
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/09/27 (Tue) Slept from 4:00-9:00 (5 hrs). Kept awake till odd hours partly because of attacks and partly because of personal reason. Funny feeling like being attacked by pulses in my head and teeth when doing dishes and working on PC.

2011/09/28 (Wed) Slept from 0:00-4:30 + 5:00-9:30 (4.5 + 4.5 hrs). Strong attacks that felt like my head having hiccups when going to sleep. Woken up by a game or car blast like noise that seemed to come from outside and a violent, loud motorcycle noise that drove towards my neighborhood and stopped about 30 meters from my apartment building at 4:30.

Hicup-like attacks on my head kept coming when I was trying to sleep and while I was in sleep. Felt like my head had had a hiccup when woke up and my body heavy when got up. Pulse like funny feeling when doing dishes, which I stopped in the middle and stayed away from the sink for a while and resumed after the feeling was gone, and the pulse-like funny feeling came back right after I started dishes again.

Funny feelings came while working on PC and at desk, both when I was concentrating. After concentrating for a while, I noticed my teeth and the upper middle part of my brain felt funny. And in both cases, I heard noises like someone moving behind the wall in the next room. When I moved from my desk to PC to add this record, the noise followed to the area closest to my PC.

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