The Opium War
In China, the use, sale
and trade of opium was i al and
it had been used only for m al purposes until the early 1800s, when
the British and some US and European m
ts started providing it and
the addiction and black market became out of control. The British put p e
on China to l e the opium
trade. The Chinese e r
rejected it and a ted an officer, who did everything to
reduce drug use and e e the source including b e of the foreign community, stop
of the trade, and confiscation of opium from the merchants. Then drunken
British sailors killed a Chinese man and Britain refused to h d over the sailors to China. The s tion escalated, a British naval f t was sent to China, and the Opium
War began in 1839. The Chinese lost because they were t ally inferior to the British and
their military was not well-trained for the kind of c t. Under the t y made after the war, Britain had
China give up Hong Kong to her, g tee her e lity, and give her the most
favored nation s s. Other p rs also s ked their claims and the era of u l treaties began.
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