
Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/07/26 (Tue) Slept around 5 hrs. Some attacks. Probably a low noise, which made me sleep with earmuffs on.

2011/07/27 (Wed) Slept around 5 hrs. Some attacks or noise or both.

2011/07/28 (Thu) Slept around 7-8 hrs.

2011/07/29 (Fri) Since I have to get up at 5:00 this morning, I went to bed early (23:30) but incessant electric shock attack on my leg mainly and my head prevented me from falling asleep and I am writing this record now (at 0:50). The same thing happened last week. Now I also hear a low noise that hurts my ear-drums from below and next room. I feel funny in my leg, in the head, and in the back teeth.

2011/07/30 (Sat) Slept from 23:30-2:30 + 4:00-10:00 (9 hrs). When woke/woken up around 2:30, an ear-hurting low noise was heard from the next room or outside. I wore earmuffs and slept with them.

2011/07/31 (Sat) Slept from 1:00-6:00 (5 hrs). Tried to sleep again and stayed in the loft but gave up hearing a noise someone moved in the loft of the next room. When woke up, noise in my head was loud and had a feeling of after concussion.

Class Supplement (早稲田国際AO入試 Altruism is No Fammily Matter

Day Four  Altruism is No Family Matter 解答のポイント
主題: 動物行動の利他主義は自分に近い遺伝子を後世に伝えるため(kin selection=血縁選択説)というよりは環境等諸条件による小さな飛躍(one small hop)の結果だという説がある。
本文該当箇所 1)タイトル「利他主義は血縁の問題ではない」 2)第4段落 insect altruism and colonial living do not after all require kin selection to evolve. …eusociality only requires a small ‘hop’: “One small step for a wasp, one giant leap for hymenoptera.” 昆虫の利他主義と群生が進化するには結局のところ血縁選択を必要としない…社会性は小さな『飛躍』のみが必要なのだ。一匹のスズメバチにとっては小さな一歩だが膜翅目にとっては大きな飛躍だ。 3)第6段落 eusociality emerges from a rare combination of life-history characteristics and 社会性は生活史の特徴と前適応の稀な結合から生じる。If an environmental change or a new mutation then inhibits their offspring from leaving the nest, they will be forced to stay there. The pre-adaptations enable them to cooperate efficiently. Thus, says, Wilson, fully eusocial colonies emerged in one single leap, 環境の変化や新しい突然変異により子孫の巣立ちが阻害された場合、とどまることを余儀なくされる。前適応により子孫は効率よく協力することができる。従って、ウイルソン曰く、完全に社会性のある群生が小さな飛躍によって生じたのである。

第1段落 動物行動における利他主義(altruism)の説明: 生物が自分の子供を生まずに他の個体の子育てを手伝う行動
第2段落 血縁選択説(kin selection)の説明: 自分と遺伝子が近い親戚の生命を守れば自分の遺伝子が後世に伝わりやすくなるので利他主義の行動をとる。 e.g. Hamilton’s Rule(ハミルトンの法則) 生殖能力のある働き蜂の存在を血縁選択説によって説明。 
第3段落 血縁選択説の展開: 遺伝子を中心に行動の進化を説明 e.g. Richard Dawkins「重要なのは遺伝」 / Edward O. Wilson 社会性(eusociality)を血縁選択説で説明。
第4段落 血縁選択説の否定: Edward O. Wilson:血縁選択ではなく『飛躍』が利他主義行動を生む。 
第5段落 血縁選択説否定の根拠 : 社会的行動がある生物の遺伝子構造に共通点がない。クローンで増える生物に利他主義がみられない例がある。 
第6段落 a small hop『小さな飛躍』の説明: 巣わけが行えない場合、女王蜂に成る能力のある固体が働き蜂になる。その後は集団選択(より優れた集団が生き残る)により利他主義を持つ種が栄える。
第7段落 血縁選択説の擁護: Andrew Bourke「彼(Wilson)は血縁選択説の達成したものを過小評価している」 e.g. David Queller「微生物研究では有用」Francis Ratnieks「社会的行動は全て血縁選択説により説明可能」
第8段落 両方の説を有効とする考え: 血縁選択以上の理由が生物の社会的行動には存在する。血縁選択説と集団選択説は両立可能。 e.g. Queller「集団選択説は血縁選択説の代わりに社会の進化を説明するための単なる別の選択肢」Mary Jane West-Eberhard 「生物が(利他主義をとるかどうかの)柔軟性は血縁選択説と両立不可能だとはもはや思っていない 」
第9段落 大半の社会生物学者はWilsonの新しい考え方(『小さな飛躍説』)が革新的だとは考えていない。Wilson自身は自説が革新的だと考えている。(革新的でない証明がないから)

問1 本文によると次の記述は正しいでしょうか、間違っているでしょうか。解答欄の所定箇所にTrueかFalseと書いて示してください。

a. Edward O. S Wilson は血縁選択説を長年主張したが、最近考えが変わり、現在では社会性の発生に箱の解釈を提案している。 True
本文該当箇所  第3+4段落 上記各段落の要旨参照。
b. 進化の仕組みに関するVero Wynee-Edwadsの研究も、Richard Dawkinsの利己的な遺伝子という考えも血縁選択説の証明を助けた。 False
本文該当箇所 第3段落After the kin selection revolution, the group selection mechanisms advocated by Vero Wynne-Edwards and others no longer appeared satisfactory explanations of altruism. 血縁選択説革命後は、Vero Wynne-Edwards他が主張した集団選択の仕組みはもはや利他主義の満足な説明には見えなかった。
c. Mary Jane West-Eberhardは昆虫の利他主義に関する「柔軟性」の見方を指示していたが、現在では余りにも還元主義者的で経験で得た証拠が欠如していると考えている。 False
本文該当箇所 第8段落She, however, no longer sees flexibility as incompatible with kin selection. しかし彼女はもはや柔軟性が血縁選択説と両立不可であるとは考えていない。《柔軟性もいまだに支持》
d. 最近Wilsonが血縁選択説の無益さを批判したことに対し、Andrew Bourke、David Queller、Flances Ratnieksは全員、血縁選択説を擁護している。 True
本文該当箇所 第7段 各段落の要旨参照
e. West-EberhandとQueller両者とも血縁選択説と集団選択説は両立不可能な理論だと主張している。 False
本文該当箇所 第8段 And it is possible that kin selection theory and group selection theory might turn out to be compatible, 血縁選択説と集団選択説は両立可能だということになる可能性がある。《この後の具体例がWest-EberhandとQueller》

問2 解答欄の所定箇所に英語でEdward O Wilsonが彼の標語『一匹のスズメバチにとっては小さな一歩だが膜翅目にとっては大きな飛躍だ。』の意味を自分の言葉で説明してください。

考え方 問われているスローガンは、人類として月面に初めて降り立った時のNeil Armstrong船長の言葉”One small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind”「ひとりの人間にとっては小さな一歩だが人類にとっては偉大な一歩」をもじってWilsonの最近の説を端的に表したもの。一個体の小さな行動が種としての新たな進化を意味することにポイントをおいてWilsonの新説をまとめる。
本文該当箇所 主題本文該当箇所と第6段落の要旨参照

問3 利他主義は人間の自然な特徴でしょうか、それとも私たちの本能に反するものでしょうか?解答欄の所定箇所に適切な理由と例を挙げてこの問いに関するあなた自身の考えを英語で述べてください。

考え方 本文では動物には利他主義が見られるとあるが人間も利他主義のある動物なのかどうか考えてみる。賛成する場合、「既に子供がいる貧困家庭でも孤児を引き取って育てる」、「事故や災害、戦場等において自分の命を犠牲にして他人を救う」といった行動例が世界中に多数あることが根拠にできる。また、人類が最も繁栄している動物であることも生得の利他主義によるものといえるかもしれない。counter-argumentとして戦争や競争・格差社会などがあるが、資本主義の欠点や社会の複雑さなどによるゆがみだと説明できる。反対する場合は、利他主義的行動の根底には計算や社会的圧力などがあり本質的には利己的な行動だという風に説明できる。counter-argumentとして、命まで犠牲にする例が挙げられるが、例外的行動であり、賞賛されるのはその証拠だという風に処理できる。(ただしこれは「利他主義的本能に従った点を賞賛されるのだ」という反論には弱い。)


Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/07/29 (Fri) Since I have to get up at 5:00 this morning, I went to bed early (23:30) but incessant electric shock attack on my leg mainly and my head prevented me from falling asleep and I am writing this record now (at 0:50). The same thing happened last week. Now I also hear a low noise that hurts my ear-drums from below and next room. I feel funny in my leg, in the head, and in the back teeth.


