202. Today I took TOEIC and as usual harassed in various ways although they are better and fewer than before. I am weary of writing everything, so just record what is relevant to the title.
1) I experienced incessant piercing electric shocks in my head for at least an hour after I went to bed around 1:00 a.m.
2) I was woken up early in the morning, around 6:00 a.m. I think, by a noise that sounded like a video game or car blast which became louder or was conveyed better when I wore earmuffs.
3) The same electric shocks as I experienced last night came repeatedly every time I was about to fall asleep, some of which giving me twitches, until I gave up and got up when a big shock gave my body a big fit a little past 8:30 a.m.
4) I felt like my head had had hiccups all day and I still feel it now at 22:20 p.m. I also have had the funny feeling in the back of my head and I have kept yawning.
Class Supplement (TOEIC(R)受験の手引き)
(2) 出題頻度の高い問題を速く正確に解けるようにする:
TOEICは数多く解いたほうが勝ちといったタイプのテストであり、難題ばかり練習するよりもよく出る問題を反射的に解けるところまで持っていくことが大切です。これは一見簡単そうで実はある程度の時間と労力を要します。TOEICの問題は英検やTOEFLの問題と比べ語彙や構文が易しいため、少し勉強すればスコアを伸ばせそうな錯覚に陥りやすいのですがそうは行かないのです。落とし穴はその問題数の多さにあります。ご存知のようにリスニングは100問を45分で、リーディングは100問を75分で解かねばなりません。リーディングに関して言えば、文法・語法問題(Part 5 & 6)を1問20~30秒で、読解問題(Part 7)を1問30~60秒で解いてぎりぎりに終わると言う計算です。ただし普通に勉強すれば2~3ヶ月で時間内に終わるようになります。
♦Reading Iと穴埋め問題プリントは毎日時間を決めて繰り返し復習してください。寝る前や登校時など習慣にし易い時間帯を選びましょう。早く正確に解けるようにするには地道な復習が不可欠です。
発展学習: 時間に余裕のある人はこの講座の復習に加え、市販の模擬問題集を解く+復習を繰り返すと効果的です。模試形式になっているものを使いましょう。解くときは本番と同じようにリスニングが終わったら引き続き(休憩なしで)リーディングに行き、一気に終わらせるようにしましょう。リーディングはタイマーを75分に設定して行います。時間配分を確認したり解く問題形式の順を試したりしてみましょう。1~3ヵ月後受験の場合毎週末に1セットを解きその後1週間で復習、1~3週間後受験の場合は1日おきか毎日1セット解き復習を平行して行います。
人によって様々ですが、600点以上を目指す場合及び文法に苦手意識がある場合は、Part 5(リーディング最初の穴埋め問題、テキストで言うとReading I)に力を入れることをお勧めします。Part 5ができないと他の問題形式の点数を上げるとは難しく、逆にPart 5ができるようになると他もできるようになります。問題文を早く読めるようになるのでリスニングもスコアアップします。また、Part 5が勉強の成果が最も早く出る問題形式でもあります。本番までにPart 5を15分前後(遅くとも20分)で解けるところまで仕上げましょう。
Part 1 (写真描写問題) 紛らわしい発音(coffeeとcopy等)と時制に特に注意しましょう。
Part 2 (応答問題) TOEICリスニングスコアアップの鍵はPart 2の完全攻略です。なぜならPart 2の問題点はPart 3 の問題点になるからです。Part 3の会話文はPart 2の対話文が組み合わさったものなのでPart 2 関連の対話文の取り残しはそのままPart 3の会話文の聞き落としにつながります。逆にこの二つの問題形式を押さえればリスニングを押さえることになります。(問題数で見てもPart 2が30問、Part 3が30問で合計60問)模擬練習で間違えた問題のスクリプトと訳を確認し、声に出して言って自分の言葉にしておきましょう。
Part 3 (会話問題) Part
2の徹底攻略によりリスニングの実力が底上げされるとPart 3は自然にスコアが上がります。ただし問題形式への慣れは必要なので模擬練習で会話内容・質問文の傾向をチェックしておきましょう。(問題文を速く読めるようにすることも目的です。)内容は、ある書類の所在に関する会話や採用面接での質疑応答、予定の確認などパターンは決まっており、問題文も、「男性は誰と話しているのか?」、「二人はどこにいるのか?」、「この後この女性は何をするのか?」といった定番問題が数多くあります。また、3問中2問以上間違えた問題及び内容が把握できなかった問題は、会話文をシャドーイングすることをお勧めします。(British/American accent対策にもなります。)シャドーイングがつらい場合、まずスクリプトを見ながら読む練習をしましょう。音声と同じ速さとリズムで読むようにするとリスニング力向上に役立ちます。
Part 4 (説明文問題) リーディング力のある人でリスニングがあまり得意でない人はPart 2やPart 3よりもPart 4を得意とします。このことから分かるように、Part 4はTOEICの中で最も総合的な力を問われる問題形式です。対策としては、まずPart 3と同様に模擬練習で問題文とナレーション内容のパターンを確認し、更にナレーションをリーディングの文章として読んで内容の要点を確認し最後にシャドーイングをして仕上げます
Part 5 (語彙・文法穴埋め問題) 英検の最初の穴埋め問題同様、毎回同じような問題が出題されます。繰り返し練習して急いで解いても疲れてきてもミスしないところまでもっていくことが大切です。速く解くコツは空欄が2行目以降にある場合、まず空欄の前後と選択肢を見て解いてみることです。前半を読まなくても解ける問題は沢山あります。また、語形変化問題は40問中13~18問出るので得意分野にしておきましょう。語形変化問題とは選択肢が同じ語の動詞、名詞、副詞、形容詞などになっているもので、空欄前後の単語との組み合わせで正解が判断できるものが多いので比較的短期間で習得できます。文法が苦手な場合、答えの理由を考えなくてはならないので最初は速く解けなくて構いません。一回目は時間をかけ、復習によって速く解けるようにしてゆきます。総合的な対策の最後にも書きましたが本番までにPart 5を15分前後(遅くとも20分)で解けるところまで仕上げましょう。
Part 6 (長文穴埋め問題) Part
5とPart 7が合わさった問題です。Part 5の文法・語法力とPart 7の速読力が必要ですが、どちらかというとPart 5 の文法・語彙力で解ける問題がほとんどで、内容も考えないと解けない問題は12問中1~2問です。まず空欄の前後をみて解いてゆき、内容関連問題のみ前後の文または文章全体を拾い読みして答えます。800点以上を目標とする場合はタイトルや最初の部分にさっと目を通して内容を同時に追いながら解きましょう。
