Imagine you need to borrow some money to buy books for a class you're taking. It's not a large amount of money, but you really need to borrow it so you can do your class work. Now, write a message to each of the following people to ask for the money:
- Your parents or a close older relative
Hi, Mom,
How are you doing? I'm fine. I have got the top score for the first term. Now I'm starting the next semester, but there is a minor problem. The professor added a few books we use in class at the last minute, and as you know I am in short of money around this time of the month. It is not much, just $30, but I do not have it. I' m sorry to bother you, but could I borrow the money till the end of this month, when I get payed for tutoring.
B. Your brother, sister, or best friend
Hi, Risa,I
Would you do me a favor? It just happens that I need some money to buy books for my class and I'm broke right now. Would you lend me 30 bucks? I really need the books. I'll pay the money back to you by the end of this month. Sorry for the trouble.
C,The school's financial aid department
To those who are concerned,
I am writing this message to request some additional expenditure.
I have taken this course for six months and have finished the first half with a top score, and I was ready to take the latter half of this course by purchasing books designated for the course. However, a few books are added to the list at the last moment, and I am in trouble now. Because of the financial difficulty of my family, I am on grant and work as a tutor. The monthly payment for both will be the end of the month but the class starts next week. Therefore, I have no other choice but to ask for a short term financial aid for the purchase of the books. The total amount of the price of the books I need to buy is $30.00. If you would lend me this amount, I would appreciate it.
Yours sincerely,
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