
TOEFL iBT Independent Writing, What aspect of your hometown do you think is the most important to change, why? - revised -

Writing Topic 
There may be good points and bad points about your hometown. What aspect of your hometown do you think is the most important to change, why?

Let’s Think
1.      Which of the following is a more appropriate response to the question of this writing topic?
a.    I think communication between residents and the natural environment are the most important aspects to change in my hometown.
b.    I think communication between residents is the most important aspect to change in my hometown.
2.      What problems does a city have?
3.      What problems does the countryside have?
4.      What problems do the suburbs have?
5.      Make a presentation to your partner of group members on this topic by answering the questions below if you like.
1)    What kind of town is your home town?
2)    What do you think is the most important to change about it?
3)    Why you think so?
4)    How would you like it to change it?
5)    What kind of good results is expected?
6)    What kind of negative effects can be expected? What would you do with them?
6.      Give each other responses to each other’s presentation.

Hints for Points
1. Problems of a city: air/water/noise pollutions, less contact with nature, little human relation, few opportunities to join the local traditional events, few nurseries and kindergartens
2. Problems of the countryside: high unemployment rate, aging society, delicate relationship between the locals and new residents, lack of labor, fewer hospitals/doctors and nurses, lower education levels
3. Problems of the suburbs: long and tough commuting hours, diminishing old shopping arcades and mom-and-pop shops (large outlets and discount shops replacing them), decreasing green, little human relation

Sample Essay Structure
IntroductionLack of free space is the problem of my hometown.
Reason 1To raise productivity, our town needs more free space.
Reason 2Little free space lessons communication and range of activities of the residents, especially of the young, the elderly and the poor.
Demerits & CountermeasureFree open spaces often become hangouts of teenagers and delinquency can be the concern, but means to prevent it can be carried out by volunteers.
ConclusionA town with many stores but few places for life is my hometown and I would like to change this situation.

Your Sample Essay Structure

A            Introduction = Outline
              Details of the Problem
Change & Benefits
Demerits & Solution
Conclusion = Wrap-up
B            Introduction = Outline
              Details of the Problem
Idea 1 and Its Merits and Demerits
Idea 2 and Its Merits and Demerits
Conclusion = Wrap-up

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline
Conclusion = Wrap-up

Speech Time
Give a 50-second speech on this topic.

Sample Paragraph Development
Main IdeaTo raise productivity, our town needs more free space.
Supporting Detail (general)Our town provides space only for consumption.
Supporting Detail (specific)There is no big library or a park. Going into a coffee shop is the only choice left for the people who want to think or do some tasks outside of their houses.
Follow-up Some might say that you should study or work at home, but many people have problems concentrating at home and they can work better when in a public space.
Wrap-up My town should take the needs for creative environment into account in its planning.

Your Sample Paragraph Development:
Main Idea                                                                                       
Supporting Detail (general)                                                                      
Supporting Detail (specific)                                                                       

Comments or Suggestion from your partner or group members

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