Part 7 (読解問題) TOEICの読解問題は速読力・読み飛ばす力をみる問題です。全文を読んでから問題に行く必要はありません。ぱっと見て何の文章か分かる場合はすぐに問題を見て必要な情報のみ探します。「次のどれが当てはまらないか」と言った問題は選択肢を先にみて問題の中に該当部分があるかどうか確認し消去法で解きます。ぱっと見て内容の見当がつかない問題は逆に腰をすえて最初の部分を読み要旨をつかむ方が結果的には早く解けます。「ああ、こういうことか」と思う瞬間が来たら問題に行きます。これで1問目は解けてしまう場合がほとんどです。その後は問題と選択肢を先にみて解いてゆきます。問題・選択肢を先に見ると言うのは邪道のように思われるかも知れませんが、TOEICは英語による実務能力のテストなのでこれは正当な解き方です。日本語に置き換えてみると普段、回覧板や学校の通知、宣伝メールなどを隅々まで読むことなどありません。要旨と必要な情報の検索が速く正確にできることが肝心です。その練習であることを意識して問題を解きましょう。また、英検やTOEFLにはないTOEIC独特の問題としてビジネス文書(特に社内文書)の問題があります。letterや e-mail, memorandum (memo), noteなどはほとんどがビジネス文書で、内容は担当者の変更やセキュリティーソフトのインストールに関する注意事項といった事務連絡や休暇の取り方といった就労規定等で学生さんにはなじみのない内容が多いので重点的にチェックしましょう。毎回必ず2~3題出題されます。内容が全く分からなかった問題は、復習時にまず解答・解説の和訳を使って日本語の読解問題として解き、広告やビジネス英文の構成を把握するとどこに答えのヒントがあるか見当を付けやすくなります。
本番直前: (1)体調を整え、(2)頭を英語にして行く
(1) 体調を整える: 勘、反射神経、集中力を大切にする。できるだけ多くの問題を速く正確に解くには体調が大いに影響するので、前日は夜更かしせず当日の朝も余裕を持って会場に行く。(試験前に無駄なエネルギーを使わないこと)
(2) 頭を英語にしていく: 本番では日本語に置き換える時間はない
やってはいけないこと ― 単語の日本語訳の復習・暗記(頭が日本語になる)
やったほうがよいこと ― (1)前日: 前に間違えた問題の復習(間違いやすいところの確認)解いたことのない読解問題を2~3題解く(頭の英語化)
当日: 朝起きてすぐ~直前まで英語を聴く(興味を持てるものかTOEIC教材)ただし、電車内等騒音のある所では耳を傷めるので控える。
(3) その他
♦予想外のことがあっても気にしない ― TOEICはいろいろな人が受けるテストで会場も様々なので予想外のことが起こって当たり前と思ったほうがよい。例えば試験中ずっと音を立てる人がいる、後ろの人が自分の椅子をけるなど集中を妨げるようなことがよく起こる。こういった場合、対処できることは対処し(当人に注意する、試験監督に申し出て席を替えてもらう等)対処できない場合は諦めてテストに集中する。(集中すれば気にならない)
本番: 解ける問題を確実に解き全体での正解数を上げることを意識する(考えても分からない問題は深追いせず適当に塗りつぶす)
Part 1 紛らわしい発音(coffeeとcopy等)と時制に注意する。
Part 2 最初の1語を聞き逃さないようにする。(WhereとWhenの違いなど)そのためにも前の問題が分からなかった場合深追いせず、次の問題が始まるまでに答えて気持ちを切り替え次は確実に解けるようにする。
Part 3 & 4 問題を先に読むペースを崩さない。Part 3 の問題形式説明のナレーション中に最初の3問の問題文と選択肢を読み、何を聞き取ればよいのか(できればどのような内容になりそうか)を確認しておく、音声が流れる間に問題に答えて行き、音声が終わったら、次の問題の問題・選択肢をチェックする。たとえば、「41番に答えなさい」という指示があるところで44番の問題・選択肢を読み、「42番に答えなさい」という指示のところで45番の問題・選択肢を読むというふうにして次の問題(44~46番)の音声が流れるまでに全ての問題文・選択肢をチェックしておく。
注意! Part 3 & 4 の問題には最後にどんでん返しのあるものもあるのでその可能性がある場合はたとえ問題全てに答えたと思っても用心して最後まで聴く。
得意な問題形式から先に解く。例えばPart6が苦手で文法はある程度仕上がっている場合、Part 5 → Part 7 → Part 6の順にする。
Part 5 15~20分で解く。まず空欄の前後をみて解けないかやってみる(特に語形変化問題と空欄が二行目以降の場合)。それでだめなら文全体や前後の文を読んで考える。
Part 6 3~5分で解く。苦手意識がある場合本番では後回し。解き方はPart 5と同じ。内容関連問題のみ前後の文章か文章全体を読んで解答。
Part 7 ぱっと見て内容の見当がつく問題はすぐにquestionを見て必要な情報のみ探す。内容の見当がつかない問題は最初の部分を読み要旨をつかむ。「ああ、こういうことか」と思う瞬間が来たら問題に行く。問題を読んでもどこを見たらよいか分からないときは選択肢を先に見て該当箇所を探す。タイトルも大きなヒントなので見逃さない。(飾り文字になっていてもイラストと間違わないこと)
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
201. 2011/01/26 Two guys blocked my apartment gate and I called the police:
When I was getting back from work past 8:30 p.m., when I was 12 m (40 feet) away from my apartment gate, I noticed two well-built guys in the same blue windbreakers and gray sweat pants, sneering in a vulgar way, eyes fixed on me, approaching from the other end of the street on the same side of the street that I was walking about the same meters away from my apartment. I switched to the other side of the street and kept walking, we passed each other.
I turned around. They stood on both sides of the gate, one leaning against the number key place for the gate and the other standing in front of the mail box, both talking loudly. I waited for a while. They kept doing the same, sometimes looking at me. I stood 12 m away from the gate folding my arms so that if they were decent people they could leave or change the spot of their conversation.
They did not change. I spoke out, “Attention neighbors, two guys are standing on both side of my apartment gate, sneering! and I can’t go in!” One of them let out a high strange noise like ridiculing. I went, “Anybody please take a picture of these perverts?” Then one of them loudly cursed in the meanest way, something like, “Shut up, you xxxx!” I left and headed back to the station.
First, I thought of spending time somewhere for a while and go back and then remembered a police box was near the station. I went there and reported that two strange guys standing on both sides of my apartment gate, making strange noise. The policeman offered to come to the site. I went back on foot while the policeman closed the office and ride his bike to the site.
