2011/09/05 Slept from 1:30-5:00 + 7:10-10:40 (4.5+3.5 hrs) Very strong, beam or air gun like shocks between ears almost every second when I went to bed with earmuffs. After taking them off, weaker but the same kind of shocks in the head.
Woken up by a shock and a fit in one of the legs and loud coughs of my next door neighbor at around 5:00. When I tried to sleep the second time, shocks in the head that were weaker but strong enough to prevent me from sleeping continued incessantly for a while.
2011/09/06 Slept from 2:00-8:00 (6 hrs). Do not remember if I had shocks or fits, but had a strong feeling of concussion in the center of my brain and could not walk straight in the first few steps. Marked essays and prepared for classes all day at home. Although I hear the computer-game-like noise that hurts my ear drums now at 20:39, I had a rather quiet, peaceful day.
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