
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(1)

192. 2010/12/26 Around 9:30 p.m., I was taking a rest lying on the bed when my jaw shut with a sound of my back teeth clashing as I heard a beam-like shoooo sound between my ears and felt a shock on/in my head. I got up but when I lifted my upper body I fell forward in the position and started falling asleep. But soon I heard a zooon sound from Room 202 and at the same time a shock came to my head and my shoulders lifted as the muscles between my shoulder and neck contracted. I heard chuckles from Room 204, the other side of Room 202.

193. 2010/12/27 There were few or no attacks last night, although I felt a strange pain in, not on, my lower abdomen. Maybe it was something natural, but the pain moved as if it probed the inner curb of my pelvis. Talking about pain, I had pains that felt like needle stings that covered the upper part of my thigh a few times when I went to bed two days ago. They might also have been something natural. I do not know. So, today is probably the last day I connect to the Internet and leave recordings of this strange phenomenon or crime, because I move into a new apartment tomorrow and I have to pack my desk-top computer, so that I could do multiple things all day tomorrow: to get the key of my new place, according to my contract, in the morning, to move out & move into in the afternoon, and to finish paper and payment for checking out with the agent. I wish myself a good luck and safe and smooth moving. Hopefully, the electronic/supersonic weapons won’t follow me. ( As my telephone company closes from 29th to January 3 and because of my job schedule, I have no phone/e-mail contact between December 28th and January 5th.)

Two Hillaries

I wish Health Care Hillary (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8RYoKjbOZA) were still alive in the Secretary of State Hillary (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hl4NlA97GeQ). (last edited on May 4th, 2011)

Health Care Hillary:
Hillary Clinton gets booed in Seattle 1994
the Secretary of State Hillary:
Rap News 6 - Wikileaks' Cablegate: the truth is out there


Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(1)

I have been kind of busy working everyday since 21st. I’ll be busy working till 27th, the day before my moving day. Here are notes I took about the electronic/supersonic shocks.

187. 2010/12/21 I was lying with my knees up when a strong shock came and my knees waved side to side and I heard several chuckles from Room 202. Sounds and electric shocks on my head and hands. The shock which accompanies the sound Shooooo often came.

188. 2010/12/22 Feeling as if my brain was sucked by the magnetic force. Electric shocks from the time falling asleep and all though sleep. Breathing was interrupted and I huffed several times as I felt the shock zoon on my head. At odd hours, an attack made my lower body make a big move, and I heard some chuckles from Room 202.

189. 2010/12/23 Shocks on my head, legs, and buttocks.

190. 2010/12/24 Very sick the night before and went to bed early for me, at around 22:00 the previous night. Woken up or Woke up at around 5:00 a.m., worked for 2 hours and went to bed again. Woke up around 11:00 a.m.

191. 2010/12/25 Loud, unnatural male coughing from Room 203 and 202 kept me awake till 2:30a.m. Woken up or woke up around 8:30. Prevented from going to sleep again by the same coughing from both rooms.


Wikileaks' double blow: Liars lie to themselves.

Liars lie to themselves.This isn’t new, but it is still shocking to find that government people report bogus information that conforms to their governments’ claim. Cuba welcomed Michael Moore’s movie SiCKO, which targets the immoral American health care system, while the American embassy reported the opposite. They reported in a secret cable that SiCKO was banned in Cuba.

That the truth is on the side of Michael Moore is clear. Had the opposite been really true, had SiCKO been really banned in Cuba, the government would have extensively reported it through main media because that was the kind of information they were in dire need of so that people wouldn’t go see SiCKO. Why did the authorities conceal such a juicy story? Because it was not true. They just wanted to believe it was true, and when they said it it became “true,” they thought.