When I was near the corner one block away from my apartment, one of the guys appeared on the corner and said, “….ka?(….?)” I kept silent. He shouted, “Bokeh! (sear word meaning an idiot)” He went in a van, which stayed there. I walked back and climbed the stairs of a bridge and watched in the dark. After a dozen seconds, it left.
In front of the apartment, the policeman was waiting and said no one was there. I told him what had happened a minute before. He asked me information for his report and promised me the nearby policeman would watch around from now on. I thanked and went in.
As for the phenomenon I call supersonic/electronic weapons attack, the past two nights were not so bad as far as I remember. There were few strong sensations that I could call attacks and I could sleep almost 8 straight hours last night although I felt as if I was hit hard on the head when I was sitting and dozing off on my bed this morning
When I was getting back from work past 8:30 p.m., when I was 12 m (40 feet) away from my apartment gate, I noticed two well-built guys in the same blue windbreakers and gray sweat pants, sneering in a vulgar way, eyes fixed on me, approaching from the other end of the street on the same side of the street that I was walking about the same meters away from my apartment. I switched to the other side of the street and kept walking, we passed each other.
I turned around. They stood on both sides of the gate, one leaning against the number key place for the gate and the other standing in front of the mail box, both talking loudly. I waited for a while. They kept doing the same, sometimes looking at me. I stood 12 m away from the gate folding my arms so that if they were decent people they could leave or change the spot of their conversation.
They did not change. I spoke out, “Attention neighbors, two guys are standing on both side of my apartment gate, sneering! and I can’t go in!” One of them let out a high strange noise like ridiculing. I went, “Anybody please take a picture of these perverts?” Then one of them loudly cursed in the meanest way, something like, “Shut up, you xxxx!” I left and headed back to the station.
First, I thought of spending time somewhere for a while and go back and then remembered a police box was near the station. I went there and reported that two strange guys standing on both sides of my apartment gate, making strange noise. The policeman offered to come to the site. I went back on foot while the policeman closed the office and ride his bike to the site.
When I was near the corner one block away from my apartment, one of the guys appeared on the corner and said, “….ka?(….?)” I kept silent. He shouted, “Bokeh! (sear word meaning an idiot)” He went in a van, which stayed there. I walked back and climbed the stairs of a bridge and watched in the dark. After a dozen seconds, it left.
In front of the apartment, the policeman was waiting and said no one was there. I told him what had happened a minute before. He asked me information for his report and promised me the nearby policeman would watch around from now on. I thanked and went in.
As for the phenomenon I call supersonic/electronic weapons attack, the past two nights were not so bad as far as I remember. There were few strong sensations that I could call attacks and I could sleep almost 8 straight hours last night although I felt as if I was hit hard on the head when I was sitting and dozing off on my bed this morning
Class Supplement (TOEFL Essay, the most important room in a house)
☆Writing Topic
What room of a house do you consider the most important? Why does this room have such importance? Include specific reasons and details to support your choice.