Class Supplement, TOEFL Essay, L 18, 2011

Writing Topic 1
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Let’s think
Everyone might have both experiences of being encouraged and discouraged by grades. If the grades are high or higher than before, we are happy. If we keep getting lower grades, we might decide we are not apt for the subject and stop making efforts, or start cursing the system, or even get lost in paranoia that something strange is going on in this world. When you can think of both merits and demerits of a statement, you might want to use words like “mostly agree”, “partly agree”, or “cannot totally agree” in your main idea. If your stand is clear, you could use entirely, totally, etc.

Your short response:
I totally /mostly /partly agree / disagree with the statement that grades encourage students to learn because

It is true that



Ideas and Expressions
For the statement:
1) Students can see objectively how much they have or have not made progress.
2) Students can set the next goal by grades.
3) Competition makes students study harder.

Against the statement:
1) Some students get discouraged by repeatedly being told that they are not good.
2) Grading force teachers to focus on making students get higher scores on tests. This will lead to rote learning, causing academic indifference.

Sample short response:
I cannot totally agree with the statement that grades encourage students to learn because there are people who are discouraged by competition. Grades make students compete against each other. There are two kinds of people who dislike this situation: those who are always at the bottom and those who just do not like to see themselves competing against their classmates. Both types can lose interest in study the moment they become aware that they are being made to race their classmates.
It is true that competition raises levels of achievements on the whole and grading is a way to provide students with objective means of reflection about their jobs.
but learning is primarily a personal activity, which is stimulated by pure interest in the subject whether you have rivals or not. A student whose urge to defeat someone is motivating him to learn would lose interest in learning if his target leaves his school. Students need more fundamental motivation to learn.
Thus, I think it is important that teachers grade in reference to individual’s previous grades based on absolute standards, not relative to other students.

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, pp.285-286)
Grades are very important for students. Without grades, students don’t know how well they are doing in class. They don’t have a goal to study for. They don’t have anything to show their parents. Students need grades to help them be motivated to learn.

Grades show students their progress in class. A student might work very hard to write a report. Without a grade, how does the student know if the report is good or bad? Without a grade, how can a student know if she is improving?

Grades give students a goal. A good grade is like a reword. If a student receives 100% on a test, he feels like all his hard work was worthwhile. If a student gats a bad grade, he will study harder next time so he can improve his grade.

Grades give students something to show their parents. Students want to please their parents. They want to work hard so they can show them good grades. When parents see good grades, they know their children are studying and learning. If the grades aren’t good, the parents know they have to give their children extra help and support.

Grades are an important part of education. All students want to get good grades, so they will study hard to get them. Grades show students their progress, present them with a goal, and give them something to show their parents. Grades motivate students to learn.

Writing Topic 2
It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its members. Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society. Which type of contribution do you think is valued more by our society? Give specific reasons to support your answer..

Let’s think
This writing topic consists of three parts: a premise, an instruction, and a question. The first sentence is a premise that any job is beneficial to society in general. By the second sentence, you are instructed to compare contributions of two types of people: artists and scientists. Because of the premise, you are saved from discussing if either or both of these two occupations are not necessary. The third sentence asks you to judge which job is valued more by our society. Thus, what you are supposed to do is 1) compare contributions of artists with those of scientists and 2) write which job you think is valued more.

It just happens that contribution to society is not always valued by society, so it does not matter if your answer to the question doesn’t comply with the result of your comparison of contributions of these two jobs. For example, you think artists contribute to society as much as scientists, but you could conclude that society value scientists more than artists for some reason.

Ideas and Expressions
♦Contributions of artists to society
1) They help us develop our emotions and sense for beauty.
2) They cultivate our imagination and creativity.
3) They ease our soul.
4) They increase our knowledge about the world and humans through expressions.

♦Contributions of scientists to society
1) They protect and develop our life.
2) They help us save our future.
3) They increase our knowledge about the world and humans through R&D.

♦Decisive factors on which type of contribution is valued more by our society
1) money paid for their work (e.g. salary, government funding)
2) tokens of respect they receive (e.g. permanent resident status)
3) the way they are treated in the education system (e.g. the number of subjects, lessons, teachers, and universities)
4) whether most parents want to see their children become artists or scientists

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, pp. 304-305)
Artists and scientists make very different types of contributions to our society, and the contributions of both are valuable. Although the contributions of both are important, however, our society seems to value the contributions of scientists more.

Artists lift our spirits and show us who we are. A painter or writer shows us in pictures and words what we’re like as a people. Performing artists entertain us. Artists take our minds off our troubles and remind us of the beauty of life. Artists also help keep society mentally and emotionally healthy, because they provide us with a s means of expression. Art of all types is necessary to the human spirit.

Scientists make contributions to our material lives. The cars we drive, the computers we use at school and work, the appliances we use to clean our houses, are all results of the hard work of scientists. We can grow more food, and cure more diseases, and live healthier lives thanks to scientific research. Scientists have helped improve our material lives in many ways.

Artists make valuable contributions to society, but society seems to value scientists more. Scientists are more often rewarded with money than artists are. They generally earn higher salaries, and it is easier for them to get government funding for their work. They have more social prestige and are generally considered to be smarter people than artists. There are always exceptions, of course. Some scientists struggle to earn money. Some artists are very rich and have a great deal of prestige, but they are few. Overall, scientists have a better position in society.

The contributions of both artists and scientists are valuable to our society. They each contribute to different aspects of our lives. Unfortunately, artists don’t always get the recognition they deserve.


Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

Somewhere between 18th and 23rd, incessant electric attacks made my body have a fit in strange angles while my head was stable on my laptop pillow. Also, a vibration of the middle section of the loft floor one night during the same period.

2011/07/18 Slept from 12:00-5:00 (5 hrs). Got up by the alarm to work. Flush illusion in the eyes and eye fatigue all day.

2011/0719 Slept from 12:30-8:30 (8 hrs). Do not remember any attacks.

2011/07/20 Slept from 2:00-8:00 (6 hrs). Many incessant electric attacks on my head when I went to bed. My head was on my laptop pillow. Also, a strong attack that caused a big fit of my upper body when I was awake in the morning and lying face up with my arms crossed in front of my chest a head away from the safe spot.

2011/07/21 (Thu) Slept from 2:30-10:00 (7:30 hrs). Electric shocks on my head kept me from falling asleep for an hour or so.

2011/07/22 (Fri) Slept from 1:00-5:00 (4 hrs). Electric shocks on my head kept me from falling asleep for an hour or so.

2011/07/23 (Sat) Slept probably around 5 hours. Strong eye fatigue from morning till the evening.

2011/07/24 (Sun) Slept from around 1:30-8:30 (7 hrs). Electric shocks on my head. Strange, tobacco-like smell coming in in the evening.

2011/07/25 (Mon) Slept from 1:00-6:00 (5 hrs). A low noise before sleeping. Wore earmuffs. Remember getting a few electric shocks on the head. Had a feeling of after-concussion when and after I woke up.


