
Pre-TOEFL Writing, Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Let’s Think
The key words and phrases of this topic are “Some young children”, “a great amount of their time”, and “practicing sports”. Such children may play sports more than four days a week.

Note that this topic does not ask you whether you think it is good for young children to spend much time on sports. Of course you may as well state your opinion on it, while you have to make sure that you discuss the advantages and the disadvantages.

Hints for Points
Advantages  (Ideas taken from a site: https://www.families.com/blog/10-benefits-of-playing-sports)
1.    Playing sports is fun. It gives your child something to do and a group to belong to. They have a group of friends that has the same goals and interests.

2.    Doing physical activities is a good way to relieve stress and reduce depression.

3.    Sports help children develop discipline. They learn to set goals and then work to achieve those goals. They learn that by working hard they can accomplish the things that they want to in their lives.

4.    Children who play sports quickly learn that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. They learn to be a good sport in both situations. It also helps them learn to deal with disappointment and go on.

5.    Sports help develop teamwork and leadership skills. Children quickly learn that they have to work together as a team to win the game.

6.    Regular exercise increases quality of life. Children who exercise are more likely to continue the practice into adulthood.

1.    Injuries: Children who play sports are more likely to have severe physical injuries in games or as a result of over use of a certain part of their body.
怪我: スポーツをする子供は試合や体の特定の部位の過剰使用の結果重度の身体的な怪我をよりしがちだ。

2.    Stress: Young children may suffer from the trauma after negative events related to sports such as bullying from older children or undue parental expectations.
ストレス: 幼い子供は年上の子供のからのいじめや過剰な親の期待のようなスポーツ関連の否定的な出来事の後トラウマに苦しむかもしれない。

3.    Time-commitment: Some sports teams require members to spend too much time on exercise. Children belonging to such a team lose time to do other activities like reading books or playing in nature freely.
時間をとる: メンバーに練習にあまりにも多くの時間をかけるよう要求するスポーツチームもある。そのようなチームに所属する子供は読書や自由に自然の中で遊ぶような他の活動をする時間を失う。

Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = OutlineThere are advantages and disadvantages for young children spending a large amount of their time playing sports. I think it is good for them in general.
AdvantagesSports help develop children’s mind and body and promote their socialization.
DisadvantagesChildren can suffer from injuries or exhaustion. They might also be bullied.
Your OpinionThere are more good points than bad points, and bad points can be taken care of. As long as children enjoy playing sports, it is good for them.
Conclusion = Wrap-upParents can use sports as part of education of their children.

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline
Your Opinion (optional)
Conclusion = Wrap-up

Sample Paragraph Development
Main IdeaOne bad thing about young children playing sports day in day out is that whether it is worth doing depends on the individual.
Supporting DetailsTalent for sport vary from person to person. Some children are gifted at sport, others do not find it very fun to move their bodies. The former can benefit from spending a lot of time exercising, while the latter cannot. These children had better do something of their interest instead of struggling in what they are not meant to do. By doing so, they can grow in their own ways. For example, children who like animals can develop their body and mind through keeping a pet. Game lovers can make friends with others online, and they could be taken out for a walk regularly to make up for underexercising.
ConclusionIt is not only sport that helps children (to) develop, so it is not necessarily beneficial for youngsters to play sport seriously. If this point is ignored, it can even be harmful.

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