☆functions of each room
the living room – communication, socializing, family event, ceremony
the bedroom – relaxation, concentration, creation, reflection
the kitchen / dining room – cooking/eating, intimate communication with other family members
the bathroom – hygiene, relaxation, self-check
☆decisive factors for conclusion
♦Man is a social animal. / Most important things for the family are in the living room and this room is located in the best area in a house. / Other facilities like hotels and restaurants can make up for all rooms except for this room. → the living room
♦Everyone needs to be alone sometimes. / Personal things are in the bedroom. / The main function of a house in society is for rest and relaxation. →the bedroom
☆To increase the volume of your essay, …
-- Adding more points/reasons seems to be the easiest way to write more but I think coming up with another point/reason after having brainstormed once is actually rather difficult. Therefore, I recommend concentrating on the logic and details. --
♦describe/develop the main idea well: If a paragraph has only one or two sentences, chances are that you have not described/developed well enough. Look for a sentence that you can add the reasons, details, or examples.
♦describe/develop each sentence well: A statement usually has some exception or needs some condition or concession. Add “except …,” “as long as …,” “though, …,” etc.
♦describe other choices: Even if the Writing Topic does not say, “Compare and contrast the choices,” you could write about other choices. By doing so, you could make good points and you can also show your vocabulary. Make sure that you do not digress.
♦take up counter-arguments if necessary: While you are making points for your argument, sometimes a counter-argument, “Well, but what about in this case?” comes up to your mind. Then it is better not to ignore it but take it up and give a counter-counter-argument or two. By doing so, you can confirm your argument. If you can do it well, you will get a high score.
What room of a house do you consider the most important? Why does this room have such importance? Include specific reasons and details to support your choice.
☆functions of each room
the living room – communication, socializing, family event, ceremony
the bedroom – relaxation, concentration, creation, reflection
the kitchen / dining room – cooking/eating, intimate communication with other family members
the bathroom – hygiene, relaxation, self-check
☆decisive factors for conclusion
♦Man is a social animal. / Most important things for the family are in the living room and this room is located in the best area in a house. / Other facilities like hotels and restaurants can make up for all rooms except for this room. → the living room
♦Everyone needs to be alone sometimes. / Personal things are in the bedroom. / The main function of a house in society is for rest and relaxation. →the bedroom
☆To increase the volume of your essay, …
-- Adding more points/reasons seems to be the easiest way to write more but I think coming up with another point/reason after having brainstormed once is actually rather difficult. Therefore, I recommend concentrating on the logic and details. --
♦describe/develop the main idea well: If a paragraph has only one or two sentences, chances are that you have not described/developed well enough. Look for a sentence that you can add the reasons, details, or examples.
♦describe/develop each sentence well: A statement usually has some exception or needs some condition or concession. Add “except …,” “as long as …,” “though, …,” etc.
♦describe other choices: Even if the Writing Topic does not say, “Compare and contrast the choices,” you could write about other choices. By doing so, you could make good points and you can also show your vocabulary. Make sure that you do not digress.
♦take up counter-arguments if necessary: While you are making points for your argument, sometimes a counter-argument, “Well, but what about in this case?” comes up to your mind. Then it is better not to ignore it but take it up and give a counter-counter-argument or two. By doing so, you can confirm your argument. If you can do it well, you will get a high score.
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
199. 2011/01/23 I usually try not to use emotional expressions in terms of what I call supersonic/electronic weapon attack phenomena in order to make my record sound (and it is) as credible as possible, but today I have to use the word insane because there is no other accurate description I could come up with other than this word. The assaults were insanely incessant, persistent, and sinister past two days, especially last night and this morning.
On the night of 21, insanely incessant and persistent assault on my head with electric shocks happened when I was falling asleep. The next morning I also experienced the same type of assaults. And on the night of 22, the assaults became even more insane and persistent and in the end a very strong drilling shock came to the side of my head and I think I fainted. I woke up early in the morning today and again the assault and the final drilling shock on the side of my head came and fainted. I remember covering my head with my hands a few seconds before passing out. When I woke up again at 8:00 a.m. and stayed in bed, even I was totally conscious, I felt the shocks on my head.
In two nights and mornings all attacks have been on my head as far as I remember, and there were several shocks that caused fits, huffs, and twitch of my hand, most of them happened when my hands were in my bedding. I have noticed this long ago and have tried to put my hands out of my bedding but, since it is winter, low temperature makes me unconsciously tack my hands in my bedding.
I don’t know if this is because of last night’s and this morning’s faint-causing assault, but I had slight difficulty in swallowing down my saliva all day today.
On the night of 21, insanely incessant and persistent assault on my head with electric shocks happened when I was falling asleep. The next morning I also experienced the same type of assaults. And on the night of 22, the assaults became even more insane and persistent and in the end a very strong drilling shock came to the side of my head and I think I fainted. I woke up early in the morning today and again the assault and the final drilling shock on the side of my head came and fainted. I remember covering my head with my hands a few seconds before passing out. When I woke up again at 8:00 a.m. and stayed in bed, even I was totally conscious, I felt the shocks on my head.