Class Supplement, TOEFL Essay, L 16, 2011

Writing Topic 1
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

Let’s think
This statement can be divided into two parts:
1) People should learn a foreign language.
2) Children should begin learning it as soon as they start school.
Thus we could ask ourselves the following two questions.
1) Is it important to learn a foreign language?
2) If so, is it good for children to start learning it as soon as they start school?

Your short response:
I think it is / isn’t important to learn a foreign language because …

I think / don’t think it is good for children to start learning a foreign language as soon as they start school because …

Ideas and Expressions
♦About language learning
1. In this globalized world, where English is the de facto lingua franca, it is necessary to be able to have a command of the language to live a fulfilling life.
2. It is better to be able to know as many languages as possible to have multiple views and to be tolerant to other peoples.
3. The important thing is to establish your own style or acquire a specific skill or knowledge, and language ability is not always relevant to it. Interpreters and translators can help you with your communication if necessary.
4. It is important to focus on completing the mother tongue acquisition to be mature enough in one’s own society.

♦About early language education
1. It is obvious that in language learning the earlier the start, the better command of it. Children have fewer barriers to foreign languages and cultures, so it is easy for them to learn them.
2. If people learn the basic of the language at early years, it will be easier for them to learn higher levels of the language when they go up to upper grades.
3. Most of the brain network is completed by the time one turns 6 years old. Therefore, it is no use trying to make elementary school children bilingual. Moreover, since this means that children learn the language as a foreign language, the class could be nothing but a burden in their school life.
4. Learning more than two languages at a time often end up insufficient acquisition of both.

A Press Release by Ministry of Education, Culture Sports, Science, and Technology
(An Excerpt)
Developing a strategic plan to cultivate "Japanese With English Abilities"
-Plan to improve English and Japanese abilities- July 12, 2002
1. Objectives
With the progress of globalization in the economy and in society, it is essential that our children acquire communication skills in English, which has become a common international language, in order for living in the 21st century. This has become an extremely important issue both in terms of the future of our children and the further development of Japan as a nation. At present, though, the English-speaking abilities of a large percentage of the population are inadequate, and this imposes restrictions on exchanges with foreigners and creates occasions when the ideas and opinions of Japanese people are not appropriately evaluated. However, it is not possible to state that Japanese people have sufficient ability to express their opinions based on a firm grasp of their own language.

Critical Period hypothesis
Linguist Eric Lenneberg stated that the crucial period of language acquisition ends around the age of 12 years. He claimed that if no language is learned before then, it could never be learned in a normal and fully functional sense. This was called the "Critical period hypothesis."

Writing Topic 2
Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done. Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace. Which do you prefer? Use specific reason and examples to support your answer.

Let’s think
Preferences seem easy to explain while they are often difficult for others to understand, especially for those who do not know you well. This is probably because preference is personal. Without background information, things become difficult to understand. Your raters do not know you at all, so you have to provide as much background information related to your preference as possible to convince your raters, to get good scores.

Paragraph Development
Paragraph development is a key to providing sufficient background information. If a paragraph has only one sentence or two, it lacks some essential sentences such as supporting details (background information), or the main idea. A sample of a paragraph development is as follows:
【Main Idea】 A sentence which represents the paragraph briefly
【Explanation】 A sentence which shows what you mean by the main idea
【Detail / Example】 A sentence which provides a specific example
【Follow up】 A sentence which makes up for some information lacking in the example
【Conclusion】 A sentence which wraps up the paragraph briefly

Sample paragraph development:
1)【Main Idea】 Don’t do today what you can do tomorrow.
【Explanation】 Things change, and doing things a little too early will often turn out to be just a waste of time, while time is life as the author of Momo says.
【Detail / Example】 For example, even if you review the next two chapters of a textbook because you think your teacher may finish two chapters in one class on a whim, she might actually digress and would not even finish one chapter.
【Follow up】 Although the extra preparation itself is not a waste because you can use it later, you could have used the time for something you could have done only on that day such as communicating with your family and friends. Textbooks won’t change but you and your folks change day by day.
【Conclusion】 Tomorrow will be a totally new day full of the unpredictable while today will never come back. All you need to do is make the most of what you have today.

2)【Main Idea】 Make hay while the sun shines.
【Explanation】 I try to avoid letting hesitation or procrastination ruin my life.
【Detail / Example】 If I think of doing something and do not do it, thinking now is not the time for it or I could do it later, I will never do it and regret not doing it in most cases.
【Follow up】This is because things will not stay the same, and so now is usually the best time to do what you are up to.
【Conclusion】Taking my time often costs me my precious moments of life and I do not want to miss them.

☆Your test paragraph development:
【Main Idea】


【Detail / Example】

【Follow up】


Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, pp. 278)
Life is short. Hast makes waste. What’s your hurry? These three sayings characterize the way I manage my day-to-day chores. I don’t want to rush through things; I prefer to take my time.

Life is short. You never know what may happen tomorrow, so it is important to enjoy today. By doing just a few things slowly and doing them well, you can savor the experience. You can truly enjoy what you are doing.

Haste makes waste. We are not machines. We can’t just rush through our chores. If we do, we might forget something. We might take shortcuts and do a poor job. Then we’ll have to do the job all over again. That certainly doesn’t save us any time. By going more slowly, we can do a chore carefully, completely, and correctly.

What’s your hurry? Where’s the fire? I don’t see any need to rush to the next experience. There’s still al lot to see and learn from the chores around you. Taking care of your baby brother, for instance, can be very rewarding. If you are in a hurry to get many things done, you can just keep the baby near you while you work on other chores. Or, you could devote your whole attention to him and observe his reactions to the environment. You can’t observe carefully if you are rushing to do other things at the same time.

To twist a common saying, “Don’t just do something, sit there!” Take life easy and savor each minute. Life is shorter than you think.


Class Supplement, TOEFL Essay, L 15, 2011

Writing Topic 1
If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? Why Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Let’s think
The same types of questions as today’s topic are as follows:
♦If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why?
♦If you could travel back in time to meet a famous person from history, what person would you like to meet?
♦If you could go back to some time and place in the past, when and where would you go?

Whoever or wherever you might choose, it is safe to choose a person or a place you have many things to write about, the person or place you often think or hear about. If you write about a person your rater might not know even though the person is famous among a number of people, make sure that you explain why he or she or it is famous.

Your short response:
If I could ask a famous person one question, I would ask …

because …

He / She is /was famous for /as …

If I asked the question, he / she might say …

He / She might also say …

Sample short response:
If I could ask a famous person one question, I would ask Bradley Manning if he ever regrets what he has done
because I think what he has done is worth more than respect and I do not know if I would do the same as he did if I were in his position.
He is famous as a wikileaker. He is said to have leaked to WikiLeaks confidential documents and video of the American military and government. Because of his deed, it became open that there are more civilian casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq than were officially reported, there is at least one war crime committed in Iraq, and what the US officials say to the world is different from what they are saying between themselves. Of course he angered the government and he was caught. He has gone through more-than-a-year solitary confinement and suffered harsh treatment, which many people call a torture and which has dulled his mind according to a report.
If I asked the question, he might say he has no regret, because I hear he is a person of a highly moral character. He believes that he has done a good thing for people, especially for the weak. He had been sympathetic to the oppressed under dictatorships before he found the documents that contain facts that they should know.
He might also say that he would do the same but would do it more carefully. He was arrested because he hinted what he had done to a person who he thought was his friend. Bradley Manning was only 23 years old then, and had had a traumatic life. I think it cannot be helped that he told his secret to a chatting mate who shared many of his interests. If there is one thing he might regret, it would be that he tried to believe that a friend would never tell on him.

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, p.297)
If I could ask a famous person one question, I would ask Neil Armstrong what it felt like to walk on the moon. Sometimes I think it would be scary; sometimes I think it would be fun. On the other hand, maybe Neil Armstrong was too busy to feel scared or have fun while he was walking on the moon.

