
国際教養学部AO入試 reference, globalization, job loss

Trade creates losers. Here’s how to help them
Addressing hardships requires both redistribution and regulation, writes Swati Dhingra of the London School of Economics


TOEFL iBT Independent Writing, The government should provide a national curriculum for all children up until college.  - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Consider the following statement. The government should provide a national curriculum for all children up until college. Do you agree with this idea? Support your response by including specific reasons and examples.

Let’s Think
The word “should” is about ideal situations, so the discussion could be purely in theory as in “We should not kill even for self-defense”. The word “should” also means duty, so that the focus of the discussion can be about responsibility as in “The government should support the disadvantaged”. It also means necessity as in “We should exercise caution in changing the whole system.”

In Japan, where we live, there is a national curriculum for all children up until high school. Universities are allowed to decide what to teach by themselves.

1.    Read the sentences below and answer the questions.
a.    May was here up until now.  When did May leave?
b.    May was educated in Japan up until high school. Do you think May went to Japanese high school?
c.     May wants to study up until graduate school. What academic credential does May want?

2.    Discuss in pairs or groups what would happen if there were or were not a national curriculum at each level of education, compulsory education, high school, and college in terms of egalitarianism, freedom, and reflection or individual needs.

regional needs and individual differences
compulsory education

high school


3.    Tell your partner of group members whether you agree with the statement or not and why..

Hints for Points
1.    It is egalitarian. All children can receive adequate general knowledge required today.
2.    Quality of college education will be ensured.
3.    It will strengthen the national power. It is easy to produce a type of workforce needed by the nation.

1.    It will reduce freedom. Possibility of teaching will be limited.
2.    Regional needs and individual differences are not reflected in a national curriculum.
3.    We need an international standard for higher level of education.

Sample Essay Structure
IntroductionI cannot entirely agree with the idea that the government should provide a national curriculum for all children up until college. College students should be free and the existing curriculum does not seem to be working very well.
Point for AgreementA national curriculum guarantees a certain level of quality of education throughout the nation.
Point for Disagreement 1The idea touches the problem of how much the government should control. It is also impossible for the government, or anyone, to know what university students should learn.
Point for Disagreement 2The goodness of a national curriculum in itself is questionable.
ConclusionOn the one hand, curriculum for all up until college under the guidance of the government is egalitarian, but on the other side, it seems unnecessary and unrealistic. Therefore, I cannot totally agree with the idea.

【反対理由 1】この考えは政府がどの程度管理すべきなのかという問題に触れる。また、政府あるいは誰でも学部生が何を学ぶべきかを知るのは不可能だ。
【反対理由 2】国家カリキュラムの良さ自体が疑わしい。

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
While I think as someone of humble upbringing I should appreciate the fact that my country Japan provides a unified curriculum for all up until high school, although as far as I remember, most of my real learning happened outside of school, and I believe that the officials in the ministry of education, culture, sports, science, and technology are conscientious and sincerely care about our children, I cannot totally agree with the idea that the government should provide a national curriculum for all children up until college. College students should be free and the existing curriculum does not seem to be working.

A national curriculum guarantees a certain level of quality of education throughout the nation. This will partly reduce the problem of the regional difference in the quality of education. Although difference of teaching methods will remain as the cause of the educational level gap between regions seriously grappling with education and those that are not, setting the minimum requirement of the class contents will ensure that all nationals will not fail to be taught to what they should know. Therefore, it is good to have a unified curriculum for basic and probably intermediate levels. It might also be true with college. Most universities provide courses in the liberal arts and usually the first half of the college years are spent on the acquisition of the introductory level knowledge of a variety of disciplines prior to or in addition to major subjects. Thus, it might be good for a national standard to raise the level of college education. Also, governmental management of higher-level of education can help secure tax money and faculty for necessary areas of higher education instead of having them at the mercy of vested interests.

However, unified national curriculum may also have an adverse effect at the advanced level of education. First, the idea touches the problem of how much the government should control. It would be an intervention of the freedom of university. University is supposed to provide a place for voluntary pursuit of intellectual interest. It provides primordial environment for fact-finding and creativity. It ought to be chaotic and unpredictable, the opposite of being under a management. If there were such a government as tries to openly control the learning of the brightest people of the country, it would be the last entity that you would like to live under.