In two nights and mornings all attacks have been on my head as far as I remember, and there were several shocks that caused fits, huffs, and twitch of my hand, most of them happened when my hands were in my bedding. I have noticed this long ago and have tried to put my hands out of my bedding but, since it is winter, low temperature makes me unconsciously tack my hands in my bedding.
I don’t know if this is because of last night’s and this morning’s faint-causing assault, but I had slight difficulty in swallowing down my saliva all day today.
Class Supplement (Adventure or stability? Essay for ideas and expressions -rewrite- )
☆Writing Topic: There are some people who like adventure and new experiences. They are not afraid to take risks, and they enjoy change in their lives. Other people prefer stable and predictable lifestyles. They do not often change their habits, and they value safety. Compare these two approaches to life. Which approach do you prefer? Explain why.
Essay for ideas and expressions (rewrite):
It is true that some people have a more positive attitude toward change and anticipation of danger than others, who put more effort into maintaining what they already have. I think both are reasonable approaches to life, but I consider myself more on the side of the former because I innately cannot help trying something new.
Adventurous people face changes like a child spotting a new ride in an amusement park. They want to get the most out of their lives and feel that staying the same is the end of life. They are usually very interesting and have the strength and grace of a person who has dared to take risks. They often bring about change to society. Entrepreneurs, explorers and probably the first humans who used fire are people of this type. They contribute to evolution and revolution.
People who stick to their habits and value safety and stability can avoid big mistakes and embarrassment. They never gamble and lose money. They never stand out and become a target of bullying. These people are keenly aware of the negative effects of changes and human weakness―well-intentioned new attempts often go awry like the failure of communism. Their priority is to protect what has been proved secure and beneficial. They help retain culture and tradition.
Of course there are drawbacks in both approaches to life. Adventurous people often face great dangers and losses like bankruptcy or death, while safety-oriented people tend to lose opportunities, for luck and fun are often in the new and strange. In either case, whether you feel that you are really alive with the approach or not might count, and it seems to depend on personalities. Some find true joy of life in peaceful and warm everyday life, others feel alive only when facing something new and extraordinary.
As for me, changes and adventure make me feel alive. I become full of energy and enthusiasm when changes come to my life and repetition makes me start thinking about something else. A new job always makes me focused and when I have established the routine of the work, I cannot stand following it and before I know I alter some part of it. I enjoy seeing more and more foreigners coming into my country just because they are people I am not familiar with, and I am all for new ideas and systems if I find them fundamentally good. In fact, if I had money and time, I would keep traveling or working for new projects for causes and might forget to come home.
Nothing stays the same forever. The essence of life is change. Then appreciating changes, rather than resisting or just accepting them, would help make life more enjoyable, and if you take one step further and risk your life in something for a good purpose, no matter how tiny an experiment it might be, I think you will go through a meaningful moment of life.
Essay for ideas and expressions (rewrite):
It is true that some people have a more positive attitude toward change and anticipation of danger than others, who put more effort into maintaining what they already have. I think both are reasonable approaches to life, but I consider myself more on the side of the former because I innately cannot help trying something new.
Adventurous people face changes like a child spotting a new ride in an amusement park. They want to get the most out of their lives and feel that staying the same is the end of life. They are usually very interesting and have the strength and grace of a person who has dared to take risks. They often bring about change to society. Entrepreneurs, explorers and probably the first humans who used fire are people of this type. They contribute to evolution and revolution.
People who stick to their habits and value safety and stability can avoid big mistakes and embarrassment. They never gamble and lose money. They never stand out and become a target of bullying. These people are keenly aware of the negative effects of changes and human weakness―well-intentioned new attempts often go awry like the failure of communism. Their priority is to protect what has been proved secure and beneficial. They help retain culture and tradition.
Of course there are drawbacks in both approaches to life. Adventurous people often face great dangers and losses like bankruptcy or death, while safety-oriented people tend to lose opportunities, for luck and fun are often in the new and strange. In either case, whether you feel that you are really alive with the approach or not might count, and it seems to depend on personalities. Some find true joy of life in peaceful and warm everyday life, others feel alive only when facing something new and extraordinary.
As for me, changes and adventure make me feel alive. I become full of energy and enthusiasm when changes come to my life and repetition makes me start thinking about something else. A new job always makes me focused and when I have established the routine of the work, I cannot stand following it and before I know I alter some part of it. I enjoy seeing more and more foreigners coming into my country just because they are people I am not familiar with, and I am all for new ideas and systems if I find them fundamentally good. In fact, if I had money and time, I would keep traveling or working for new projects for causes and might forget to come home.
Nothing stays the same forever. The essence of life is change. Then appreciating changes, rather than resisting or just accepting them, would help make life more enjoyable, and if you take one step further and risk your life in something for a good purpose, no matter how tiny an experiment it might be, I think you will go through a meaningful moment of life.
Their lives are worth as much as yours ...
Almost exactly eight years ago …
Some Japanese guy: America’s gonna attack Iraq next.
Me: Why? Saddam Hussein has nothing to do with 9-11.
Some Japanese guy: Because he has weapons of mass destruction.
Me: Who says so?
Some Japanese guy: President Bush.
Me: I don’t believe that.
I am proud of myself for saying this though I know this insight came not from my brain but from Howard Zinn, the most respected historian of our time, who passed away almost exactly a year ago.
I was not following news at that time but I was reading Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States.” I instantly knew the reason for the war was a lie.
