
Pre-TOEFL Reading, Summary (L. 2)

The Nuclear Family

The nuclear family is regarded as the s      d family form in North America. There, children are supposed to leave home when they grow up and taking care of their aged parents is not a m    l responsibility. It is seen as a t      t to the privacy and independence of the household as well as an economic b    n. They have r        t communities and n    ing h   es. The nuclear family is popular in societies that exist in h    h environments. For example, an Inuit family is usually in this family form. Their family members depend on each other for survival during the winter in the vast w        s of the A     c. The nuclear family in i         ial societies and families living under harsh environmental conditions share certain s      ties. In both c    s, the family functions as a u    t and must f   d for itself. Outside help cannot be expected in the e    t of emergencies or d        s. The elderly are not taken care of if it is not f     ble and life of an orphan is p       ous. However, the nuclear family is well a   ted to a life that requires a high degree of g        al mobility. It allows both the Inuit and North Americans to move around easily to do what they need to do to survive: to hunt animals and to hunt jobs respectively.

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