
Pre-TOEFL Reading, Summary (L. 45)

The changing landscapes of the traditional Japanese countryside
The characteristic f           e of the landscape of the Japanese countryside is the traditional paddy system, whose technology was introduced to Japan from Chiba and the Korean P                 a about 2,000 years ago. The system consists of a holding pond that collects water from the surrounding mountains and a network of ditches to t                   t the water to and from the paddies. The water level is controlled with simple w          en gates installed ati            ls along the ditches. These irrigation ditches make up a beautiful and ecologically diverse landscape. They are t             m with life such as fish, small shrimps and f             es, the last of which makes a summer night scene even city people love. However, shortage of natural water has led to electrical p      ping direct from water sources and the traditional i                   tion system has been a                  ed. In addition, because the m                   ce is too difficult for elderly farmers, the wooden ditches are being r              ed by concrete channels, which are e                t but a                      ly and e                     ly devalue the countryside landscape. Many kinds of life there are now seriously e                 ed. The silver lining is the efforts to p                e or r             e the traditional paddy system in some areas.

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