“We can reject the belief that the lives of others are worth less than the lives of Americans, that a Japanese child, or an Iraqi child, or an Afghani child is worth less than an American child. We can refuse to accept the idea, which is the universal justification for war, that the means of massive violence are acceptable for “good ends,” because we should know by now, even though we are slow learners, that the ugliness of the means is always certain, the goodness of the end always uncertain.” (The Bomb, Howard Zinn)
Although things have not changed much or are getting worse, I am a little glad that I am still alive and seeing this: Arianna Huffington Called 'Sweetheart' By Joe Lieberman (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zwe_2u1Xwtw)
1. President George W. Bush announced that he was ready to attack Iraq in his state of the union address on January 28, 2003.
2. On February 16, 2011, The Guardian reported that Curveball, the man who was the source of the information of Saddam Husain’s WMD, said that he had fabricated the story about WMD and that many people had known that he was lying when Iraq War started:
Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war (Guardian)
Curveball doubts were shared with CIA, says ex-German foreign minister (Guardian)
Some Japanese guy: America’s gonna attack Iraq next.
Me: Why? Saddam Hussein has nothing to do with 9-11.
Some Japanese guy: Because he has weapons of mass destruction.
Me: Who says so?
Some Japanese guy: President Bush.
Me: I don’t believe that.
I am proud of myself for saying this though I know this insight came not from my brain but from Howard Zinn, the most respected historian of our time, who passed away almost exactly a year ago.
I was not following news at that time but I was reading Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States.” I instantly knew the reason for the war was a lie.
“We can reject the belief that the lives of others are worth less than the lives of Americans, that a Japanese child, or an Iraqi child, or an Afghani child is worth less than an American child. We can refuse to accept the idea, which is the universal justification for war, that the means of massive violence are acceptable for “good ends,” because we should know by now, even though we are slow learners, that the ugliness of the means is always certain, the goodness of the end always uncertain.” (The Bomb, Howard Zinn)
Although things have not changed much or are getting worse, I am a little glad that I am still alive and seeing this: Arianna Huffington Called 'Sweetheart' By Joe Lieberman (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zwe_2u1Xwtw)
1. President George W. Bush announced that he was ready to attack Iraq in his state of the union address on January 28, 2003.
2. On February 16, 2011, The Guardian reported that Curveball, the man who was the source of the information of Saddam Husain’s WMD, said that he had fabricated the story about WMD and that many people had known that he was lying when Iraq War started:
Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war (Guardian)
Curveball doubts were shared with CIA, says ex-German foreign minister (Guardian)
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
198. 2011/01/21 I have slept longer hours (around 8 hours) over the past two days although I have not slept well because of the attacks (shocks and noises). The electric attacks have not been strong enough to cause fits but strong enough to disturb my sleep. The night of the18th was the recall of nightmare of being woken up incessantly and sleeping less than five hours in total. On the early morning of yesterday, a big blasting noise that went bWon bWon bWon… came from under my floor when I was half asleep. Last night I had a feeling the attacks now come mainly from the next room (Room 202)not from the room under and I lay myself on the furthest side of my bed (and in my room) from the room when I went to bed. When I was falling asleep, I clearly felt a strong beam came from the lower side of the wall of the next room directly to the back of my head, causing a drilling sensation. I was woken up by a video-game-like noise around 3:30, tried to sleep again, failed and studied for an hour and went back to sleep.
