
TOEFL, iBT, Independent Writing, The mass media (television, magazines, newspapers, and so on) concentrate too much on the private lives of famous people. - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Consider the following statement. The mass media (television, magazines, newspapers, and so on) concentrate too much on the private lives of famous people. Do you agree or disagree with this idea?

Let’s think:
What does the expression “too much” mean? When do we say it? We say, “Too much!” when something is over the necessary or acceptable amount, when something is violating some rule, or when something is giving us or someone else pain.

Hints for Points
1.    Most celebrity reports are illegal. A person’s privacy is protected by law unless hiding it is seriously against public interests. Then publicizing a famous person’s private information that has little or nothing to do with public interests is illegal.

2.    Celebrity journalism is doing harm to innocent people. Some became mentally or physically ill, others died. It is clear that media coverage about famous people has gone too far.

3.    Mass media are corporations and focus too much on unnecessary topics for profits. Media pursue higher ratings and for that purpose they will do anything. They produce demand by providing sensational topics. They try to sell unnecessary information, gossip.

1.    It is the consumers that are to blame. Media just supply information to meet the demand. They provide gossip because there are audience and readers.

2.    Freedom of press should be protected by any means. It provides important information that we should know which is often hidden from the public.

3.    Gossiping is part of age-old daily activities of humankind. Media are just doing to celebrities what we are always doing to others in our daily lives.

Essays for ideas and expressions
A. Writing for TOEFL iBT, Barrons # 28

B. Another Essay for Ideas and Expressions

Thesis: Agree
Gist of Reasons: 1) illegal 2) harmful 3) providing unnecessary information for profits

Reason 1: illegal; invasion of privacy
e.g. coverage unrelated to the person’s job, beyond the bounds of decency.
Reason 2: doing harm to innocent people
e.g. celebrities who became mentally or physically ill or died, a bullying.
Reason 3: providing unnecessary information
e.g. pursuing higher ratings, producing demands for unnecessary information

Because today’s media attention on famous people is against law, is doing harm to innocent individuals, and is the reflection of unscrupulous economic activities, it can be said that mass media concentrate too much on the private lives of celebrities.

An Essay based on the Structure Above
When we say something is too much, we mean it crosses some line or it is doing harm, or both. Celebrity journalism makes illegal reports and makes celebrities suffer. In competition for higher ratings, its coverage will go over the top. Therefore, I agree with the statement that the mass media concentrate too much on the private lives of famous people.

Most celebrity reports are illegal. While freedom of press is strongly protected in order to prevent important information from being hidden from the public, a person’s privacy is also protected by law unless hiding it is seriously against public interests. Then publicizing a famous person’s private information that has nothing to do with public interests is illegal. Just like other people, celebrities have no obligation to make their whole lives open to public. However, many reports invading celebrities’ privacy are being made just to satisfy curiosities of audience and readers. The reason why so few law suits are made is that there are too many cases and each case is too small, although not trivial, to file. But this does not change the fact that celebrity journalism goes beyond the bounds of decency.

In addition, innocent individuals suffer because of celebrity journalism. Many famous people have had their lives irreversibly affected by media reports for which they were not accountable to the public. Some became mentally or physically ill, others died. It is clear that media coverage about famous people has gone too far. Some gossipers might quip that transparent private life is the price you pay for being famous. However, the fact that Queen Elizabeth’s face without make-up will never be in print shows that not all famous people have to show every aspect of their lives. On the other hand, it seems that paparazzi have no qualms about taking any kind of private pictures of pop stars. When you make some people, especially those you consider “weaker” or “lower” than you, feel pain while you do not do the same to the others, the action is called bullying. Gossiping can be a kind of bullying under the guise of attention.

Mass media, except for those independent, are by nature destined to focus too much on unnecessary topics. Like other profit-making entities, media pursue profits, in other words, higher ratings or circulation and for that purpose they will do anything. Also, like other companies, they produce demand. Just as other companies try to sell not really necessary things like potato chips with a new flavor, mass media try to sell not really necessary information, gossip, of which we weak humans cannot stop taking a bite. They advertise with sound bites and sensational pictures so that people will pay attention to gossip, while playing down serious matters related to their sponsors. To be precise, there might be no such things as are really unnecessary in this world, but watching what kind of information we put in our head is as important as watching what we eat.

Because most media reports on famous people are illegal, harmful to the welfare of innocent individuals, and reflective of unscrupulous economic activities, it can be said that mass media concentrate too much on the private lives of celebrities. If the media, except for investigative journalism, reported only what celebrities want to share with their fans, we might become better people.  (557 words)

Making the structure of your essay
Now let’s practice making the structure of your essay. Write down key words and expressions for the introduction, each paragraph of the body, and the conclusion. Making the structure first and then developing each part will make it easy to finish your essay in time.

Reasons: 1)                  2)                    3)

About Reason 1)  

About Reason 2)

About Reason 3)



Note: What you write in the introduction and the conclusion are the same but usually worded differently. Supporting details of each reason are provided in each paragraph of the body.

