
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

198. 2011/01/21 I have slept longer hours (around 8 hours) over the past two days although I have not slept well because of the attacks (shocks and noises). The electric attacks have not been strong enough to cause fits but strong enough to disturb my sleep. The night of the18th was the recall of nightmare of being woken up incessantly and sleeping less than five hours in total. On the early morning of yesterday, a big blasting noise that went bWon bWon bWon… came from under my floor when I was half asleep. Last night I had a feeling the attacks now come mainly from the next room (Room 202)not from the room under and I lay myself on the furthest side of my bed (and in my room) from the room when I went to bed. When I was falling asleep, I clearly felt a strong beam came from the lower side of the wall of the next room directly to the back of my head, causing a drilling sensation. I was woken up by a video-game-like noise around 3:30, tried to sleep again, failed and studied for an hour and went back to sleep.

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