I think it could be every scary to go to walk on the moon. Neil Armstrong was the first person to do it. He was well prepared for the event, but he still couldn’t be sure what he would find. Also, maybe he worried that something might happen. What if he had a problem with his oxygen or couldn’t get back to the spaceship on time? I wonder if he thought about these things, or if he just did his job.

On the other hand, maybe Neil Armstrong had fun walking on the moon. The gravity is different so just taking steps would feel different. I think that would be fun. If I went to the moon, I would want to run and jump and shout, “Hurray! I am on the moon!” I wonder if Armstrong felt that way.

Maybe Armstrong didn’t have time to feel scared or happy or anything else. He had a very important job to do. The whole world was watching him. He had to be serious and focus on his work. His time was short. He probably didn’t have time for anything except to get his job done.

It can be a scary thing or a fun adventure to do something for the first time. Being the first person to walk on the moon is one of the most incredible adventures of all time. I would like to meet Neil Armstrong if I could ask him how it felt.

Writing Topic 2
Some universities require students to take classes in many subjects. Other universities require students to specialize in one subject. Which is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Let’s think
When choosing one out of two, you compare them. In order to say something is the better of the two, you cannot avoid discussing both. In other words, you must prove why one is better than the other. Therefore, even though the topic does not say “Compare and contrast,” it is natural that you discuss both cases.

Ideas and Expressions
♦About taking classes in many subjects
1. People who have general ideas about varieties of subjects can be competent and interesting, because they can see things in many perspectives and easily stay abreast of others over latest topics.
2. University students are still growing intellectually, so they might find other subjects more interesting than those they chose when they entered their university.
3. Subjects are becoming more interdisciplinary these days. For example, students who major in biology also have to study chemistry and those who major in psychology also have to study neurology and chemistry. Economics majors have to study statistics. Inter-disciplinary labs have already started to emerge where physicists, chemists, and biologists are collaborating. Research and development activities are getting more and more interrelated. Therefore, it is better for students to study varieties of subjects.
4. Even seemingly unrelated subjects can be useful for students’ development. For example, a doctor who has studied the humanities can be more sensitive to patients’ feelings than a doctor who is accustomed to looking at only the physical aspect of a human being.
5. Students might get bored if they keep studying only one subject. They need to expose their brain to many kinds of subjects to maintain their interest in their majoring subject.
6. Counter-argument: Taking many different subjects would be a burden and there would be many students who would drop many subjects. ⇔ Time-management would be the key.

♦About specializing in one subject
1. Unlike institutions from primary school to high school, universities are where people pursue subjects of their interests. They are supposed to have acquired general knowledge concerning main subjects by the time they graduate from high school, and at university they are expected to delve into specific areas they have chosen. Therefore, it makes sense for students to focus on one subject.
2. It is more efficient for students to concentrate on one subject. It is too much for students to study other than their majoring subjects and subjects related to them. For Asian students who aspire to be doctors, for instance, studying European literature would do no good at best and pretty often would be a great burden except for some who are also interested in art and literature.
3. Counter-argument: Focusing on one subject would make students narrow-minded. ⇔ Today’s world requires everyone to make efforts to acquire a wider points of view and media and facilities for self-study are abundant. On the other hand, one can obtain special knowledge and technical skills only at university.

☆To meet the minimum 300 words requirement
Sometimes you realize that you have not written more than 300 words, the minimum requirement for TOEFL independent writing, after you have discussed everything. In such a situation, adding another point/reason seems to be the easiest way to write more, but it is actually rather difficult to come up with an extra point/reason after you have brainstormed once. Therefore, I recommend concentrating on the logic and details.

To increase the volume of your essay, …
1) develop the paragraph well: If a paragraph has only a few sentences, chances are that you have not developed well enough. Make sure that each paragraph has its main idea, supporting details (examples), conclusion, and additional supporting details like counter-argument treatment if necessary. Find the shortest paragraph, and you are sure to add something.
2) develop each sentence well: A statement usually has some exception or needs some condition or concession. Look for a sentence that you can add a reason, condition, concession, or any other additional information, and add “because …”, “except …”, “as long as …”, “although …”, etc.
3) describe words well: Which of the following sentences gives a clear picture of someone’s pet? A) I have a pet. B) I have a cute cat. C) I have a little fluffy kitten. With two adjectives and a specific noun, Sentence C) depicts an adorable pet well and it happens to be the longest of the three.
4) describe other choices: Even if the Writing Topic does not say, “Discuss the two views” or “Compare and contrast the choices,” you can write about other choices. Doing so will make your essay more convincing and longer. Make sure that you do not digress.
5) take up counter-arguments if necessary: While you are writing, sometimes a counter-argument, “Well, but what about this case?” comes up to your mind. Then it is better not to ignore it but take it up and give a counter-counter-argument or two. By doing so, you can confirm your argument. If you can do it well, you will get a high score.

The key to remember is to try to put what you want to say into words as accurately as you can. Then you cannot help adding some more words and sentences, and some more... In the end, your essay will have many words.

Class Supplement, TOEFL Essay, L 17, 2011

Writing Topic 1
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Most experiences in our lives that seemed difficult at the time become valuable lessons for the future. Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.

Let’s think
Let’s take a look at the details of the topic. It says, “MOST experiences,” so irreversibly damaging cases like child abuse or PTSD are excluded. It says, “seemed difficult at the time,” and “valuable lessons for the future,” so it is talking about the tough experiences you will appreciate later. We live and learn. We go through an endless series of difficulties of various degrees. The tougher the experience is, the stronger we become. The more complicated the experience is, the more knowledge we acquire. I guess most people agree with this statement and can easily come up with examples from your childhood piano lessons to moving to a foreign country to losing your pet. When and where did you have the experience? What was tough? How did you feel then? How do you feel about the experience now? What have you learned from it?

Your short response:
When and Where?

What was tough?

How did you feel?

How do you feel about the experience now?

What have you learned from the experience?

Ideas and Expressions

going abroad,
sharing a room with someone
living by yourself
living in poverty
having trouble with your neighbor
fighting a disease
having an injury
practicing piano
taking a difficult test,
failing a crucial test
starting a project
being in charge of something important
being extremely busy
making a serious mistake,
hurting someone,
embarrassing yourself,
being rejected
being betrayed,
being misunderstood,
being discriminated against
losing something or someone important
having a difficult relationship

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, p.280)
People say that experience is the best teacher, and I believe this is true. Difficult experiences, especially, can teach us valuable lessons. They can help us overcome fears, they can teach us better ways to do things, and they can show us that we have friends who are ready to help us.

Difficult experiences can help us overcome fears. I remember the first time I had to give a presentation to my classmates. I was very shy and afraid to speak in front of the whole class. I spent a long time preparing for my presentation., I was nervous and didn’t sleep well the night before. I was surprised when I gave my presentation and everyone listened. No one laughed at me. They asked questions and I could answer them. Now I know I can talk in front of the class and do a good job.

Difficult experiences can teach us better ways to do things. I had a very embarrassing experience when I took the test to get my driver’s license. I didn’t practice for the test because I thought I was such a good driver. But I failed. I didn’t really know what to expect so I got nervous and made mistakes. I was embarrassed about my failure and my parents were disappointed. Now I know that it is always better to prepare myself for something, no matter how ready I think I am.

Difficult experiences can show us that we have friends. Once I was very sick and I missed several months of school. I thought I would have to repeat the year. I didn’t have to because there were a lot of people who helped me. My teachers gave me extra time to do my work. My classmates explained the homework to me. People who I didn’t even know well helped me make up the work I lost. I learned that I had friends where I hadn’t expected any.

Nobody looks for difficult experiences, but we all have to go through them from time to time. They help us overcome fears, learn better ways of doing things, and show us who our friends are. These are all valuable lessons for our future.