Sicko Was Not Banned in Cuba (Newser)

Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(1)

186. 2010/12/20 My head felt like pulled towards Room 202 and I woke up at around 3:30 a.m. This phenomenon is not new. Probably my head had really swung toward the room. I felt a few people’s presence in both Room 202 and 203. I tried to sleep again but could not. I read a book till 5:58 and went to bed again, and then the shocks started coming, first, on the right side of my head, next, the left shoulder, and then the right leg. And again on the head, and mouth, twitching its left hand side. After that, incessant attacks on my head that gives the same sensation that woke me up kept coming. They were like a huge, strong magnetic field is wielded towards me, like someone switching on and off a machine that generates the magnetic field. Every time, it was like my head had a hiccup. Between the attacks I slept seconds. At around 7:00, I was woken up by a strong shock on the head. I kept lying and the shock stopped. At this time of the day, unnatural sounds and voices often keeps me from falling asleep as if I am watched. (Sleeping with the light on reduced violent shocks indicates I am watched by many, both assaulters and non-assaulters.) I wore earmuffs. Then came beam-like shocks that feel like I am hit between the ears. They came a few times till I took off my earmuffs. I was between asleep and awake till 9:00 a.m., being attacked by the magnetic field like forces on the head. I noticed my head was placed on the upper edge of the bed and sled down to the lower end, then a sound like someone getting off something came from Room 204, from the same spot that I have heard human movements or machine noise from behind the wall of Room 202. The attack stopped for a while, and then returned. When I got up, the feeling like my head had had hiccups stayed. I still feel it a little now at 11:36 a.m. All the time, a noise of either a heater or some heavy machine or both kept coming from Room 204. (The noise was more like that of a heavy machine when I was first woken up, although I stack my head out to the balcony and heard the heater of Room 202 was working, but after 7:00 a.m., I noticed the sound was purely like that of the heater.)


The authorities are ill-treating the hero, the whistleblower.

4. 2010/12/19 A Guardian article and some other articles indicate that he is not the same anymore due to the confinement. He has been kept alone in a cell, prohibited from exercising, watched for 23 hours a day, and forced to sleep without a pillow for seven months.

Forced physical and mental inactivity is a torture. Bradley Manning, the suspected Wikileaker, is 23 years old and looks physically fit in photos. He also looks bright and seems to enjoy hanging around with others. Whatever he may have done, this treatment is inhumane. Above all, no-exercise and no-pillow do not make any sense. And why has this mind-cracking treatment been going on for seven months? It is unfair that he is not allowed to explain and defend himself in good condition.

Moreover, for many people all over the world, he is a hero. The mere fact that he exposed to the public the video showing civilians in Iraq, who show no intentions for battle, being killed and injured by shootings from an American helicopter is enough to make him a hero. At least the families of the two Reuters employees who were killed in the attacks now have the evidence of their loved ones' unnatural deaths thanks to his leak. And it is those Americans like Bradley Manning that make people in other countries love America.

sources: Bradley Manning's health deteriorating in jail, supporters say (Guardian) http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/dec/16/bradley-manning-health-deteriorating Bradley Manning is being tortured (Newser) http://www.newser.com/story/107624/bradley-manning-is-being-tortured.html The inhumane conditions of Bradley Manning’s detention (Salon) http://www.salon.com/news/wikileaks/index.html?story=/opinion/greenwald/2010/12/14/manning Inhumane Treatment Of Pfc. Manning - Why? (The Young Turks) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEKD3EbkVH0&feature=channel http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/apr/10 Bradley Manning: top US legal scholars voice outrage at 'torture' ">/bradley-manning-legal-scholars-letter">http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/apr/10/bradley-manning-legal-scholars-letter</a>

Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(1)

180. 2010/12/14 There were few or no attacks I remember or noticed. Slept 7 hours straight.

