
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/08/01 (Mon) Slept from 00:15-5:00 (about 5 hrs).

2011/08/02 (Tue) Slept about 8hours I think.

2011/08/03 (Wed) Slept from 00:15-2:50 and 7:00-10:00 (5.5 hrs). Attacked by electric shocks on the leg incessantly when falling asleep the first time. When woke up the first or second time, the noises in my head were very loud.

2011/08/04 (Thu) Slept about 8 hrs.

2011/08/05 (Fri) Slept from 1:30-5:30 (4 hrs). When I was rewriting my supplement material for today’s class on Thursday night, I felt strong attacks on my head and felt like being hit with steel stick or listening to a high noise of a steel stick. After I wore earmuffs, I felt better but pain around the area a little above my left ear remained even after I went to bed.
Although I went to bed late partly because preparation for the class took a twist and took longer and partly because I know I would be attacked incessantly (the same thing has been going on for several weeks, each night before I get up early in the morning), I fell asleep late because of the incessant electric attacks.

2011/08/06 (Sat) Slept from about 2:00-8:00 (about 6 hrs). Very strong feeling of concussion when I woke up, which lasted almost all day. Had difficulty speaking and finding words in class especially the first one. (Last Saturday, I said a wrong word for a common Japanese word. When I tried to translate “compatible,” I knew what it meant and when I said it, a wrong word came out of my mouth (correct: ryoritsu, wrong: kyoritsu) I knew something was wrong but I kept saying, “Don’t we say, kyoritsu?” And I took a different approach and said to one of my students, “shigoto to kajino …(job and household work)” Then the student said, “ryoritsu.” and I know that was the word.

Also, I have been wearing earmuffs both when I am awake and asleep because the noise that sounds like computer game came back and I hear it often again.

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