Writing Topic 2
Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business. Others prefer to work for an employer. Would you rather be self-employed, work for someone else, or own a business? Use specific reasons to explain your choice.

Let’s think
Owing a business provides a lot of freedom as well as responsibility. Working for an employer may not be free from stress while you can forget about work once you leave your office. Being self-employed allows some freedom but it is basically the same as working for someone else, because you cannot refuse job-offers for fear of missing opportunities in the future. Which suits your value and character?

Paragraph Development
Let’s practice paragraph development once again, for a well developed paragraph is indispensable in writing an essay persuasive enough to satisfy ETS raters.

【Main Idea】 To represent the paragraph briefly
【Explanation】 To show exactly what you mean by the main idea
【Detail / Example】 To provide a specific example
【Follow up】 To make up for some information lacking in the example
【Conclusion】 To wrap up the paragraph

Sample paragraph development:
【Main Idea】 Owning a business gives me a lot of freedom.
【Explanation】 It allows me to try new ideas.
【Detail / Example】 If you work for an employer, it is almost impossible to put new ideas into practice. You are supposed to do your assignment under the policy decided by your employer. But if you are the boss, you can carry out your idea at your discretion.
【Follow up】 It is true that decision making in business involves many things to consider such as affecting the community or jeopardizing the fate of your employees and clients and I would have to consult with other executives, but this is the same in any other important decisions I make. As long as I am aware of my responsibility and listen to others, I think I can do well, and the pressure and bother won’t prevent me from feeling thrilled by the challenge in business.
【Conclusion】 I think my life will be livelier if I own a business.

☆Your test paragraph development:
【Main Idea】


【Detail / Example】

【Follow up】


Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, pp.280-281)
Many people have dreams of becoming self-employed or starting their own business, but I don’t understand this. I think it is much better to work for someone else. When I work for someone else, I don’t have to take risks or make difficult decisions alone. I have someone to tell me what to do, someone to evaluate my work, and most important of all, someone to give me a regular paycheck.

As an employee, I don’t have to decide what to do every day. My employer gives me work to do and she gives me deadlines for it. I don’t have to worry about what needs to be done next on a project. That’s my employer’s job. Without this worry, I can just focus on getting the job done right.

When I have an employer, I never have to wonder if my work is good or bad. My employer tells me if I did a good job, or if I need to do something over again. I don’t have to worry if a client will like my work or if a product is good enough to sell. That is my employer’s concern. My employer lets me know how my work is and if necessary, I will do it again or do it better the next time.

I know I will get a pay check every two weeks when I work for someone else. I don’t have to worry if the clients have paid or if we have sold enough merchandise. If I go to work every day, I get my paycheck on a regular basis. I work so I can get paid and I want to be able to be sure of receiving my money.

Many people want to feel independent and that is why they want their own business. For me, however, it is more important to feel secure. I feel secure knowing that I have an employer to give me directions, evaluate my work, and pay me regularly. That is why I prefer to work for someone else.

Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

The shocks came back on the night of 16th (Sat). My laptop pillow did not work and I got shocks in the head and had fit several times right after I went to bed, being prevented from falling asleep for probably about 1 hour. Updates of records are as follows:

2011/07/12 Slept from 12:30-8:30 (8 hrs).

2011/07/13 Slep from 2:00-5:00 (3 hrs). Remember several shocks to my head when I was falling asleep.

2011/07/14 Slept from 2:00-7:00 (5hrs). Exploding shock that shook my whole body except my head, which was placed on my laptop pillow, came right after I lay myself and several other times while I was asleep.

2011/07/15 Slept around 5 hours. Do not remember any attacks, at least on my head.

2011/07/16 Slept from 2:00-9:00 (7 hrs). No attacks to my head as far as I remember.

While I was working on my PC in the evening (18:00-21:00), I felt strange vibrations and a noise that went GGGGGGGoh coming from the next room. I sat as far as I could from the room. When finished working, I had a feeling of concussion, which went away by midnight.

2011/07/17 Slept from 1:00-8:00 (7 hrs.) The shocks came back last night. Even though my head was on my laptop, I got shocks in the head and had fit several times right after I went to bed. I tried the other side of the loft but I got the same or stronger shocks. I put my head back to the safe spot, the area above the refrigerator in the kitchen. I got prevented from falling asleep for probably about 1 hour.

When woke up, I felt dizzy and my eyes had some fluorescent light like illusion. When I was at the checkout counter in a supermarket, I had a feeling of after-concussion in the head.


Class Supplement, TOEFL Essay, L 14, 2011

Writing Topic 1
If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.

Let’s think
What to write:
You could choose a subject related to your study or interests. They can be related to your major, hobby, future goal, or interests. Also, you could choose a subject that is totally different from the field that you are usually into. For example, if you are a major of physics, you could choose economics or Latin American literature. What are the things that you are often intrigued by and tell yourself that you would study them if your life lasted 300 years?

How to write:
Of course you are supposed to explain why, why you want to take the particular course, but what if you cannot think of many reasons? TOEFL requires you to write at least 300 words in an organized way. One thing might be to answer the questions starting with Wh or H. Who / What made you interested in it? When / Where was it? How did you become interested in it?

Your short response:
If I had time to study a subject that I have never had the opportunity to study, I would study … because …

(Answers to Who / What / When / Where / How)

Sample short response:
If I had time to study a subject that I have never had the opportunity to study, I would study astrophysics because I have a feeling that it will give me an opportunity to think about life and universe, for it deals with the physics and the universe and involves studies of both the invisible matters and huge objects in the vast space.

(Answers to Who / What / When / Where / How)
A memorable word of one of the members of the art club I belonged to in my high school days has made me interested in it. He said, “Electrons circling around atoms is similar to planets orbiting the sun, isn’t it?” Even though I found it interesting then and I still remember it, this inspiring analogy of physics between the smaller and the larger never really sank into my dull mind and I missed the opportunity to study the related subjects by choosing the humanities. When young, people are sensitive to the clues to solve questions in life and universe which all things around them are hinting to them, and I think this man had a particularly strong perception of these clues; he would often teach physics in class at the request of his physics teacher. In the course of gaining knowledge about this word of his, I hope that I have a glimpse of the secret of life and universe as he may have done.

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, pp.283-284)
I have always been interested in art and literature, so people will think my choice is strange. If I could study something I have never had the opportunity to study, I would choose calculus. If I could actually learn something as difficult as that, it would give me a lot of confidence. Besides that, I think I would like it and it could help me learn some useful skills.

The only mathematics I have studied are the required courses in high school. I finished those requirements early and since then I have chosen to study other subjects. I never liked my math classes and I didn’t do well in them. I have always thought that I couldn’t learn calculus. If I learned calculus, I would feel very smart.

I like art and literature because I like beauty and creativity. I never liked math because I didn’t think it was beautiful and creative. I like solving problems, however. And I might actually discover something beautiful and creative about math. I think if I tried studying calculus, I would actually like it.

There are some new skills I would like to develop. There are some electrical problems in my house and I would like to learn how to fix them myself. I would like to learn how to do repair work on my CD player or even on my computer. If I learned calculus, it would help me develop the skills I need to do these things.

I think it would be really interesting to try learning something completely new. For me, calculus would be a big challenge. If I learned it, I would feel smart, I would enjoy myself, and I could develop new skills. It would be a big accomplishment for me.

Writing Topic 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Let’s think
Reading the question carefully is the first step toward writing a satisfactory essay. The words to mark in this statement are probably “Only” and “successful.” Not many things can be described with words like “only” or “all,” so I would like to focus on proving this statement is wrong. To prove a statement that only A is B is wrong, all you have to do is to show that non-A is also B. Therefore, if you do not agree with the statement that only people who earn a lot of money are successful, you just show that those who do not earn a lot of money are also successful.

