2011/09/07 (Wed) Slept 4 + 4 hrs. Several electric shocks as far as I remember.
2011/09/08 (Thu) Probably slept from 3:00-8:00 (5 hrs). Very strong shocks to head and one that caused fit that folded my legs at knee joints. Felt sense of concussion all day. In the evening, the noise like a computer game.
2011/09/09 (Fri). Slept from 1:00-3:40 (2.5 hrs) till woken up by a noise that sounded like a car-blast or a game. Read for an hour or so and tried to sleep but strong electric shocks every few minutes made my sleep fragmented. Shocks came mainly to head, many of them made me huff, once to my right thigh and twice to my upper left arm, which contracted the muscle like a rubber band stretched on it with a one-two rhythm. Beam or air-gun-like shocks, very strong, came between my ears. I was wearing earmuffs, which I took off to escape from the strong attacks in the middle of my sleep.
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