TOEFL Essayの勉強を始めた当初は思っていることを言葉にすることに集中していた皆さんも、そろそろ良い英文エッセイを書くには日頃どのようなことをしたらよいのかという疑問を持ち始めておられることと思います。そこで以下にやってみると良いことをいくつかあげてみます。
話し言葉と書き言葉は別物です。日本語でも話し言葉と書き言葉を区別するように英語でもwritten Englishというものがあります。きちんとした言葉使い(特に構文の正確さ)は重要です。また内容の展開の仕方も書き言葉は日常の言葉使いとは異なります。話し言葉は言葉以外の要素(ジェスチャー、表情、共通認識、人間関係など)を含めてコミュニケーションをとるので言葉足らずでも問題ない場合が多くあります。しかし文章を書く際は言葉だけを使って分かりやすく、誤解のないように説明しなければなりません。細かく説明すればするほど分かりやすく、誤解が少なくなります。これはエッセイを書くときに気をつけると同時に普段手紙や伝言、ブログを書く時などに意識すると効果があります。
♦Newser: 短い、分かりやすい、面白い動画中心のニュースサイトです。
♦The Young Turks: YouTube上のニュース局。 頭脳明晰で人間的で面白い元弁護士Cenk氏がホストです。
♦Fareed Zakaria GPS: Newsweek International 版編集長兼CNN の日曜時事問題番組Fareed Zakaria GPSのホストZakaria氏が同番組HP上の動画で時事問題の鋭い分析を分かりやすく短く述べます。
♦NPR: アメリカのラジオ局。インターネットで24時間ノンストップ放送中です。
♦BBC のpodcast: BBCはon timeのニュース放送・特集が一番参考になりますが、時間を節約するにはpodcastが便利です。 様々なものがありますが argumentの参考になるのが”World Have Your Say”という視聴者参加討論番組です。聞き方のコツは共感する意見が出た時にその表現に注意して聞くことです。
♦NatureとScience のpodcast: 科学雑誌NatureとScienceのpodcast では一般の人にも分かる形で最新の研究結果や科学関連ニュースを発表しています。温暖化、食料・水危機、BP石油流出、幹細胞研究、宇宙探査、米政府の科学研究援助方針など地球・人類にとって重要な問題を多数取り上げています。
♦Daily Yomiuri: 日本国内のニュースを英文で読んで表現の仕方を学びましょう。
♦Voice of America: 記事が音声で聞けます。ニュースが簡潔にまとめられています。
♦Newsweek: 中道。時々少し左寄り(革新思想寄り)です。掘り下げた取材が役に立ちます。
♦In These Times: かなり左寄り(革新思想より)ですが過激な内容ではありません。不正・不平等・人権問題等に関して一般の人々の視点からの取材を丁寧に行っています。
♦MICHAELMOORE.com: アカデミー賞、スタインベック賞などを受賞した映画監督のホームページです。政治・社会問題をユーモアを交えて取り上げています。言葉使いよりも内容を参考にしましょう。
♦The New Yorker on the Web: 週代わりで現代作家の短編小説が掲載されます。
♦The Best American Essays: 前年に出版されたエッセイのベスト版です。編者が毎年変わります。
♦Barron’s How to Prepare for TOEFL Essay: 実際のTOEFL Independent Writing Topicsを使ったsample essaysが100以上掲載されている参考書。構成・内容・語彙の参考になります。
話し言葉と書き言葉は別物です。日本語でも話し言葉と書き言葉を区別するように英語でもwritten Englishというものがあります。きちんとした言葉使い(特に構文の正確さ)は重要です。また内容の展開の仕方も書き言葉は日常の言葉使いとは異なります。話し言葉は言葉以外の要素(ジェスチャー、表情、共通認識、人間関係など)を含めてコミュニケーションをとるので言葉足らずでも問題ない場合が多くあります。しかし文章を書く際は言葉だけを使って分かりやすく、誤解のないように説明しなければなりません。細かく説明すればするほど分かりやすく、誤解が少なくなります。これはエッセイを書くときに気をつけると同時に普段手紙や伝言、ブログを書く時などに意識すると効果があります。
♦Newser: 短い、分かりやすい、面白い動画中心のニュースサイトです。
♦The Young Turks: YouTube上のニュース局。 頭脳明晰で人間的で面白い元弁護士Cenk氏がホストです。
♦Fareed Zakaria GPS: Newsweek International 版編集長兼CNN の日曜時事問題番組Fareed Zakaria GPSのホストZakaria氏が同番組HP上の動画で時事問題の鋭い分析を分かりやすく短く述べます。
♦NPR: アメリカのラジオ局。インターネットで24時間ノンストップ放送中です。
♦BBC のpodcast: BBCはon timeのニュース放送・特集が一番参考になりますが、時間を節約するにはpodcastが便利です。 様々なものがありますが argumentの参考になるのが”World Have Your Say”という視聴者参加討論番組です。聞き方のコツは共感する意見が出た時にその表現に注意して聞くことです。
♦NatureとScience のpodcast: 科学雑誌NatureとScienceのpodcast では一般の人にも分かる形で最新の研究結果や科学関連ニュースを発表しています。温暖化、食料・水危機、BP石油流出、幹細胞研究、宇宙探査、米政府の科学研究援助方針など地球・人類にとって重要な問題を多数取り上げています。
♦Daily Yomiuri: 日本国内のニュースを英文で読んで表現の仕方を学びましょう。
♦Voice of America: 記事が音声で聞けます。ニュースが簡潔にまとめられています。
♦Newsweek: 中道。時々少し左寄り(革新思想寄り)です。掘り下げた取材が役に立ちます。
♦In These Times: かなり左寄り(革新思想より)ですが過激な内容ではありません。不正・不平等・人権問題等に関して一般の人々の視点からの取材を丁寧に行っています。
♦MICHAELMOORE.com: アカデミー賞、スタインベック賞などを受賞した映画監督のホームページです。政治・社会問題をユーモアを交えて取り上げています。言葉使いよりも内容を参考にしましょう。
♦The New Yorker on the Web: 週代わりで現代作家の短編小説が掲載されます。
♦The Best American Essays: 前年に出版されたエッセイのベスト版です。編者が毎年変わります。
♦Barron’s How to Prepare for TOEFL Essay: 実際のTOEFL Independent Writing Topicsを使ったsample essaysが100以上掲載されている参考書。構成・内容・語彙の参考になります。
Don’t get angry, Luke!
…, or you will be pulled to the dark side.
A beautiful piece:
Reflections on the Age of Anxiety (Eric Allen Bell)
A beautiful piece:
Reflections on the Age of Anxiety (Eric Allen Bell)
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)
--- I have been mistakenly numbering the tytle of this series of writing (1) but actually I should have numbered them (6)
197. 2011/01/18 The latter half of the last week went by without strong attacks as far as I noticed although some minor annoyances such as sound in my head louder and wavy, pressure on my head when woke up, and the noise like a video game/car blast waking me up early in the morning (on average, I slept around 6 hours during that time).
On Saturday/Sunday night, when I was in the kitchen, some male made an unnatural coughing that sound like laughing right outside of my apartment door. (The apartment building has the gate with automatic keylock, so the person could have gone through it although you can jump in the premise and I had not counted on the device at all.)
