
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(1)

186. 2010/12/20 My head felt like pulled towards Room 202 and I woke up at around 3:30 a.m. This phenomenon is not new. Probably my head had really swung toward the room. I felt a few people’s presence in both Room 202 and 203. I tried to sleep again but could not. I read a book till 5:58 and went to bed again, and then the shocks started coming, first, on the right side of my head, next, the left shoulder, and then the right leg. And again on the head, and mouth, twitching its left hand side. After that, incessant attacks on my head that gives the same sensation that woke me up kept coming. They were like a huge, strong magnetic field is wielded towards me, like someone switching on and off a machine that generates the magnetic field. Every time, it was like my head had a hiccup. Between the attacks I slept seconds. At around 7:00, I was woken up by a strong shock on the head. I kept lying and the shock stopped. At this time of the day, unnatural sounds and voices often keeps me from falling asleep as if I am watched. (Sleeping with the light on reduced violent shocks indicates I am watched by many, both assaulters and non-assaulters.) I wore earmuffs. Then came beam-like shocks that feel like I am hit between the ears. They came a few times till I took off my earmuffs. I was between asleep and awake till 9:00 a.m., being attacked by the magnetic field like forces on the head. I noticed my head was placed on the upper edge of the bed and sled down to the lower end, then a sound like someone getting off something came from Room 204, from the same spot that I have heard human movements or machine noise from behind the wall of Room 202. The attack stopped for a while, and then returned. When I got up, the feeling like my head had had hiccups stayed. I still feel it a little now at 11:36 a.m. All the time, a noise of either a heater or some heavy machine or both kept coming from Room 204. (The noise was more like that of a heavy machine when I was first woken up, although I stack my head out to the balcony and heard the heater of Room 202 was working, but after 7:00 a.m., I noticed the sound was purely like that of the heater.)

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