
Supersonic/Elecronic Weapon

176. 2010/12/09 A sensation like hitting a funny bone was on all joints for so long a time that I could not set really to study when I was woken up by the electronic/supersonic attacks as usual early in the morning at around 3:30 a.m. Even now, around 13:30, I have the strange feeling that I cannot make a full grip of my fist. I tried to go back to sleep but every time I started to fall asleep, the attack came, one of which was like something exploding on my head. Last night and the night before, of course there were attacks when I was going into sleep and while I was sleeping. I found that they felt more like magnetic field rather than beams that I have been experiencing for a long time. It seemed that when the magnetic field emerges or stops existing, the materials inside my body, especially those of my brain, reacted, causing me “hear” some sound like shooon! Talking about the shooon sound, one of the attacks this early morning had a rhythm and the same rhythm was repeated twice in exactly the same way. The rhythm was like SH! sh sh shoooooooo! They were repeated twice following SH! SH! SH! which had been repeated several times.

By the way, I started packing for moving out yesterday. I am moving into a new apartment on the 29th of this month. As I have written, I make this information open because I have a feeling my abusers know this. Right after I made the contract of moving last time, all the then abusers who had attacked me with noises and sounds left the apartment building, not only the ones in the rooms on both sides and under my room but also some other adjacent rooms of them. Instead of them and their noises, the ones I call supersonic/electronic attacks started and they followed me very smoothly and quickly when I moved before even though I had made my new address and the moving date secret.

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