Sunday night, the noise of a car blast that goes Boh, Boh, booooooooooooooooh, Boh went on and my ear drums began hurting in the end. The noise kept sounding all day. The car seemed to be running around the areas that surround my place. This used to happen almost every day before. The noise is not very loud but gets on nerves and sometimes diverts your attention when it makes Boh sounds after continuing booooooooooooooo, causing you to make a mistake.
Last night and this morning, I felt rather strong electric shocks on my head many times and in some cases I reflexively huffed or choked. That Boh sound also continued and I wore earmuffs when I went to bed. The electric shocks between my ears were the main shocks of those I wrote above until I took off earmuffs.
197. 2011/01/18 The latter half of the last week went by without strong attacks as far as I noticed although some minor annoyances such as sound in my head louder and wavy, pressure on my head when woke up, and the noise like a video game/car blast waking me up early in the morning (on average, I slept around 6 hours during that time).
On Saturday/Sunday night, when I was in the kitchen, some male made an unnatural coughing that sound like laughing right outside of my apartment door. (The apartment building has the gate with automatic keylock, so the person could have gone through it although you can jump in the premise and I had not counted on the device at all.)
Sunday night, the noise of a car blast that goes Boh, Boh, booooooooooooooooh, Boh went on and my ear drums began hurting in the end. The noise kept sounding all day. The car seemed to be running around the areas that surround my place. This used to happen almost every day before. The noise is not very loud but gets on nerves and sometimes diverts your attention when it makes Boh sounds after continuing booooooooooooooo, causing you to make a mistake.
Last night and this morning, I felt rather strong electric shocks on my head many times and in some cases I reflexively huffed or choked. That Boh sound also continued and I wore earmuffs when I went to bed. The electric shocks between my ears were the main shocks of those I wrote above until I took off earmuffs.
Class Supplement (Adventure or stability?)
☆Writing Topic: There are some people who like adventure and new experiences. They are not afraid to take risks, and they enjoy change in their lives. Other people prefer stable and predictable lifestyles. They do not often change their habits, and they value safety. Compare these two approaches to life. Which approach do you prefer? Explain why.
This writing topic has three parts: hints, a direction, and a question.
♦Hints: “There are some people ….. Other people. …..”
→ Introduction of two types of approaches to life: adventurous or safety-oriented.
♦The direction: “Compare these two approaches to life.”
→ You are required to deal with both types and compare them.
♦The question: “Which approach do you prefer? Explain why.”
→ The question is about your “preference” not “objective judgment.” Therefore, you can be subjective as well as objective when you make your choice.
-- Make sure that your essay covers both the direction and the question.
-- In reality, the life of an individual can be a mixture of both approaches. You try to protect what you have already got while there are times you want change. Thus, you might well be tempted to write, “I cannot say which I prefer.” Technically, to not choose and to explain why you do not can be a way to answer a choice question although it is often more difficult than to choose one and explain why. In this case, however, the topic is more of a question about your way of life, your philosophy. Therefore, I think committing either would make your essay more interesting. Think of a critical decision like going overseas to further your study and experience or staying home and accepting a job that you liked a lot when you tried it as an intern. The choice you would make might help you answer this question.
☆Hints for points
♦Adventurous approach to life
Pros: a variety of experiences, life full of excitement and surprise,
introduce new things into society, make an unexpected discovery
Cons: full of danger and loss etc., “A rolling stone gathers no moss.”
♦Safety-oriented approach to life
Pros: less mistakes or embarrassment, can know one thing/person really well
accomplish a job that demands repetitive tasks such as research, art, etc.
Cons: miss opportunities, become old-fashioned, can be considered boring
It is actually dangerous not to change because the environment constantly changes.
You cannot say that you are really living if you keep avoiding new things.
(= “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” - Neale Donald Walsch - )
This writing topic has three parts: hints, a direction, and a question.
♦Hints: “There are some people ….. Other people. …..”
→ Introduction of two types of approaches to life: adventurous or safety-oriented.
♦The direction: “Compare these two approaches to life.”
→ You are required to deal with both types and compare them.
♦The question: “Which approach do you prefer? Explain why.”
→ The question is about your “preference” not “objective judgment.” Therefore, you can be subjective as well as objective when you make your choice.
-- Make sure that your essay covers both the direction and the question.
-- In reality, the life of an individual can be a mixture of both approaches. You try to protect what you have already got while there are times you want change. Thus, you might well be tempted to write, “I cannot say which I prefer.” Technically, to not choose and to explain why you do not can be a way to answer a choice question although it is often more difficult than to choose one and explain why. In this case, however, the topic is more of a question about your way of life, your philosophy. Therefore, I think committing either would make your essay more interesting. Think of a critical decision like going overseas to further your study and experience or staying home and accepting a job that you liked a lot when you tried it as an intern. The choice you would make might help you answer this question.
☆Hints for points
♦Adventurous approach to life
Pros: a variety of experiences, life full of excitement and surprise,
introduce new things into society, make an unexpected discovery
Cons: full of danger and loss etc., “A rolling stone gathers no moss.”
♦Safety-oriented approach to life
Pros: less mistakes or embarrassment, can know one thing/person really well
accomplish a job that demands repetitive tasks such as research, art, etc.
Cons: miss opportunities, become old-fashioned, can be considered boring
It is actually dangerous not to change because the environment constantly changes.
You cannot say that you are really living if you keep avoiding new things.
(= “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” - Neale Donald Walsch - )
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