It is also impossible for the government, or anyone, to know what college students should learn. The above-mentioned unfettered environment for study will contribute to the development and innovation of knowledge and skills. A humanities student would learn higher mathematics for fun and later become a competent manager; a student majoring in French literature would spend all four years reading all kinds of novels day and night would see the limit of the reality depicted in fiction and become an award-winning non-fiction writer of science and politics (a true story); a medical student who happened to be fascinated by Egyptology would work out a new approach to evolutionary anthropology by analyzing DNAs of old remains such as Egyptian mammies or Neanderthals (another true story); or a future leader of an IT giant company would take a Oriental calligraphy course and later draw on the skill in creating new machines, as in the well-known case of Steve Jobs. Let smart people study as they like, and something amazing would come out. It is ridiculous for the government to try to decide what college students should get out of university education.

Last but not least, the goodness of a national curriculum in itself is questionable. The interests and abilities of people vary, and the unified curriculum may have nothing to do with what many young people are trying to get out of life. What education helps develop is only a fraction of human activities. The present national curriculums, for instance, seem to be the enemy of real learning. Each child is born with a great capacity, but most elementary school children seem to find few subjects attractive, and after toiling all the way up to high school, many people not only fail to acquire anything significant but also develop a inferiority complex about studies. Moreover, even those who seem to like studying will also forget most of what they learn at school in twenty years. This indicates that real learning seldom, if ever, takes place under the present curriculums. Even considering other factors such as teaching methods or the overall environment of education like poverty or the academic achievement-oriented society, bad performance may well be attributed to bad materials, the class contents. The system is not working, and the concept of national curriculum itself may need reviewing.

A national curriculum is egalitarian and most people benefit from it. However, it is a double-edged sword. What is for everyone suits no one. It seems that at least college should be left free, but some college might perform better under governmental guidance. Therefore, I cannot make it clear whether I agree with the idea of a national curriculum for all up until college. It would be nice if there were a system with a wide range of choices that provides a core curriculum for each field with a view to helping maximum development of each individual’s ability from the elementary school to college.

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3 / Counterargument-treatment

Conclusion = Wrap-up


国際教養学部AO入試 reference, language use, euphemism, Israel and Palestine, media

In America's news headlines, Palestinians die mysterious deaths
Moustafa Bayoumi   The Guardian   May 16th, 2018

"Judging by some stories, it’s almost as if bullets just hang in the air, waiting for Palestinians to walk deliberately into them"


TOEFL iBT Independent Writing, Imagine that you have been given a large area of land to use however you wish. How would you choose to use this land? - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Imagine that you have been given a large area of land to use however you wish. How would you choose to use this land?

Let’s Think
l  Question
Which of the following three responses to this writing topic do you think is the least proper? Why?
1)    I would sell it to make money for my studies.
2)    I would build an amusement park on the land.
3)    I would make it a refugee camp which can help refugees (to) become independent.

This writing topic is a hypothetical question with few conditions. It requires us to think about land usage. The word “land usage” often reminds you of investment and you might think of building condominiums on it and making a fortune by renting or selling them. Although this idea might be dealt with from the viewpoint of business economics, it could be considered slightly off the topic in that you do not tackle the core of the question. The core of the question is thinking about a good way to use a huge area of land, which is not just an object of investment but something that provides space, soil, ecological system, the atmosphere above it, life and joy, and many other good things that we can take advantage of.

One idea to answer a hypothetical question with few specific conditions in writing is to draw on your specialty, the thing that you have a lot to write about. It would be easier to come up with a good point if you think of the area that you know well. For example, you could ask yourself such questions as follows in brainstorming for this writing topic: What do I like or what am I concerned about? What is its present situation? How would you use the land to change the present situation? How would you persuade readers to accept the idea?

l  Presentation
1.    Make a presentation to your partner or group members on your response to this writing question by answering the following questions.

Note: This question does not mention the cost. Therefore, you do not have to deal with it. In other words, you do not have to worry about whether your idea is financially feasible or not.

1)    What do you like or what are you interested in or what is your concern? 
e.g. I am concerned about the issue of refugees.

2)    What is its present situation? 
e.g. Many kinds of refugees are in desperate situations around the world, especially in Europe.

3)    How would you use the land to change the situation?
e.g. I would make the land a refugee camp which can help refugees (to) become independent.

4)    What is the merit? 
e.g. It would save many lives.