Now, what is the definition of being successful? Reaching one’s goal helps one to feel successful personally, but to others, he might not be successful. A murderer who has killed the person he believed should not be in this world cannot be called a successful person. It seems that, to be successful, a person must meet some unsaid criteria that society sets.

What kinds of people are said to be successful? Do they have money, a higher status, or a good life? Are they admired by many people? Have they accomplished something important? Is money an indispensable factor to be regarded as a successful person? Is your uncle who owns a venture business producing a lot of money successful while another uncle of yours who is a dedicated high school teacher everyone in his community respects is not?

Your short response:
I think / do not think earning a lot of money is necessary to be successful because there are /aren’t people who are looked upon as successful even though they do not make a lot of money. A person can be regarded as successful if …

For example, …

Sample short responses:
1) I do not think earning a lot of money is necessary to be successful because there are people who are looked upon as successful even though they do not make a lot of money. A person can be regarded as successful if the person is leading a happy decent life which most people would wish to be theirs.
For example, a devoted scientist who is happily married can be successful even though he does not earn enough to enjoy extravagance. His life is full of joy because he is doing what he wants to do and he has life. He has a purpose in life and makes efforts for it day by day. Even if it is not the case that his research is sure to see a breakthrough in his lifetime, he is still happy because he knows that what he is doing is part of a large current of a scientific pursuit in which he shares his interest and passion with his numerous associates around the world, including those in the past. If a person earns sufficiently and lives a respectable, fulfilling life, he can be called a successful person.

2) I do not think earning a lot of money is necessary to be successful because there are people who are looked upon as successful even though they do not make a lot of money. A person can be regarded as successful if the person earns respect from the world by doing what he believes right. Many artists and musicians young people aspire to be like in the future were never rich.
For example, Vincent van Gogh is one of the most famous and successful artists. His paintings are sold at high prices. It might be difficult to find a museum of modern art without a Gogh. Department stores have retrospectives of van Gogh as often as those of Impressionists and almost all the school textbooks introduce his life and art. However, he never became rich by selling his paintings while he was alive. What makes him successful is that he knew his artistic experiment was on the right track and made the world recognize it through his works. Although he was not happy in his private life and he was never rich, his life was successful as an artist.

Sample Conclusion:
(Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, p.322)
When we think of history, there are few people we remember simply because they were rich. Overall, we remember people who did something with their lives―that were influential in politics, or contributed to science or art or religion. If history is the ultimate judge of success, then money surely isn’t everything.


Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/07/11  -I do not want to be delusional, so I think I will forget this incident and others as I have before. I just record this just because I know I will forget this soon unless I do so.-

I did not want to sound deranged and have refrained from recoding this but not it seems possible that my place has been broken into.

I am not good at finding things and always suspect myself when something is missing, but this time it is too obvious for me to miss.

I found right now the textbooks I missed last Sunday next to the textbooks that I looked at expecting them to be there. TOEFL summer I – III 2009 next to 2010. My school alternates textbook contents every other summer and I wanted to see the writing topics of the summer 2009 and looked for them in vain. I guessed some of the topics through memos but the preparation was inefficient. I got this year’s textbooks last Wednesday and now I found the whole set of 2009 textbooks in the middle of the shelf next to 2010 textbooks. I remember I even spoke out loud that odd year summer textbooks should have been there because I had been keeping the textbooks for earlier reference.

The same kind of thing happened this spring. Spring section (lesson 1-10) of writing class memos of tips and procedures I used to use in class were missing despite my repeated search till half of the classes were over, when they appeared on top of the memo file neatly.

I could keep on writing a few other suspicious events related to class supplements in the past I remember, mainly my original supplements for TOEIC, but that might have been due to my carelessness, although I remember when I noticed the accidents such as the page was upside down, one of the student grinned even though I gave no reaction to the finding.

I do not want to be delusional, so I think I will forget this incident and others as I have before. I just record this just because I know I will forget this soon unless I do so.

(One last thing, my room smelled like a man’s foot when I got home last Saturday, which I just thought because of the heat and humidity, but this has happened many time in the past, too, even in winter. I have been washing my soles clean, especially the area between toes, since my twenties. Also, a man kept speaking loudly with a few other people right under my window until I closed them quietly on Saturday night.)

Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/07/08 Slept from 23:30-7:00 (7.5 hrs). Do not remember any attacks. Very little eye problem, although very sleepy.

2011/07/09 Slept from 2:00-6:30 (4.5 hrs). Several stubbing electric attacks into the center of my brain that made my head role a little on my pillow which might have been placed on my laptop. Very fast fluorescent light blinking like flashes in my eye when I woke up. Noises in my head were loud but not wavy. A little funny feelings in my front teeth.

Went to work for a special private lesson for an English interview at the Funabashi branch. Although harassment on the way to and back and in the street were few, those who harassed me showed as wicked a face as those I used to see everywhere till recently.

2011/07/10 Slept from 12:30-3:30 and 7:30-9:30 (3+2 hrs). A strong electric shock hit my upper body when I lay with my left hand placed on my chest a few minutes after I went up to the loft. After I placed my head on my laptop pillow, a few singing shocks came to my brain.

2011/07/11 Slept from 2:00-7:30 (5.5 hrs). A strong fit of the whole body probably caused by the attack when I woke up to find myself lying away from the safer spot, away from the center of the room, deeper inside the loft. Several stinging shocks in the brain.


Class Supplement, TOEFL Essay, L 13, 2011

Writing Topic 1
Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Let’s think
A historic building helps us remember incidents, an era, and the related people. Every city has many old, historic buildings and people have valued them, but it often happens that they have to give them up for development. Remember seeing an old structure surrounded by modern buildings. Did you like the scene? If you did not like it, do you still think the city should keep it? Why?

Your short response:
It is better
because …

For example,

If we lose the building,


♦old, historic buildings
1. They represent our culture, history, and identity. To lose them is to lose all these intangible assets of ours.
2. They help us learn from the past more effectively than textbooks.
3. Many old buildings have their distinct beauty.
4. They benefit tourism.

♦modern buildings
1. They are stronger, cleaner, and more durable than old buildings.
2. The street view will be more orderly.

Sample short response:
It is better not to destroy old, historic buildings.
because they effectively help us learn from the past.
For example, the Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima is a tangible proof of the horror of nuclear weapons. Its bear “dome” on top whose curved steel beams indicate that it was covered with some materials and was a real dome a second before the bomb was dropped. The river next to the building is where people whose whole bodies were engulfed by fire jumped into to escape from pain and thirst and drowned.
If we lose the building, this story of horror, a strong message for disarmament, will seldom be told but in books. The city of Hiroshima is now thriving and is full of modern buildings, seemingly oblivious of the tragedy, which actually will never free the mind of the citizens, not to speak of the souls of the dead.
Therefore, we need to preserve the building to preserve our history and to save our future.

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, p.281)
Of course a city should preserve its old, historic buildings. New buildings can always be built, but old ones can never be replaced. They are usually more beautiful than modern buildings, they represent the city’s history, and they can even help the city by attracting tourists. Historic buildings should always be preserved.

Old buildings are usually very beautiful. Depending on when they were built, they show different periods of architecture. They have a lot of character. They were made by hand, the old-fashioned way. You can feel the person and lives of the people who built them and of the people who have lived and worked in them. Modern buildings, on the other hand, are usually not so beautiful. They seem like impersonal giants that have no character.

Old buildings represent a city’s history. Important things may have taken place in an old building. Maybe a peace treaty was signed there or an important meeting took place. A famous person may have lived there. Maybe it was a former president or a famous writer. When we have historic buildings around us, we learn more about our history and we appreciate it.

Old buildings attract tourists to a city. People want to see old buildings because they are beautiful or because important things happened in them. If a city has a lot of old, interesting buildings, many tourists will visit the city. That is good for the city’s economy. People usually don’t visit a city in order to see its modern buildings.

