
English Reading, 中・高生向け補助教材、The basic words of biology

Answer the following questions in English using any resource including the material provided in class if necessary. Write the answer in the space below the question or fill in the brackets.

1.    What is biology?

2.    What are the two main divisions of biology?

3.    What encloses a cell and selectively permits substances to pass into and out of it?

4.    What is the substance that is contained in cells?

5.    What is a spherical body which controls the activities of the cell?

6.    What is the substance that makes up a cell other than its nucleus?

7.    What are the thread-like bodies that work as agents during cell reproduction?

8.    Name four main elements that make up protoplasm?

9.    What are four main organic compounds found in protoplasm?

10.  What are two structures that plant cells have that no animal cells have?
a.    Plant cells are usually covered by a wall made of (                    ) .
b.    Green plants have  (                    ) , where photosynthesis takes place.

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