181. 2010/12/15 A strong shocks on my head accompanied by flash in my eye came on after another a little while after I went to bed. I hear a GGGGG noise with those shocks.
When the shocks came, I was wearing earmuffs to block bothering low frequency noise from 201 or 202 and unnatural male coughing from 202. Shocks feel stronger when I am wearing earmuffs, but I could not help because of the annoyance. I took of earmuffs and made the gaps between the packed-cardboard-box wall against Room 202 I made the other day tight. Next shocks were to my shoulders and then hands, both of which caused them to twitch. Noises that usually accompany the shocks were unclear because of the low frequency noises.

182. 2010/12/16 Incessant strong shocks like rock-blows came on my head when I got to bed. So many that I do not remember how many. I d not know whether I fell asleep or faint. Strangely, I was not woken up at odd hours today. Slept 6 hours straight.

183. 2010/12/17 At around 3:30 a.m. after falling asleep around midnight as I got strong shocks on my head many times I was woken up by attacks on my head and a loud mechanic throbbing noise that might have been that of heater but sounded more like the continuation of the sound I often hear when I get those electronic/supersonic attacks. Unnatural, loud male coughs that often sounded intentional continuously heard for almost an hour. I got up around 4:30 and I read a book till 6:30 and tried to sleep again, which was disrupted by attacks, loud unnatural coughs, other noises of hitting or dropping something from eight side of adjacent rooms, and strange fine vibrations inside of my lower body that seemed to be caused by magnetic field coming from Room 202 (I used to have strong versions of this phenomenon around six months ago) every time I was falling asleep. I woke up or woken up at around 9:00 a.m. May be or may not be a coincidence, but I have a class to teach for the first time in a week today.

184. 2010/12/18 A noise that sounded like a video game which used to bother me almost every night till six months ago woke me up at around 3:30. I think there were many attacks when I went to bed last night and they were irregular, meaning that they were not like operated by one individual. After I was woken up at the odd hour, I was between sleep and non-sleep because attacks kept coming. Again, I felt the attacks were not from one person. I think I heard several chuckles in Room 202 when my hand in blanket lifted in an unnatural way like that of a marionette while I was half asleep. Other than the hand placed on my stomach in my blanket, the attacks concentrated on my lower body, which incidentally or not incidentally is more vulnerable to the attack because there are less packed cardboard boxes between my lower body and Room 202. Attacks on my head were rare unlike other nights. I also had a feeling that there were several people in Room 202. I woke up again at around 10:00 a.m., when I heard many people’s voices, not old, in both Room 202 and 203. When I went outside in the afternoon, I saw a plastic bag containing unsorted garbage such as plastic bottles, soft drink cartons, a large beer can, and things wrapped in supermarket plastic bags in front of my apartment building.

185. 2010/12/19 Woken up by something and noticed that a force that felt like magnetic field was around my head and the sound in my head was loud, a little bit wavy but not like it was in the summer, when it sounded like thousands of cicadas, at around 5:00 a.m. I noticed that I was wearing earmuffs but did not remember why.


Michael Moore and Wikileaks

I wish Michael Moore was my elder brother. He is funny, brave, and yet gentle. He has a softest heart. He mentions the pains of the American soldiers in Afghanistan who recorded that they did on command what they were not proud of themselves for doing, when he talks about Wikileaks’ leaks of confidential papers of Pentagon and the American embassy, before talking about other more well-known facts. I think he says this not just because he is American but because he has a strong empathy for the weak and sense of fairness. He says Wikileaks is going to help reduce loss of lives by providing information that can prevent terrorist attacks and wars based on lies. I agree. Probably it already has. Transparency prevents corruptions and plots as street lights protect people from thefts and violence.

Source: Michael Moore on Wikileaks on Countdawn with Keith Olbermann - 12/14/10 “Leaks don’t kill people, secrets do.”