A city’s old, historic buildings are among its greatest treasures. They are a source of beauty and a representations of history. It would be a crime to try to replace them.
Writing Topic 2
If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Let’s think
Paying less for an employee is more preferable for an employer for and obvious reason: He can cut costs. How about difference between an experienced worker and an inexperienced one? Is an experienced worker worth the extra money? Is lack of experience just a disadvantage?

Your short response:
I would hire …
because …

On the other hand, …

It is true that …


Ideas and Expressions
♦Advantages of hiring an inexperienced worker
1. Paying lower salary will save you money. Loss of money caused by mistakes inexperienced workers make can be avoided by training and communication.
2. He would be easier to train than an experienced worker because he is more ready to accept the company culture while an experienced worker often has difficulty in unlearning what he has already acquired in his previous work places.
3. He would work harder because he wants to learn anything related to his job and wants to be noticed.

♦Advantages of hiring an experienced worker
1. It lowers the risk of wasting the recruiting expenses. You would not know exactly how competent an inexperienced worker would be no matter how careful you are. He might be tardy or quit during the probation. Experienced workers are survivors. The fact that they have been in the industry for a long time shows that they have good work ethic, have no personality problems, and can do the job well enough.
2. He is valuable as an asset. Skills, knowledge, and the network of personal connections he has would be priceless for your company.

Sample short response:
I would hire an experienced worker at a higher salary.
because he can start work on the day he is hired. He knows what to do with his new position without asking other workers many questions.
On the other hand, inexperienced worker takes time to be full-fledged. He needs to be trained, which costs you time and money, and he will still need to learn on the job.
It is true that paying a high salary would reduce profit,
but, considering the cost for training and possible losses and damages caused by mistakes made by the inexperienced worker, I think giving the job to a person who is familiar with it would cost less in the long run.

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s, Writing for the TOEFL iBT, pp. 282-283)
If I were an employer, I would prefer to hire an inexperienced worker at a lower salary. Of course it would save me money, at least at first. I could also train an inexperienced person exactly as I want, and he or she might be willing o work longer hours, as well.

As an employer, my first concern is money. I have to make sure the business brings in more money than it spends. When I save on salaries, I save a lot of money. I don’t want to pay my employees less than the salary they expect, but I want to save on salaries when I can. Hiring inexperienced workers is one way to do this.

I like to train my employees to work according to my company’s methods. Experienced people are used to doing things a certain way. If they get their experience at another company first, it is hard to change their methods when they come to my company. It is much easier to train inexperienced workers to follow my company’s methods.

I don’t like to ask my employees to work overtime, but sometimes I have to. Sometimes we have a lot of work to do in a short period of time. Inexperienced workers want to gain experience, so they more often volunteer to work extra hours.

People may think it is not good for a company to hire inexperienced workers, but I disagree. I think everyone benefits this way. The workers get training and experienced and the company saves money. I think it is the best plan.


It seems to me that the young artists who did this (read the following notes) wanted to pay tribute to a great artist, though many people seem to be offended by their performance.

The artist whose anti-nuclear mural got an addition depicting smoke coming from crippled nuclear reactors in Fukushima for a short time in Shibuya, Tokyo, two months ago, was a man of pure mind and passion. He would have rushed to see and enjoy this witty stunt from his home, which was within walking distance from the site.

Tokyo-based artists confess nuclear art stunt (Down.com)

岡本太郎「明日の神話」+ 福島第一原発事故バージョン (YouTube)


Species Xenophobia

How gullible I am! I read the idea in a textbook and have believed in it till now.

The idea of “invasive” species wiping out native species is a “species xenophobia,” according to June 9th, 2011, Nature Podcast. It is based on no scientific data.

A lot of money has been spent in vain to get rid of non-native species which were supposed to be doing harm to the environment, because those new comers are actually not affecting the native species very much and sometimes even doing good to them. Also, even when they are doing harm, there are not really effective ways to remove them once they have established their position in their new environment. It is rather practical to accept the new ecosystem with the new species.

People put two phenomena, a decreasing number of a local species and an increasing number of species which is not indigenous, and concluded that the latter is related to the former, the same thinking of causal relationship between a flue and a surge of immigrants from a certain country.

What is problematic and scary is that the information, the idea of invasive species, has ended up being written in a textbook and I, and probably other readers of the textbook, assumed that it was a scientifically proved fact.

09 June 2011:
This week, cyber warfare, species xenophobia and the chemistry of water. Plus, the best of the rest from this week's Nature.


Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2100/07/06 Slept from 12:30-5:00 (4.5 hours). Some shocks but less problem during daytime, except for extreme sleepiness and needle-like sensation in my feet..

2011/07/07 Slept from 1:45 -8:30 (7 hours). Some stinging shock right after I laid myself and realized I had put my head away from my laptop pillow. Little funny feelings after I woke up in the morning.


Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/07/05 Slept 1+2 hours in total between 2:00 and 5:00. Electric attacks disturbed my sleep all night. When I went to bed in the loft and put my head on the pillow placed on my old laptop, rather strong flashes started blinking in my eyes. They kept blinking for a while with a rhythm like 4x3. Then attacks on my lower head, legs and arms started and lasted all night. Worked all day. Left home around 5:30 in the morning. and got home around20:00.

Since I started sleeping with my head on my laptop, I think eye fatigue reduced, but I still feel as if I am wearing thick woolen socks though I’m wearing thin nylons when I’m walking around outside.
I’m working from 9:30 to 21:30 and leave home around 5:30 a.m. tomorrow.

Same Old Story

Prominent Climate Change Skeptic Received Over $1 Million From Oil, Coal Companies
Greenpeace has revealed that one of the world’s most prominent scientific figures to be skeptical about climate change has admitted to being paid more than $1 million in the past decade by major U.S. oil and coal companies. The climate skeptic — Willie Soon — works as an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics. Since 2001, he has received money from ExxonMobil, the American Petroleum Insitute and Koch Industries along with Southern, one of the world’s largest coal-burning utility companies.


Class Supplement, TOEFL Essay, Fiction vs. Nonfiction

Writing Topic

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts. use specific reasons and details to support your opinion.

Helps acquire power to know the truth
Helps understand reality: It is true that the world depicted or created in fiction is limited by the author’s values and perception of the world, or his or her background, readers’ understanding of the world is inferior to those of novelists and thus fiction is useful enough to for most people to comprehend the world. In fact, even when the reader and the writer share the same levels of intelligence, since no one is the same, the reader might still benefit from reading what is in the writer’s mind.

Develops creativity: It is well known that many scientists and engineers attribute their passion for science to their childhood experience of treading science fiction novels. Good works of fiction give science visions to realize and direction to follow.
A piece of fiction itself is in itself a set of a raw data of a great mind and his time.

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s, Writing for TOEFL iBT, pp. 316-317)
It is just as important to read fiction as nonfiction. Fiction can actually teach us about real things. It also helps develops our creativity and express our emotions. These things are just as important as learning about facts.

Fiction can teach us about real things and give us a deeper understanding of them. Nonfiction tells us only facts. Novels on the other hand, can tell us some facts and also about what those facts mean, or meant, to real people. Reading novels by Charles Dickens, for example, helps us really understand the consequences of poverty in Victorian England.

Fiction helps us develop our creativity. When we read stories, we try to imagine what he places and characters look like. We try to imagine what it feels like to live a character’s life. Developing creativity is just as important as knowing a lot of facts.

Fiction helps us understand and express our emotions. When we read romances or tragedies or comedies, we read about feeling that we ourselves have. Reading helps us explore these feeling amore. It gives us a mirror for our emotional lives.

It is important to learn facts, but it is also important to develop creativity and explore feelings, Reading fiction as well as nonfiction helps us do this. We should all read a wide range of thins to deepen our understanding of ourselves and of the world around us.

