I have been kind of busy working everyday since 21st. I’ll be busy working till 27th, the day before my moving day. Here are notes I took about the electronic/supersonic shocks.
187. 2010/12/21 I was lying with my knees up when a strong shock came and my knees waved side to side and I heard several chuckles from Room 202. Sounds and electric shocks on my head and hands. The shock which accompanies the sound Shooooo often came.
188. 2010/12/22 Feeling as if my brain was sucked by the magnetic force. Electric shocks from the time falling asleep and all though sleep. Breathing was interrupted and I huffed several times as I felt the shock zoon on my head. At odd hours, an attack made my lower body make a big move, and I heard some chuckles from Room 202.
189. 2010/12/23 Shocks on my head, legs, and buttocks.
190. 2010/12/24 Very sick the night before and went to bed early for me, at around 22:00 the previous night. Woken up or Woke up at around 5:00 a.m., worked for 2 hours and went to bed again. Woke up around 11:00 a.m.
191. 2010/12/25 Loud, unnatural male coughing from Room 203 and 202 kept me awake till 2:30a.m. Woken up or woke up around 8:30. Prevented from going to sleep again by the same coughing from both rooms.
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