follow up / Counterargument-treatmentHowever, he never became rich by selling his paintings while he was alive. What makes him successful is that he knew his artistic experiment was on the right track and made the world recognize it through his works.
Conclusion of the Paragraph Although he was not happy in his private life and he was never rich, his life was successful as an artist.

Sample paragraph development 2
Thesis SentenceA person leading a happy, decent life which most people would wish to be theirs can be called a successful person.
Supporting Detail - in general              For example, a devoted scientist who is happily married can be successful even if he does not earn enough to enjoy extravagance.
Supporting Detail - specificHis life is full of joy because he is doing what he wants to do and he has life. He has a purpose in life and makes efforts for it day by day.
Follow up / Counterargument-treatmentHis research may not see a breakthrough in his lifetime, but he is still happy because he knows that what he is doing is part of a large current of a scientific pursuit in which he shares his interest and passion with his numerous associates around the world, including those in the past and in the future.
Conclusion of the Paragraph If a person earns sufficiently and lives a respectable, fulfilling life, he can be called a successful person.

Sample Conclusion 
1)    From the examples above, it is clear that there are many counter examples against the statement that only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Therefore, I cannot agree with the idea.
2)    A large income is not the prerequisite for being successful. Thus, it cannot be said that only those who make a lot of money are successful.
3)   nnn (Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, p.322) 

Your test paragraph development:
Thesis Sentence

Supporting Detail - in general

Supporting Detail - specific

Follow up / Counterargument-treatment

Conclusion of the Paragraph


国際教養AO入試 reference, Japan, US, the gap between the rich and the poor, "war on terrorism"

<南スーダン>自衛隊PKO、駆けつけ警護追加 政府検討
毎日新聞 7月29日(水)8時0分配信

TOEFL, iBT, Independent Writing, preserving old, historic buildings or not / hiring an experienced worker or an inexperienced worker - rewrite -

Writing Topic 1
Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Let’s think
A historic building helps us remember historic events, the era, and the related people. Every city has many old, historic buildings and people have valued them, but it often happens that they have to give them up for development. Remember seeing an old structure surrounded by modern buildings. Did you like the scene? If you did not like it, do you still think the city should keep it? Why?

Ideas and Expressions
old, historic buildings
1.    They represent our culture, history, and identity. To lose them is to lose all these intangible assets.
2.    They help us learn from the past more effectively than from textbooks.
3.    Many old buildings have their distinct beauty.
4.    They benefit tourism.

modern buildings
1.    They are stronger, cleaner, and more durable than old buildings.
2.    The street view will be more orderly.

Sample short response:
It is better not to destroy old, historic buildings because they effectively help us learn from the past. For example, the Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima is a tangible proof of the horror of nuclear weapons. Its bear “dome” on top whose curved steel beams indicate that it was covered with some materials and was a real dome a second before the bomb was dropped. The river next to the building is where people whose whole bodies were engulfed by fire jumped into to escape from pain and thirst and drowned. If we lose the building, this story of horror, a strong message for disarmament, will seldom be told but in books. The city of Hiroshima is now thriving and is full of modern buildings, seemingly oblivious of the tragedy, which actually will never free the mind of the citizens, not to speak of the souls of the dead. Therefore, we need to preserve the building to preserve our history and to save our future.

Your short response:
It is better
because …

For example,

If we lose the building,


Essay for Ideas and Expressions   (Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, p.281)

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment

Conclusion = Wrap-up

Writing Topic 2
If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Let’s think
Paying less for an employee is more preferable for an employer for an obvious reason: He can cut costs. How about difference between an experienced worker and an inexperienced one? Is an experienced worker worth the extra money? Is lack of experience just a disadvantage?

Ideas and Expressions
Advantages of hiring an inexperienced worker at a lower salary
1.    Paying a lower salary will save you money. Loss of money caused by mistakes inexperienced workers make can be avoided by training and communication.

2.    He would be easier to train than an experienced worker because he is more ready to accept the company culture while an experienced worker often has difficulty in unlearning what he has already acquired in his previous work places.

3.    He would work harder because he wants to learn anything related to his job and wants to be noticed.

4.    Everyone is inexperienced at the beginning and even an experienced worker can make a huge mistake. Chances should be given to the young.

Advantages of hiring an experienced worker at a higher salary
1.    It lowers the risk of wasting the recruiting expenses. You would not know exactly how competent an inexperienced worker would be no matter how careful you are. He might be tardy or quit during the probation. Experienced workers are survivors. The fact that they have been in the industry for a long time shows that they have good work ethic, have no personality problems, and can do the job well enough.

2.    An experienced employee is valuable as an asset. Skills, knowledge, and the network of personal connections he has would be useful for your company.

3.    A worker with experience can teach less experienced workers.

4.    A well-seasoned worker can make fewer serious mistakes

Sample short response:
I would hire an experienced worker at a higher salary because he can start work on the day he is hired. He knows what to do with his new position and can do his job without asking other workers many questions. On the other hand, an inexperienced worker takes time to be full-fledged. He needs to be trained, which costs you time and money, and he will still need to learn on the job. It is true that paying a high salary would reduce profit, but, considering the cost for training and possible losses and damages caused by mistakes the inexperienced worker makes, I think giving the job to a person who is familiar with it would cost less in the long run.