Supersonic/Elecronic Weapon

177. 2010/12/11 Yesterday, I made a wall of cardboard boxes filled with books and clothes against the wall of Room 202, the room most of what I call electronic/supersonic attacks seem to come from. A wall of ten boxes covered the spot from which I often hear someone getting off or out of some kind of machine or chamber. When I got to sleep at around midnight, an attack came to my left hand wrist joint, Room 202 on the right hand side, making the hand rise in a second like a puppet hand rising. Then there was a short, strong and dry noise that sounded like something hitting something else in Room 204 and at the same time I felt a shock like an electric shock in my head. I think the same thing repeated a few times and I fell asleep. I do not remember the assaults from Room 202 as usual came. I woke up at 7:00 a.m. and I realized the sound in my head was really normal to the extent that I realized that even when I thought the sound was normal over the past several months they were not really normal, at least not as close to normal as it was today. I could get out of bed right after I woke up and I felt good. I had no headache, nor did I have a nausea. I could walk straight. My hands and muscles around my mouth still feel a little numb, though.

178. 2010/12/12 The frequency of the attacks was dramatically lower although the strength was not so different, probably slightly weaker, when I got them last night when I went to bed. When I woke up this morning, the sound in my head was loud and wavy and I was tired. I had a feeling that the electromagnetic force had been working for hours on my head instead of giving me strong shocks as I had been getting before I made a cardboard-box wall against Room 202 two days ago. During my sleep, I was woken up once around 5:00 a.m. and read a book for two hours or so. As time went by, I heard a person or two move in Room 202 every time I turned the page. The same thing happened in the same situation when I was studying three early mornings ago.

179. 2010/12/13 A lot of garbage that looked unsorted, in four or five large plastic bags, had been placed in the place for garbage collection in front of my apartment building, which I found on Saturday morning when I was leaving for work. I think they had been there since Friday or Saturday morning, not collection days. Although this happens rather often and I know I should not associate things easily, the garbage appeared right after I made the cardboard-box wall against Room 202 and the amount of the garbage is much larger than usual. I had few assaults last night although I was woken up around 5:00 a.m. by a monotonous noise that used to bother me almost every night till a year ago or an electronic/supersonic shock that was strong enough to wake me up but weak enough for me to realize I was hit by it. I felt the sound in my head was louder. With earmuffs on, I read a book for an hour or so. When I went to sleep again, I think I was hit by a few weak ones or bothered by male coughs that sounded intentional. I do not remember well. No, now I remember I felt my hand in blanket twitch and heard a loud male cough either when I was falling asleep again or in my sleep. Right after I wrote the last sentence, I heard male coughs in Room 202 several times.


Wikileaks' mirror sites: the most beautiful thing I have seen as far as I remember

2010/12/07 Wikileaks has kept me away from this blog and recording my problem (http://junglecrowsister.blogspot.com/2010/10/supersonicelectronic-weapon_24.html ) for more than a week, although I kept notes and will type them later after this paragraph. As a common person, I had a memorable experience of witnessing, through Twitter and other sites, the authorities hunting the truth-tellers around on the web while the mirror sites of Wikileaks mushroomed around both of them, around the world, and this morning I read major newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic finally have decided to back up the release of the “Cablegate” material 100%. “Game over,” they might say. I do not know. I am not a tech. Of course not everything is over and actually this might be the end of only a part of a long story, but the list of mirrors was the most beautiful thing I have seen as far as I remember : ) The article I read this morning is this:
Wikileaks: The internet ideal triumphs (Index on Censorship) (http://www.indexoncensorship.org/2010/12/wikileaks-internet-censorship-united-states/)

Another beautiful development of the Wikileaks story

Another beautiful development of the Wikileaks story other than the mirror sites of Wikileaks: Russian bloggers started a whistle-blowing site on the issues of their country related to the revelation. The related article is as follows: Russian blogger aims to lift lid on corruption (The Financial Times) http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/7a387122-02f3-11e0-bb1e-00144feabdc0.html#axzz17aaSVHWY