5)    What problem can you expect and how would you address it?
a. The local residents might not be happy about accepting refugees, but we accepted some refugees in the past during a refugee crisis in Asia and we can cope with this problem by learning from what we did then.

b. Some refugees might not be happy about living in an environment totally different from that of their homeland, so we should keep in mind that politics must keep working for them to be able to return home as soon as possible.

2.    Ask each other questions about each other’s presentations. This will help (to) make your essays more interesting.

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
There would be many wise or innovative uses of a large tract of land, but I would make it a town which is a test case for peaceful coexistence of people and jungle crows. No other birds are so stigmatized as crows, probably in Japan, where I live, in particular. They are regarded as filthy garbage-eaters, spiteful punks, and the sign of death. Yet, if observed carefully and without prejudice, they will turn out to be as likable as dolphins. In fact, some people even call them flying dogs. They could possibly be our best friends in the sky.

Jungle crows are the big black birds often seen scattering the contents of garbage bags collected on the sidewalks to find food in many Japanese cities. They used to live in forests and feed on dead animals on the ground. Development replaced trees with buildings and animal bodies with garbage bags. They have been doing the same to survive, nesting on the power poles and eating waste on the ground, but now humans are offended by their routine. People think crows are dirty and dangerous. However, crows bathe a few times a day if possible. Also, crows attack people only when they are near their young, and the worst thing they can do is to swoop and kick from behind, which they rarely actually do because they are afraid of humans. It is true that they remember the face of the person who attacked or threatened them and repeatedly retaliate, but think of their trauma and it is understandable that they do it for self-defense. The biggest stigma that crows bear is the image of death, which probably derives from their color. Surely they eat dead bodies but so do many other creatures, from bacteria to dogs. The fear of the color black is our problem, not theirs. In the eyes of humans on the ground crows on power lines are eerie dark spots in the sky, but seen from high above, they are precious pieces of life shining in purple and green.

Although loathed, crows are well known to be very smart, affectionate, and remarkable birds. They store their food in hundred to several thousand places and remember them. They use their calls for their communication and use and, at least one species, make tools. Sometimes, their behavior cannot be explained by any other words but play. There are reports of crows repeatedly sliding down the slide or snow slope or hanging upside down from the power line. Also, jungle crows mimic many kinds of things such as human words or machine noises. They cherish their mates and babies. There are many reports that crows grieve the death of other crows. I myself know a jungle crow which missed its mate for at least three years. It made the saddest voice I have ever heard when its mate suddenly disappeared. One of the most striking things about crows is their eyes and ears. As they can see ultraviolet like other birds, they can spot a very small thing from high above. Above all, they should be appreciated for their role as scavengers getting rid of things people do not want to see lying on the ground such as a dead mouse. They hear what we cannot hear. Now you might find this bird a little more interesting than before, if not wishing to make friends with it.

In my opinion, it is a shame that we do not have good relationships with jungle crows, these charming and interesting birds that happen to live closest to us, and here comes my model town for both jungle crows and humans. This town would have several parks full of tall trees, to which the garbage the residents produce would be sent. Since jungle crows are originally from forests and tend to live where food is abundant, it can be easily expected that they would stay in the parks most of the time. Thus, they would never litter the streets. Moreover, the cost of waste incineration would be reduced and so would CO2 emissions. Humans can enter the parks and enjoy nature anytime except for crows’ breeding season. My wildest dream is to have crows participate in rescue operations. For their ability to fly a long distance and high cognitive level, not to mention the great eyesight and hearing, they could make good rescue crows. Of course to protect animal rights, only those that are willing and having the aptitude would be given the missions. I actually know a crow that is eligible for it. Like humankind, crows also have some individuals that seek for challenge and bond.

I once saw a jungle crow perched on a power line entertaining a dog down in a garage. The dog, wagging its tail and jumping around in the small space, looked quite happy to see its friend with wings. The scene reflected their positions in this world, for one is confined and the other free. Crows could have been domesticated long ago since their cleverness must have been noticed by our ancestors, but they have not. I feel, with no offence to dogs, that crows know what dignity is and keep a distance from humans. They are hated but live proudly. They are sensitive enough to feel the pain of life, yet they won't give up on life and can do without such things as hope or dream or religion. Perhaps we could learn something important from them by living more intimately to them than now.

