
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/08/07 Slept from 3:00-5:50 (about 3 hrs). I had tried to sleep a little past midnight but incessant rather strong electric shock attacks forced me to give up sleeping. Even with my laptop under my head, the shock was strong enough to prevent me from sleeping. I worked till 3:00 and slept. When woke/woken up around 5:50, also attacks kept me from going to sleep again and I got up a little before 8:00. .

Tried to take a nap in the loft around 14:50 but again very strong attacks started. I went down to the floor and tried to sleep on the mattress with the laptop under my head. Soon, attacks came back again, all on the head but one that made my right uncle have a fit. Since the shocks seemed to come from the next room, not from the room below today, I opened my laptop and covered the side of my face with the standing side. It seemed to soften the shocks a little bit. Slept about 2 hours and woken up by incessant attacks on the head. I had a strong after-concussion sensation which was like my head had had a hiccup and the back of my head felt funny, which still does now at 18:55.

Around 17:00, a strange smell which was like cigarette or sake came in, probably from the next room. The same thing has happened in the evening on my day-offs, especially on Sundays, over the past several weeks.

When I was typing this, a ear-hurting low noise started and I wore earmuffs.

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