Your short response:
I would hire …
because …

On the other hand, …

It is true that …


Essay for Ideas and Expressions     (Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, pp. 282-283)

Body Paragraphs
Model A                                                         Model B
1)    about experienced workers                     1) good point of my choice 1
2)    about inexperienced workers                 2) good point of my choice 2
3)    my choice                                                3) good point of the other choice or bad point of my choice
and confirmation of my opinion

Your one paragraph essay
Introduction = Outline

Point 1

Point 2

Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment

Conclusion = Wrap-up

国際教養AO入試 reference, nuclear power issues, human rights, Iran、USA

Iranian Dissidents Explain Why They Support the Nuclear Deal

国際教養AO入試 reference, business, life, human

The enemy within
Rogue employees can wreak more damage on a company than competitors
The Economist Jul 25th 2015


国際教養AO入試 reference, economy, Japan

Nikkei’s surprising purchase of the Financial Times
A deal that indicates the global ambitions of an otherwise domestic company


国際教養AO入試 reference, wealth gap, democracy

Push to Lift Minimum Wage Is Now Serious Business
By PATRICK McGEEHANJULY 23, 2015   The New York Times

早稲田国際教養AO入試 Soft Power and Terrorism -rewrite-

本文該当箇所 第1段落 Unfortunately, that neglect may have dangerous consequences for the successful prosecution of the war on terrorism. 不幸なことに、その(ソフトパワーの)軽視は、テロとの戦いの遂行を成功させるのには危険な結果をもたらすかもしれない。

問1 以下の文の空欄AとBに最もふさわしい2語を下のリストから選び所定の場所に書いてください。
 信頼性  依存  正当性  軍事力  利害
考え方 第1段落がソフトパワーの定義で始まっているので、この段落を見て答えを出す。(正解 A credibility  B legitimacy) ソフトパワーの例は第1段落の定義に合うものを挙げる。「何をしているか」だけでなく「それがどのように(信頼性・正当性を満たして)好感を得る役に立っているか」を説明する。
本文該当箇所 第1段落 “Credibility and legitimacy” are what soft power is all about. 信頼性と正当性がソフトパワーにとって最も大切なことなのだ。Soft power is the ability to secure those outcomes through attraction rather than coercion. It is the ability to shape what others want. ソフトパワーは強制よりむしろ魅力を通してそれらの結果(強制力や誘導がなかったらしようと思わないようなこと)を確保する能力である。他人が欲しいものを形作る能力なのだ。Soft power can rest on the attractiveness of one’s culture, political ideals, and policies, or on one’s ability to manipulate other countries agendas. ソフトパワーは、文化の魅力や政治的理想、政策、あるいは他国の議題を操る能力にかかっている可能性がある。
解答のポイント例 Humanitarian aids (donation, volunteering, NGO, etc.) do what people in other countries want your country to do and benefit them without condition. Cultural interactions (exchange student programs, hosting, spread of pop cultures, etc.) are good for mutual understanding and nurturing affinity. Religious tolerance, respect for the teaching and practices of other religions will help your country acquire decency; you will become a quiet but lovable neighbor. Article Nine defines the most civil diplomatic stance and protects our country with its soft power because you will be blamed if you hit an unarmed man. 

問2 「ソフトパワーを怠るとテロとの戦いをうまく遂行することに対し危険な結果をもたらすかもしれない。」と筆者が主張する理由をまとめて日本語で指定個所に書いてください。
考え方 第4段落の最初にSuccess against a net work of terrorists depends on …とあるのでこの段落を要約する。
本文該当箇所 第4段落 “Success against a network of terrorists depends on close civilian cooperation across borders. 対テロリストネットワークの成功は国境を越えた民間人の緊密な協力にかかっている。~The United States will win only if moderate Muslims win, and the United States’ ability to attract moderates is critical to victory. アメリカは穏健派ムスリム勝つ場合のみアメリカは勝つだろう、そしてアメリカが穏健派をひきつける能力が勝利を左右するだろう。
解答のポイント例 イスラム社会の穏健派を味方につけることがテロ対策の成功の鍵。そのためには穏健派(考え方のバランスが取れている人々)の信頼を得、正当とみなされる政策を行う必要がある。従ってソフトパワー軽視のテロ対策は失敗する可能性がある。

問3 アメリカの文化は世界に影響を与えすぎていると思いますか。あなたの意見を説明してください。
考え方 “too much”「~過ぎる」【過剰・非難】を押さえた答えにする。
解答のポイント例 agree: Its influence on not only the superficial level but also the deeper level eliminates good aspects of traditional customs. (e.g. dry business practices, individualism, Holley Wood cultures)
disagree: Culture is so deeply rooted in one’s life that it won’t be lost so easily unless it is removed by force. Foreign culture is always a welcome as a stimulus to one’s own culture. There are many good aspects in American culture and you cannot get affected too much.(e.g. good music, freedom of speech, friendliness, etc.)

問4 友人がテロを恐れてアメリカ旅行をやめたらその決定をどう思いますか。
考え方 9.11以降アメリカ本土で大規模なテロは起きていないという事実やアメリカでは銃乱射事件の頻度の方がずっと高いという点がある一方で、イラク戦争以降反米意識が高まっているが外交政策に大きな変化はなく国内のムスリム差別も多い点、イラク以降のテロリスト数増加の事実などを考えてみる。
解答のポイント例 agree: Since the Iraq War, anti-American sentiment has been strong and the number of terrorists has increased accordingly. Nevertheless, America as a country has not changed its attitude and harassments against Muslims inside America has become stronger since 9.11. Therefore, the same tragedy could repeat itself.  disagree: In America, chances are higher that you get killed in a shooting spree by a mentally-ill person rather than in a suicide bombing, so it is foolish to give up a great opportunity to see the country with a lot of charm. Being driven by fear could cost you too much. Becoming a victim of terrorism is a price to pay for freedom. Just as America allows you to enter its soil, so it does to those few who happen to have horrible ideas in mind. If you call for restriction on their freedom, you will limit your own. We enjoy this life full of freedom and excitement in exchange for some risks, which could be avoided with wisdom.