Supersonic/Elecronic Weapon

176. 2010/12/09 A sensation like hitting a funny bone was on all joints for so long a time that I could not set really to study when I was woken up by the electronic/supersonic attacks as usual early in the morning at around 3:30 a.m. Even now, around 13:30, I have the strange feeling that I cannot make a full grip of my fist. I tried to go back to sleep but every time I started to fall asleep, the attack came, one of which was like something exploding on my head. Last night and the night before, of course there were attacks when I was going into sleep and while I was sleeping. I found that they felt more like magnetic field rather than beams that I have been experiencing for a long time. It seemed that when the magnetic field emerges or stops existing, the materials inside my body, especially those of my brain, reacted, causing me “hear” some sound like shooon! Talking about the shooon sound, one of the attacks this early morning had a rhythm and the same rhythm was repeated twice in exactly the same way. The rhythm was like SH! sh sh shoooooooo! They were repeated twice following SH! SH! SH! which had been repeated several times.

By the way, I started packing for moving out yesterday. I am moving into a new apartment on the 29th of this month. As I have written, I make this information open because I have a feeling my abusers know this. Right after I made the contract of moving last time, all the then abusers who had attacked me with noises and sounds left the apartment building, not only the ones in the rooms on both sides and under my room but also some other adjacent rooms of them. Instead of them and their noises, the ones I call supersonic/electronic attacks started and they followed me very smoothly and quickly when I moved before even though I had made my new address and the moving date secret.


Supersonic/Elecronic Weapon vs. Wikileaks

175. 2010/12/07 Wikileaks has kept me away from this blog and recording my problem (http://junglecrowsister.blogspot.com/2010/10/supersonicelectronic-weapon_24.html ) for more than a week, although I kept notes and will type them later after this paragraph. As a common person, I had a memorable experience of witnessing, through Twitter and other sites, the authorities hunting the truth-tellers around on the web while the mirror sites of Wikileaks mushroomed around both of them, around the world, and this morning I read major newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic finally have decided to back up the release of the “Cablegate” material 100%. “Game over,” they might say. I do not know. I am not a tech. Of course not everything is over and actually this might be the end of only a part of a long story, but the list of mirrors was the most beautiful thing I have seen as far as I remember : ) The article I read this morning is this:
Wikileaks: The internet ideal triumphs (Index on Censorship) (http://www.indexoncensorship.org/2010/12/wikileaks-internet-censorship-united-states/)

Now, hoping the day I do not have to do this will come soon, here I put my notes of my problem I have taken since my last blog.

Notes that I forgot to write in my last blog: A dried newt and a slim cigarette butt were thrown in through mail slits in my door and my mail box respectively. I had also found the cap of my fabric softener which is in the bucket on my balcony had been broken. Both happened sometime in November.

2010/11/25 Although I had never had fits since my birth and never in the day time after this electric/supersonic attacks started, for the first time my fingers had an unnatural twitch slightly on the train, which I could stop by effort. I remember I had my head attacked very hard or very often the previous night.

2010/11/26 Intentional coughs and loud strange voice of a male in Room 204. Put earmuffs but took off soon as I remembered that a strong shocks will come between ears when they are on. When I took them off, someone or some people moved in either of both Room 202 or/and Room 204. Rather big electric shock on my head and other parts. A very strong hit that made both of my legs have a big fit in odd hours. Woken up at around 5:00 a.m.. Studied till 7:30. Around 7:00, somebody left Room 202.

2010/11/26-27 Slicing sensation like light saber being wielded on my head and chest.

2010/11/27-28 Woken up around 3:30 a.m. , studied for 2 hours, and went to sleep again. When I was woken up around 8:30 a.m., the sound in my head, the one you hear when you pay special attention to the sound inside of your body, was loud and wavy in high frequency

2010/11/29-30 Woken up at 4:50, studied for 2 hours, and went to sleep again. at 10:13 a.m., hit strong as if hit by a rock. My head moved just like that and I woke up.

2010/12/01 Something caused tremor of fingers or hands while sleeping. Strong hits on my head. Woken up by a strong tremor on my right wrist at 7:00 a.m.