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s, Writing for TOEFL iBT, pp. 316-317)
It is just as important to read fiction as nonfiction. Fiction can actually teach us about real things. It also helps develops our creativity and express our emotions. These things are just as important as learning about facts.

Fiction can teach us about real things and give us a deeper understanding of them. Nonfiction tells us only facts. Novels on the other hand, can tell us some facts and also about what those facts mean, or meant, to real people. Reading novels by Charles Dickens, for example, helps us really understand the consequences of poverty in Victorian England.

Fiction helps us develop our creativity. When we read stories, we try to imagine what he places and characters look like. We try to imagine what it feels like to live a character’s life. Developing creativity is just as important as knowing a lot of facts.

Fiction helps us understand and express our emotions. When we read romances or tragedies or comedies, we read about feeling that we ourselves have. Reading helps us explore these feeling amore. It gives us a mirror for our emotional lives.

It is important to learn facts, but it is also important to develop creativity and explore feelings, Reading fiction as well as nonfiction helps us do this. We should all read a wide range of thins to deepen our understanding of ourselves and of the world around us.

Supersonic/Electronic Weapon 不特定多数による長期にわたる原因不明の嫌がらせ(6)

2011/06/25 Slept 1:00-6:00 and 6:30-10:00 (8.5 hours). Prevented from sleeping by electric shock attacks. The phenomenon of my eyes seeing fluorescent-light-like flashes and fatigue all day.

2011/06/26 Slept 1:00-7:30 and 8:30-9:30 (7.5 hours). Prevented from sleeping by electric shock attacks. The phenomenon of my eyes seeing fluorescent-light-like flashes and fatigue all day.
Took TOEIC. Very few harassments.

2011/06/27 Slept 1:00-9:30 (8.5 hours). Prevented from sleeping by electric shock attacks. The phenomenon of my eyes seeing fluorescent-light-like flashes and fatigue all day. Not able to read a book on the train because of the eye-fatigue and sickness caused by the flickering lights coming into the train from many sources.

2011/06/28 Slept 2:00-8:00 (6 hours). Do not remember electric shock attacks. Not much eye fatigue. Was able to read on the train. Rather many more harassments and strange behaviors to me on the train probably because I commuted during hours different from those of my usual schedule (Pre-summer vacation time schedule has started in my school.)

2011/06/29 Slept 12:00-5:00 (5 hrs.) Piercing electric shock attacks in my legs all night.

2011/06/30 12:00-8:00 (8 hrs) Rather weak electric attacks in my head when I was falling asleep.
Took a nap for an hour or so in the evening. When I lay myself with my front down on the mattress on the floor, parts below my knees suddenly had an unnatural big fit and they jumped. When woke up, I felt the fluorescent light like flashes in my eyes and the noises in my head were loud and wavy.

2011/07/01 Slept 12:00-7:30 (7.5 hrs). Remember being attacked while asleep. One of the attacks gave me a big fit that twisted my whole body. When woke up, the noises in my head were loud and wavy. Felt rather good all day although sleepy.

2011/07/02 Slept 4:00-6:30 (2.5 hrs). Incessant electric attacks in my head when I was trying to sleep until I gave up and got up around 2:30 for more than 1 hour. Took a nap for about 1 hour in the afternoon. My front teeth felt funny till I went to bed.

2011/07/03 Slept 1:00-8:00 (7 hrs). Remember a few electric attacks when falling asleep and one when I woke up and thinking of getting up.

2011/07/04 Slept 4:00-9:00 (5hrs). Repeatedly prevented from sleep till 4:00 by electric shock attacks to legs and head. I may have fallen asleep a little bit several times between 1:30 and 3:00 but I remember my eyes having fluorescent light like flashes even though they are closed and the noises in my head were very loud and wavy.

A little before 4:00, I came up with an idea and put my old lap-top under my pillow in the end. Then exploding attacks accompanied by Goh! sound started hitting my body below my head. First to my right arm which was on top my body sleeping sideways, then everywhere else. I felt the sock in my lower head but eyes and the center of my brain were ok.

When I got up around 9:00, I saw little fluorescent light like flushes and the noises in my head were not loud and wavy. No funny feeling in my teeth, still not now, when I’m typing this at 13:15, although my legs feel funny, kind of piercing feelings throughout my lower leg muscles.


Class Supplement, TOEFL Essay, Pre-Summer 3

Writing Topic 1
What do you think are the most important qualities of a good neighbor? Support your essay with specific examples and details.

Let’s Think
The questions of the same type as today’s topic are as follows:
♦What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter?
♦What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)?
♦We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)?

The common denominators of the answers to these questions are words to express good human qualities such as trustworthy or decisive. The differences between the questions are the social statuses. Sons and daughters belong to their parents and have relationships with them based on love and life. The relationships of supervisors and their subordinates and those of co-workers are based mainly on work. The relationships of neighbors are based on community life. Then neighbors might be those whose relationships to you are between these of your families and coworkers. What are the things that you expect in your neighbor to live a good community life? Have you ever had worst neighbors? What were they like? How did you wish they were?

☆Your short response:
I want my neighbors to be …

because …

For example,

Ideas and Expressions

humble, reserved
tolerant, open-minded
kind, gentle
sympathetic, humane
thoughtful, considerate
polite, courteous
honest, faithful, sincere
not selfish

Sample short response:
I want my neighbors to be tolerant
because modern society does not allow one to live next to those who are like oneself.
For example, the number of Indians has been increasing rapidly in my hometown in Tokyo over the past five years. Indian IT specialists are in high demand in our society and those who come to work in my country bring their families and customs with them. We sometimes find differences in such things as how to take out garbage. Through some experiences with these new neighbors concerning these matters, I have learned that although communication and rules can help prevent differences from developing into conflicts, we need to be open-minded first to use communication skills and rules well. We need to know some of our rules might make no sense to some people just as theirs do not to us. We need to have a warm heart and need to be ready to accept fundamentally everything about our neighbors before we start talking and applying rules.

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s Writing for the TOEFL iBT, pp.252-253)

Writing Topic 2
Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like to be with friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? Use specific reasons to support your answer.

Let’s Think
This question is about your preference. Preferences seem too obvious to explain while they are often difficult to understand to others, especially those who do not know you well. This is probably because preference is personal. Without background information, things become difficult to understand. Your raters do not know you at all, so you have to provide as much background information related to your preference as possible to satisfy your raters, to get good scores.

Paragraph Development
Paragraph development is a key to giving sufficient background information. If a paragraph has only one sentence or two, it lacks some essential sentences such as supporting details (background information), or the main idea. A sample of a paragraph development is as follows:

【Main Idea of the Paragraph】 A sentence which represents the paragraph briefly
【Explanation of Main Idea】 A sentence which shows what you mean by the main idea
【Supporting Detail / Example】 A sentence which provides a specific example
【Follow up of Supporting Detail / Example, including Counter-arguments】 A sentence which makes up for some information lacking in the example in case it is necessary
【Conclusion of the Paragraph】 A sentence which wraps up the paragraph briefly

Sample paragraph development:
【Main Idea of the paragraph】 Spending time with friends is good for my mind.
【Explanation of Main Idea】 Interaction with my friends makes my mind work properly.
【Supporting Detail / Example】 When I am depressed or restless, I go out to see my friends. As I spend time with them, chatting, watching movies, or playing games together, I gradually regain my confidence and energy.
【Follow up of Supporting Detail / Example, including Counter-arguments】 It does not matter whether I share my problems with my friends or not. Just being with them does the trick.
【Conclusion of the Paragraph】 Friendship helps keep my mind healthy.

☆Your test paragraph development:
【Main Idea of the Paragraph】

【Explanation of Main Idea】

【Supporting Detail / Example】

【Follow up of Supporting Detail / Example, including Counter-arguments】

【Conclusion of the Paragraph】

Essay for Ideas and Expressions
(Barron’s Writing for the TOEFL iBT, p.308)