(Some of the information about crows included in this essay are taken from Karasu no Kyokasho by Hajime Matsubara) (このエッセイに含まれるカラスに関する情報のいくつかは松原始の「カラスの教科書」からとられた。)


Pre-TOEFL Writing, Which is more important for success: the natural ability you are born with or hard work? - rewrite -

Writing Topic
Which is more important for success: the natural ability you are born with or hard work? Explain your opinion, using specific reasons and examples.

Let’s Think
What is success? Perhaps it means achieving an above average goal like winning a difficult game or becoming rich. It also may mean becoming a respectable adult. How are these two words, the natural ability you are born with and hard work, related to success? Thinking of some so called successful people would help answer this question. For example, Barak Obama and Muhammad Ali are probably two of many successful people who were born with great abilities and worked hard as well. Which of these two factors were more important in their success?

Hints for Points
Natural Ability 生まれつきの能力
1.    It is often the case that a genius grows up in the worst environment
2.    Success owes largely to luck, and heredity is part of luck.

Hard Work 勤勉
1.    Competitions are held among talented people, of whom one working hardest will win. e.g. athletes
才能のある人々の間で競争が行われる。彼らの中で最も努力したものが勝つ。 運動家
2.     There are more elements that can be improved by efforts in achieving success than those determined by nature.

Sample Essay Structures
Sample 1
Introduction = OutlineIn my opinion, genetic factor is the most important in success.
Point 1Successful people appear in all social classes in any kind of society.
Point 2Each person is born with a talent in a certain area and nurturing the talent properly will lead to success.
Counterargument-treatmentOf course, to win a competition, hard work is necessary, but when two people make the same amount of effort, the more talented one will win.
Conclusion = Wrap-up Rather than sanctifying diligence, we had better know ourselves and try to make the best of given conditions for a better and happier life.
【要点 1成功者はどんな社会においても全ての階層において現れる。
【結論=まとめ】 より良くより幸福な人生のために、勤勉を神聖視するよりむしろ自分を知って与えられた条件から最善のものを得ようとした方が良い。

Sample 2
Introduction = OutlineThe question of “nature or nurture” in terms of success is an age-old inquiry. Personally, I think hard work plays a larger role in success than innate ability.
Point 1 The tale of the rabbit and the turtle teaches us that a hard worker can beat a talented opponent in the end.
Point 2Gifted people do not seem to make efforts, but actually they do. They just enjoy hard work and often do not realize that they might be working twice as much as the others.
Counterargument-treatmentIn sports and art, innate quality counts a lot, but no person with inherent ability can be successful without working hard.
Conclusion = Wrap-up I believe industriousness is more important for success than heredity.

Your Sample Essay Structure
Introduction = Outline
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3
Conclusion = Wrap-up

単語メモ: 成功する achieve success   succeed in    be successful
生まれつきの才能  talent   natural ability  innate ability  inherent ability  ability that one is born with
勤勉 hard work(名詞句) working hard(動名詞句) diligence  industriousness
Cf. work hardly ほとんど勉強しない

Sample Paragraph Development
Main IdeaThat fact that successful people appear in all social classes in any kind of society seems to show talent is more decisive in success than habit of making efforts.
Supporting DetailsIt is well-known that people born in rich families are usually well-disciplined and hard-working. If you are born in a poor family, you do not even think that making efforts will give you a chance to be successful. They believe that they are not in the game. Thus, the rich are more likely to be successful than the poor in general. It is very hard to break this law. Nevertheless, there are people who make it. Their phenomenal power leads them to success surpassing all the hard-working but less talented people. Also, poor people tend to be more successful in the area where talent is necessary such as sports and art than in the area where efforts count more than talent such as academic studies. In the former, genius can overcome the delayed start of making efforts while in the latter, it is hard for talent to overcome the handicap of late start, which is a social factor.
ConclusionIn the absence of the social factor, talent would always beat efforts in success.  

Main IdeaThere are more elements that can be improved by efforts in achieving success than those determined by nature.
Supporting DetailsFor example, actors have to have ability to attract people. This is mostly what they are born with. However, they also have to be able to speak clearly, act properly, and control themselves well to succeed. They also need to have general knowledge, especially that related to culture. These are what they learn by everyday practice. Only those who are able to do all of them can be professional actors. The same can be said in other areas, too.
ConclusionSuccess results from many factors and talent is only one of these factors.
(I took the core idea used in the last sample from an essay written by one of my former students. 最後の例の中心となるアイディアは過去の生徒さんのエッセイから取りました、)