2010/12/02 Around 3:30 a.m., a loud noise that sounded like both human voice/snoring and a machine and that was rhythmic like the sound of a heart came from Room 202. Studied for 1 hour and went to sleep again. Had my fingers hit and fit frequently. When I woke up, the sound in side of my head was pretty loud and wavy, stayed in bed for 10 minutes and the sound became normal. At around 15:30, at the end of an hour of intensive study, which I newly started for an English test I will take next month, I noticed I had a sensation of being tapped in the bran. In other words, there was a continuous vibration in my brain. When stopped studying, it stopped once. A few minutes later, when I was recalling the experience with my hands on my head, I felt the same one in my brain, which stopped in a second. I felt nauseous for a while after that.

2010/12/03 Slept better than usual for 7 hours straight although I remember being attacked when falling asleep and woken up by attacks on my head and hands.

2010/12/04 A big attack on my left leg which caused a big fit when I went to bed. Incessant attacks while asleep. In the morning, an attack on the spot slightly below the third eye spot and above the point between eyebrows caused twitches of the muscles twice. I took off my eye cover and was attacked on the left face, the left leg, the right shoulder and some other places of my body, which caused the same magnitude of fits.

2010/12/05 Right after I went to bed and while still my eyes were open, something like electromagnetic force came to my head , causing some funny feelings. And the moment I began to fall asleep, a shock woke me up. My body, lying in a V shape sideways facing the wall of Room 202 with my electric warmer held in hands at my stomach at the point of the V, swung backwards suddenly. I heard my bed spring make swinging noises. I felt I was hit on the electric warmer and the impact blasted me backwards, swinging my whole body, but I am not sure. I might have been hit in the head.

On the morning of Saturday (2010/12/04), I had a glimpse of Room 202 and saw the person in there at that time. (People come and go in that room ― at least four different residents one after another in two years ― and it also seems that different persons visit the room (and probably Room 204, too) each night, for I have seen different people come out of or go into the room(s) alone many times.) A delivery man came to Room 202 when I was leaving my room. I heard a male reply to the delivery man in the room. It took for a while for him to open the door. From behind the delivery man, I saw a male, around 165 cm (5 feet 8 inches) tall and might weigh around 100 kg (200 pounds), stooping in front of the delivery man. The next moment, he looked up. A weakling face, that of a bullied rather than of a bully, was revealed in the dark. He squinted and blinked several times as if the sunshine was dazzling but something told me he was aware of my presence and avoiding to show his straight face to me. For a fraction of second, he saw me. Then he reached for the package the delivery man was holding, a white foam polystyrene box of about 50 X 40 cm (20 X 16 inches) size. he bent over it and behind him in the far back of the room was a light beige curtain hanging from the left top to the right bottom, making a beige trapezoid with its leg stretched towards the side of my room. Other than that I could see nothing. I felt uneasy hanging around there longer and left.

2010/12/06 Right after I got into my bed the night before, electric shock came several times. For some reason, I had a feeling that they were nor from Room 202. Then, behind the wall of Room 204, someone moved from side to side, from the side my head is to the other end. When I was coming home from work around 9 o’clock, I saw a woman going up the stairs of my apartment building. She did not look over 50 and was dressed as a young woman, wearing a maxi skirt, a long sweater, and a jacket, mainly in red. Her hair was a little curly and long. She went up slowly, looking around, and went into Room 202. I went to bed around 1 .m. but could not sleep because of the attacks. After having been attacked a few times and getting a rather strong one, I got up and started studying, when a sound came from behind the wall of Room 202 at the point of 1.5 m (5 feet) up from where my head was. The sound was like some one getting off a seat set in mid air, something metallic. It was also like the sound of a door opening. A little after that, someone was walking a couple of meters (about 6 feet) away from where the first sound was heard. The next day (today, December 7) I felt as if I had a concussion all night. I felt slightly nauseas, too.