A Suggestion: When you take the iBT writing test, writing a simple conclusion sentence before starting to write the whole essay would be a good idea so that you can avoid finishing the essay without Conclusion because of the time limit.

TOEFL Essay Independent Writingクラスでは実際にエッセイを書いて練習していますが、このプリントでは良い英文エッセイを書くために日頃やってみると良いことをいくつか挙げてみます。

評価がsatisfactoryの下のほうの人は、構文はほぼできているのですが採点者のいう「明らかな文法ミス」が多数あります。これを無くすには文法の正誤問題(間違い探し問題)で典型的なミスをチェックする必要があります。また、不要なところに3単元のsをつけるなど癖になっているミスは、授業以外でもできるだけ友達などにチェックしてもらいましょう。ミスは他人の目で見ると見つけやすいのです。また、話し言葉と書き言葉は違うということを意識してください。  話し言葉と書き言葉は別物です。日本語でも話し言葉と書き言葉を区別するように英語でもwritten Englishというものがあります。きちんとした言葉使い(特に構文の正確さ)は重要です。

客観的でわかりやすい内容を意識する: 内容の展開の仕方もエッセイは日常会話とは異なります。会話は言葉以外の要素(ジェスチャー、表情、共通認識、人間関係など)を含むので言葉足らずでも問題ない場合が多くあります。しかし文章を書く際は言葉だけを使って分かりやすく、誤解のないように説明しなければなりません。細かく説明すればするほど分かりやすく、誤解が少なくなります。これはエッセイを書くときに気をつけると同時に普段手紙や伝言、ブログを書く時などに意識すると効果があります

様々なWriting Topicでエッセイを書いてみる: 以下は公表されているトピック(いかにURL表示)の中から、書きにくそうなものを選んで実際に書いてみましょう。賛成・反対等様々な観点から命題を考え、実例をリサーチして書きましょう。その際、2回書いてください。1回目は30分の時間制限をかけ、2回目は時間を気にせず書き直します。
公表されているトピックのURL: http://alumnus.caltech.edu/~natalia/studyinus/guide/TOEFLtopics.pdf 

推敲を重ねる: 推敲を重ねるほど次に一度でよい文章を書くことができるようになります。返却された添削済み答案は、訂正されたところやアドバイスなどを参考にしながら書き直してください。文法のミスはなくなるまで繰り返し言って書き直しましょう。最後にタイプして仕上げ、語数を確認しましょう。

手本の書写と要約文法・表現力の評価が3になることが多い人はテキストやBarron’sWriting for the TOEFL iBT等のsample essayをタイプで書写してみられるのも良いと思います。意味単位ごとに写すと表現が身につきやすくなります。ただ写すのではなく内容を取りながら行ってください。最後に内容を要約します。最初は各段落のMain Ideaを抜き出し、次に自分の言葉で言い換えます。声に出して言ってから書くようにするとSpeakingの練習にもなります。


--- チェックしておくと参考になる本・雑誌・新聞・番組・ホームページなど ---
♦BBC podcast: ”The Inquiry”は専門家・関係者に問い合わせる形式で時事問題を分析します。
♦NatureScience podcast: 科学雑誌NatureSciencepodcast では一般の人にも分かる形で科学関連ニュースを発表しています。温暖化、食料・水危機、公害、幹細胞研究、宇宙探査、米政府の科学研究援助方針など地球・人類にとって重要な問題を多数取り上げています。Transcriptもあります。
♦Democracy Now!The Real News: インディペンデント放送局。主流メディアでは聞けない課題を取り上げます。
♦The Young Turks: YouTube上のニュース局。 頭脳明晰で人間的で面白い元弁護士Cenk氏がホストです。
♦Vice News: 「テロとの戦い」や人種差別など現代社会の暗部を取り扱ったニュースやドキュメンタリーがあります。
♦National Public Radio / Voice of America:アメリカのラジオ局。HPでニュースを閲覧したりPodcastをダウンロードしたりできます。ニュースが簡潔にまとめられています。
♦Al Jazeera English: 中東の英語放送局。CM無し。world newsもあります。
♦NHK WORLD News, Daily YomiuriThe Japan Times: 日本のニュースを英語でチェックしましょう。
♦In These Times:不正・不平等・人権問題等に関して一般の人々の視点からの取材を丁寧に行っています。
♦MICHAELMOORE.com: アカデミー賞、スタインベック賞などを受賞した映画監督のホームページです。政治・社会問題をユーモアを交えて取り上げています。
♦The Guardian, The Washington Post, The New York Times などは比較的骨太の新聞社で、オンタイムで時事問題を学習できると同時に興味深い記事も読むことができます。
♦The Economist: 現実主義的な教養が身に付きそうな経済新聞です。
♦The New Yorker on the Web: 週代わりで現代作家の短編小説が掲載されます。時事問題も取り上げます。
♦The Best American Essays: 前年に出版されたエッセイのベスト版です。編者が毎年変わります。
♦Writing for the TOEFL iBT, Barron’s: 実際のTOEFL Writing の課題を使ったsample essays100以上掲載されている参考書兼問題集。構成・内容・語彙の参考になります。

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