
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/08/26 ~ 2011/08/30 Slept around 5 hrs on average. Haven’t been feeling like going to bed till late for a personal reason. Electric attacks when falling asleep, especially when I am trying to sleep again after a 4-or-5-hour sleep, and probably they have been waking me up on some mornings.

Tried the loft again but the result was the same, with a attack causing a big fit of my left leg and many other shocks mainly on the head. Last night (29th) the shocks were stronger than those over the past week. Also, rather weaker ones occurred every second for a while at some point when I was falling asleep.

This morning I had a headache, the type I get when I breathe in contaminated air like cigarette smoke and usually stop when I take medicine, which did not stop even I took medicine but started to become weaker when I opened the window, though this might have been a coincidence.

Took a nap in the evening (19:30-21:30, 30th)and was woken up by electric shocks on the head.

A noise that sounds like a car blast or a computer game that hurts ear drums came back a few days ago and I have been hearing it this evening, now too.

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